Status: completed

Those ***ing Blowpops

Part 1

Those fucking blowpops…I HATE those damn blowpops-with a passion! It's not the taste I have a problem with, don't get me wrong I love eating them…I just wish Jayy didn't love them as much.

The problem is he doesn't eat them like a normal person, sticking it into your mouth and lightly sucking or licking. No, he has to eat it like a porn star, which given his background I can't blame him for, but lately it's been affecting me in a not-so-pleasant way.

And today is no different. After one of our concerts a couple of fans ran up to get autographs. We were all too happy to sign until I noticed one of them carrying a giant bag of blowpops, that's when my heart dropped to my stomach. Blushingly she gave them to Jayy and the smile that came over his face…you just have to see it. It was so adorable and sweet I nearly forgot about the upcoming torture I was soon to be enduring at the hotel.

Driving the car was like hell. Jayy immediately tore into the bag, pulled out a blowpop, and began licking and sucking like no tomorrow. "Oh my god, I've been wanting one of these aaaalllll day. What luck, huh? I just love our fans," he said between licks, smiling like it was a gift from Santa himself…(or Satan with my luck). "Yeah, unbelievable" I responded slightly sarcastic while trying my best to suppress rolling my eyes. "Are you ok, Dahves?" he said with a worried look in eyes. He just looked so sweet and caring I couldn't stay mad. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's been a long day and I just wanna get back to the hotel and rest." (and do other things…). "Oh, ok. Hope you feel better." Returning back to his lollipop to ravish it with more of his talented tongue.

We drove back mostly in silence, me stealing glances out of the corner of my eye. Just watching him swirl his tongue around that lollipop, sucking it so hard his cheeks would hollow…that sent my hormones into overdrive. Thank god for these baggy shorts I wore, otherwise he would definitely be noticing something by now. Man, I really want to feel his mouth right now…At this point I've given up on the idea of gay or straight. I just want pleasure and damn it, he's the only one I want it from. I don't care about girls, I just want him!

We got back to the hotel and quickly as possible I headed to our shared room. If I wanted any chance of privacy it's now or never. "I'm gonna head to bed now. See you in the morning" I called out before shutting the door. I can just imagine him standing there, new blowpop in hand, looking confused as I practically sprinted into our room. I stripped down to boxers as quickly as I could and got under the covers, just in case because I still had enough brains left to think that far ahead. I closed my eyes and moved my hand down to my shaft. I didn't even bother with teasing, right now I just wanted release so bad it physically hurt! I didn't even try to pretend I wasn't thinking about Jayy. His mouth and lips are just so fucking perfect…it's like they were made to give blow jobs. I pumped fiercely as I imagined him sliding his tongue down my chest. "Oh god, yesss…." I whispered as slipped further into my fantasy.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked with an innocent look on his face but still had his passionate, devilish eyes. "Please Jayy…suck me" I whimpered. "Are you sure?" he asked, getting some kind of enjoyment out of this, but slipping his hand down to grab my dick. "Yes, it's all I've wanted" I moaned out. "Well then, who am I to deny you of your deepest desire?" he lowered his head and gave me a lusty, sinful smirk before licking the tip. I threw my head back at the pleasure and moaned out "please…more, Jayy."

"As you wish…" he whispered sounding rather realistic for a fantasy. I opened my eyes and was shocked to see him above me. I felt my face heating up and I knew I was red as a tomato. All my feelings of guilt, fear and shame came rushing into my brain and I felt my eyes getting watery. "I'm sorry" I croaked out before a few tears fell.
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if you catch any missing or mispelled words, please let me know so i can change it. but tell me where it needs corrected not just that it's wrong.