‹ Prequel: Someone To Save Me

You Can Fight Fate, You Just End Up Losing

Happy New Year!

“10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone shouted around us, Tanner smiled and pulled me to him, his arms wrapped securely around my waist. His lips brushed softly against mine in a sweet and tender gesture.

“Happy New Year Addie” He whispered keeping his face close.

“Happy New Year Tanner” I replied with a smile. “I love you Tan.”

“And I you” he said, his smile widening. “You’re beautiful Adds, you looks amazing tonight.” I smiled, before giving him a quick kiss.

“You’re too sweet sometimes Tans.”

“I wasn’t saying that just to get you to kiss me, but I’m not complaining.”

“You look pretty damn good too. I love you in blue. You’re eyes are amazing, even more so when you wear it.”

“Now I think I might just wear only blue.”

“That would get boring real fast” I joked straightening his navy blue tie.

“True.” We stood there in the middle of the crowded room, looking into his eyes I felt at home. Where ever he was I felt home. “What are you thinking about Addie?” he whispered; his thumb brushing my jaw softly.

“Nothing you haven’t heard a million times already” I replied with a smile.

“Try me.”

“I love you. You’re my home Tan.”

“Addie” he said with a smirk. “You’re my home.” He pulled my face just an inch closer, the tip of his nose touching mine. “I love you, more than anything.”

“More than Hockey?”

“Surprisingly yes” he laughed.

“I have to talk to you about hockey Tan.”

“What about it?”

“While I was in Pittsburgh, I had a meeting with Uncle Mario.”


“Yea, he’s updating his will, his kids talked and they don’t want the team when he’s gone, just minor shares. So, he’s giving it to me. I’m going to be majority owner of the team after he goes.”

“What?” he said shocked taking a small step back, looking at me to make sure that I wasn’t kidding.

“This is real Tanner.”

“You are going to own the Pens?”

“Eventually, Yes.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“Nervous, but very excited.”

“You’ll be Kraus’ boss” he smiled.

“I know, he’ll hate it.”

“Addie it’s going to be awesome. . .”


“I’m just worried about my future, our future.”

“Don’t worry about it Tan. Just, we’ll figure it out when the time comes.”

“When will that happen?”

“Who knows. I would rather it be pretty far down the road. I don’t want to loose Uncle Mario. But then it might be good to get things going. Start sitting in on meetings and stuff, you know?”


“Tanner” I sighed, “what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know Addie. I’m worried that this might . . . You know how much I want to be a Penguin.”

“I know, it’s been you’re dream since before I can remember.”

“It was your dream too though” I nodded, it had been both of our dreams. “I just don’t want you to influence the decision on that.”

“I know. I thought about that too. I’m not going to be a part of the decision process until well after graduation. And any thing they discuss on you Tan, I’m not a part of.”

“I just don’t want to be passed up because they don’t want to make it look like favoritism. But I don’t want it to look like they choose me because I’m dating the soon to be owner either.”

“I completely understand.”

“Don’t be bummed Adds” he said placing his hand on my cheek. “This is still awesome. You love this game as much as the next person possibly more. You are the perfect person to own the team.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“I just don’t want to let everyone down” I said letting my head drop a little.

“You won’t” he replied lifting my face to meet his eyes. “You won’t Adds.”

“You’re amazing Tanner. I actually believe you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long. I'm not going to give you an excuse besides I've been neglecting you my readers. Sorry. but i think I've figured out how to move this a long a bit.

comment please. I love hearing what you all have to say.