‹ Prequel: Someone To Save Me

You Can Fight Fate, You Just End Up Losing

Wish you were here.

Once I was on the ice I snapped a picture and sent it to Tanner with the caption of ‘wish you were here’. I shoved my phone into a pocket of my shorts I wore under my hockey gear, and put on the helmet my dad insisted I wear, making sure that my hair was up out of the way.

“Who’s the new guy?” I heard from the bench as I skated by.

“I don’t know but he’s fast, damn.”

“Quit gawking boys and get out there” daddy said. “Warm up let’s go laps.”

“Who’s the new guy coach?”

“87!” I heard him call from a few feet away. “There’s only one person I would let wear my number.”

“Yea Daddy?” I said coming to a stop, leaving my helmet on I scanned the group.

“You want to join the guys today and show them how we do things?”

“Really can I?”

“Yep” he nodded.

“Sweet Thanks daddy” I said smiling as the guys all kept looking at me. “What have you never seen girl before?” I asked taking off my helmet and staring them down.

“Of course.”

“Well yea . . .”

“It’s just. . .”

“We’ve heard . . .”

“You’re the daughter.”

“You’re so articulate its ridiculous” I said sarcastically. “I’m constantly amazed at how well your team speaks dad.”

“She’s a sarcastic shit boys” daddy explained.

“No shit” I heard one say under his breath. I gave him a look showing that I wasn’t amused or impressed at all.

“We going to do this or what old man?” I said pulling my helmet back on and buckling it tightly. “Time to show these boys what it’s like to play this sport against a Crosby.” I heard a few of the chuckle and scoff at my comment only fueling my desire to show them that their preconceived impression of me was very wrong. If I was a man I would already be playing in the NHL just like daddy. I gave my dad a look he knew all too well. They were beginning to piss me off and I had to prove them wrong.

“Well Addison is already warmed up what are the rest of you waiting for?”

“I hope that they’re ready to get shown up.”

“You have that competitive look in your eyes.”

“I don’t like people to underestimate me because I’m a girl. It’s bullshit” I said toying with the puck at my feet. “Center cool with you pops?”

“Yea, we’ll do a scrimmage . . .”

“If they’re lucky they’ll be on my team” I said, admittedly in a cocky tone. “12 looks strong.”

“Yea he’s promising.”



“Hmm, he looks more comfortable at D though . . .”

“Might have to try it out, we just brought him up.”

“Just a thought” I shrugged before taking off around the outside edge of the rink passing the majority of the guys. After a few more minutes The guys were gathering around daddy and the rest of the staff.

“Addie pick our team” he shouted throwing the guys off.

“Alright 12 and 43 on D, 6, and 79 will be my wings, and 16 in net” I said skating a little ways away from the rest of the group.

“I’m not a defensive player” 16 said skating up to me.

“You are today” I said matter-of-factly. “Trust me 16.”

“It’s John.”

“Alright John, but you’re still playing D.”

“Ok, Miss Crosby. You better be good at this I’m too old to get shown up by those asshats” 43, aka Paul DiGuardia said.

“Please Paul we both know how good I am at this” I said smiling at the older man. “How much longer are you planning on denying the fact that I got all the Crosby talent?”

“We’ll see princess.”

“Wait you know her?” 6 asked Paul.

“She’s been hanging around here her entire life” Hunter, number 79, stated.

“Oh Hunt if you were about 8 years younger” I teased.

“And my name was Letang” he said with a smile.

“Ha. You’re just lucky that I picked your lazy ass for my team.”

“You’re not denying it?”

“It wouldn’t hurt your chances.”

“Have the two of you hooked up yet?” I didn’t answer and he continued. “Was it everything you dreamed of and more? Or did it fall short . . .”

“You’re taking the face-off right Addison?” Paul asked changing the subject while skating around keeping loose.

“Hell yea, I can’t wait to see the look on that smug bastards face when I kick his fucking ass” I said with a smirk.

“You really don’t like Kraus do you?”

“Nope, not at all. I can’t wait to put that ass in his place” I said letting them know exactly how I felt.

“Does that have anything to do with how he hits on you everytime you’re here?”

“Cocky bastard” I muttered before taking my spot at center ice.

“Hey beautiful” Kraus said with a wink.

“Don’t fucking start.”

“I’ll be easy on ya, because we’re going to be going at it later. It’s going to be rough and . . .”

“Over quickly. I’ve heard you were a little egar” I said with a fake pout. “Can’t keep it up Kraus?”

“You’re feisty, I like that.”

“You’re a tool” I said just before the puck was dropped. I rammed my shoulder into his side and got the puck to my team. I gave him a big shove before taking off towards the net as my team passed the puck back and forth. 6 shot the puck missing by a fraction of an inch, I got the rebound skating around the net away from Kraus, I deked once then got my chance for a real shot taking it instantly. There was a millisecond when everyone was silent then groans from the opposite team and cheers from my boys.

“Lucky shot beautiful.”

“Shut the fuck up you bastard” I said staring down Kraus. “You’re a worthless piece of shit. No wonder the entire league keeps passing you around no one wants to work with you. You’re fucking slow and you’re face-off percentage is worse than a 5year olds. Grow the fuck up and act like a fucking adult.”

“You know what Addison, go fuck Letang, he’s used to passing around whores.”

“What the fuck did you just say?” I asked throwing off my gloves.

“I believe that I just called you a whore and to go fuck Letang you know you want to Addison. He’s used to going from one whore to the next.”

“Shut the fuck up” I said punching him in the face repeatedly until I felt a pair of strong hands grab me pulling away from that ass. “You can let me go, I’m going to kill him.”

“You sure . . .”

“Yea, geeze Hunt. I may hate that bastard but damn I’m not going to kill anyone, I’m too pretty for jail.”

“Ha, true.”

“I hate that son of a bitch” I muttered skating up to daddy.

“Yea, too bad he’s a great athlete. That and the fact that we got the first round pick along with him.”

“Worked out for you. . .”

“Yea, and possibly Tanner” he said with a knowing smirk.

“Oh?” I asked trying to sound uninterested.

“We’ve sent scouts there a few times. To watch him.”

“Hmm, does he know this?”

“Probably not.”

“So if he gets drafted it’s just going to be a huge surprise?”

“Pretty much.”

“Nice” I said watching Kraus skate around with a pissed off look on his stupid face. “He’ll flip out.”

“Kind of the point I guess.”

“I guess now that I’ve cooled off a bit I should get back to the game huh?”

“Probably” he said tapping the top of my helmet.

“Hunt take the face-off” I said skating up to him. “Johnny” he moved closer, “do whatever it takes to lay that bastard on his ass, you know you want to.”

“True” he smiled.
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I'm on a roll today! 2 posts! Do you fee lucky or what?

comments please =)