‹ Prequel: Someone To Save Me

You Can Fight Fate, You Just End Up Losing


I stood on the door step waiting, listening to the heavy footsteps approaching. When the door opened I looked into the deep brown eyes of the boy I have loved with my entire life.

“Addie” he smiled.

“Hi Tanner.”

“What are you doing here?” he said wrapping me up in his arms.

“What I have to have an excuse to visit my best friend?”

“No of course not, I just thought you were in school.”

“Just finished the semester. I’m officially done with my Junior year of college.”

“That’s great Adds.”

“Are you going to invite me in or am I going to have to stay on the porch all night?”

“Of course come in! I have to warn you though some of the guys are here.”

“Oh no problem” I smiled.

“Tanner who’s . . . well hello.”

“Guy this is Addison, we’ve known each other since we were babies.”

“Holy Shit, you’re dad is my hockey hero” one of the guys said instantly bringing Tanner and my father into the discussion. “I mean the Golden Goal in the 2010 Olympics. EPIC!”

“Thanks. That’s daddy” I said rolling my eyes in Tanner’s direction. “Tanner I’ve missed you! How’s school been?”

“Good, but you know I’m just doing this to satisfy my parents.”

“I know but at least you’re still working on the hockey thing, and when you do get into the NHL it will be on pure talent not because you’re Kris Letang’s son” I said with a reassuring smile.

“This is why you’re my best friend” he replied pulling me into his side.

Alright so I know that you probably remember the story of our parents, my mom the sports photographer/writer/whatever, and my dad the Next One, Golden Boy and their friends. It’s a lot to live up to but luckily I’ve had a friend like Tanner my entire life. Both of us with famous fathers, and kids that only wanted to be our friends because of that. Tanner has always been the one person that I could go to when I needed someone, and vice versa.

“Tanner baby I’m home” I heard from the entry followed by a chorus of groans and me being pushed away from him. I looked up at him confused, he’s never pushed me away before. When the beach blonde overly skinny and overly tanned girl walked in and threw her arms around him; I was even more confused. This is the type of girl that we’d make fun of on vacation.

“Kelsey this is Addison, our parents our friends” he said, with an apologetic look on his face.

“Oh, hi” she said with a fake smile. “It so good to meet you.”

“Yea, you too” I replied still shocked.

“Baby lets go out and party. I feel like dancing.”

“I have practice in the morning.”

“Daddy won’t mind if I come with you. Please” she said with a pout.

“You have got to be kidding me” I muttered.

“What was that?” she asked looking annoyed and frankly pissed off.

“You’re kidding me right? Tanner turning down a party . . .” I covered with a smile.

“See Tan, even she thinks it’s a good idea.”

“Fine we’ll go out. Nothing fancy just a regular bar.”

“No a club” she said in an annoyingly high pitched voice. All I could do was turn towards the guys and fake shoot myself.

“Fine” Tanner replied before she squealed and literally bounced out of the room. “What the hell Addie?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw that.”

“Sorry, but it wasn’t directed towards you.”

“Yes it was Adds. You don’t know her so how about you not judge her.”

“I’m not judging her Tan.”


“You know what, forget it. Let’s just go get ready.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Are you guys super stoked for this or what? =)

Sorry it took a little while. Between work, meeting with academic advisors (Because I've decided to go back to school YEAH ME!) church and my season tickets to the Blue Jackets (it's all we have in Columbus don't judge, I was really hoping to have a penguins game here) I've been so bust but no worries I'm here now. And so is Addie and Tanner!

Comments please, I haven't finished writing the story so if you have any suggestions let me know I'm open to whatever you throw at me! I love you guys!