‹ Prequel: Someone To Save Me

You Can Fight Fate, You Just End Up Losing

Wish you were here. Part 2.


I had just finished my last set when my phone buzzed, a new picture message from Adds, she looked adorable in her hockey gear her cheeks flushed from activity and her long lashes framing her impossibly bright eyes.

‘I wish I was there too’

‘I’m about to seriously injure Kraus’

‘I don’t doubt it’ I laughed knowing she would in a heart beat strangle that man. My money was on her to get a couple punches in.

‘he’s a no talent grade A tool’

‘well luckily you won’t have to spend too much time with him’

‘I can’t wait until Friday I want to see you. . .’ I wanted in that moment to pull her into my chest and hold her tight.

‘I can’t wait to see you either. Luckily the next holiday our families do together’

‘too bad daddy is very much against us being in a relationship.’

‘he’ll be fine once he sees how happy you are Addie. You’re his little peanut’

‘not so little anymore. His little peanut is all grown up and in love.’

‘love you too Adds.’

“Geeze Tanner you about plowed me over” my sister said a few feet behind me.

“Sorry Ren.”

“Who are you texting?”

“Addie” I answered without thinking. Damn it! Why didn’t I think about that before I said something?

“Oh really?”

“Yeah” I replied sliding my phone into my pocket.

“Some day you’re going to be hanging out and you’re just going to jump on her you know that right? You’re secretly attracted to her, you may not know it but you are. You can’t be friends for this long and not develop feelings for one another.”

“Addie and I are just friends Renee alright, how about you and mom leave it at that.”

“Boo, I’m going to laugh when I’m right though” she sang down the hall. I really wish Adds was here, that way I could stop them from saying anything and having to lie to my family. I want to hold her, kiss her, and never let her go. I want to spend as much time with her as I can, every second of every day I could spend with her and never get tired of her. I honestly could see her forever as my Addie.

I took the stairs up to my room needing a shower after my work out. I stood under the hot water for a few minutes just letting my muscles relax with the heat, thinking about Addison. I can’t wait until we tell our families, then I can relax, keeping this a secret was difficult for me, and probably even worse for Adds. Shutting off the water I stepped out of the shower quickly drying myself off before getting dressed in jeans and a shirt that Addie bought me from Chicago. She said something about having slept in it the night before so when I had put it on it smelled like her, like the majority of my shirts, Addie swam in them but the next time I wore it, the shirt smelled like her all day.

I placed my phone in my pocket and half jogged down the stairs seeing my dad sitting in his chair watching highlights from last nights games around the league.
“Someday that will be you Tanner” he said as I sat down.

“One can hope dad, one can hope.”

“You and Addie, when are you planning on telling your mother and everyone else?”

“What are you talking about?” I said looking at him in surprise.

“When I called last weekend she was there, she’s always there, more than before. I just assumed you finally got the nerve to ask her out.”

“Oh” I said trying to buy myself a little time.

“I won’t say anything but the sooner you do the better.”

“How . . . How is it that you pick up on it but no one else does?”

“Beats me” he shrugged turning his attention back to the TV. “She’s a good girl Tanner, don’t screw it up.”

“I don’t plan to” I replied with a chuckle.

“How’s the game going? You have to play your best all the time you never know when scouts will be at a game.”

“It’s going well, Addie has been practicing with me a lot. So much so that she could probably make the NHL too.”

“I don’t doubt that.”

“She doesn’t let me slow down at all on the ice. And she’s been helping me go left which I’ve never really been able to do.”

“She’s a good coach for you.”

“Yea the reward system doesn’t suck either” I said quieter, but apparently loud enough for him to hear since he let out one short laugh. Addie and I haven’t graduated past heavy make-out sessions but damn she’s a good kisser. God gave her those lips for a reason that’s for sure.

“Don’t let Sid hear you say that, you’ll be 6feet under before you get a chance to defend yourself.”

“Yea I have no doubt about that one” I said thinking back to the texts from earlier. I sent her a quick message letting her know that somehow my dad figured us out.

“He’s protective, but he’ll come around to the idea, it’s just going to take a while.”

“I hope it doesn’t take too long. Adds’ worried about it” I commented as my phone buzzed in my pocket.

‘tell poppy Tangs hi and to keep it quiet ;)’

‘no worries. Beat the crap out of Kraus yet?’

“Addie says hi” I said laughing, imagining her decking him right in the face.

‘oh yea. They had to pull me off of him. Bastard.’

‘only you Addie, I wish I was there to see it.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to post, our internet went out a week ago and they just got it back up.