‹ Prequel: Someone To Save Me

You Can Fight Fate, You Just End Up Losing

Birthday pt 1

The rest of the summer was a blur, we all went on vacation and by all I mean all- Uncle Staal and his family, Uncle Tangs and his, even Uncle Max showed up. Tanner and I have been inseparable, both in Pittsburgh, him for training and me to learn about the ins and outs of the place I would one day be owner of. It’s going to be a lot of work, but I feel like it’s going to all be worth it to spend my time in the arena I grew up in.

It’s the first game of the regular season tonight, pre-season was great Tanner earned a spot here rather than in Wilkes-Barre and he’s working very hard to keep that spot. Just seeing him on the ice, the way his face lights up like a young child on Christmas morning when his skates hit the ice and it makes my heart melt to know he’s living his dream.

Tomorrow is Tanner’s birthday, and the following day is mine. Luckily we have 2 days off before a week long road trip. I have a surprise party planned, just a few people from the team and our old friends, hopefully he loves it. I think he’s planning something for me too but I’m not sure. Lately he’s been a little distant, keeping to himself, closing the computer when I walk into the room, he’s ended calls abruptly, and has left the apartment we’re sharing several times without telling me. It’s weird. I don’t know what’s going on with him.

“Addie, we’ve got to go” he said walking down the stairs in his suit. Grey slacks, a baby blue shirt, sliver tie, and a matching grey vest no jacket.

“Well don’t you look handsome.”

“Gee thanks Adds” he smiled. “Are you ready to go?”


“You’re not wearing my jersey?” he asked in a hurt tone.

“Baby it’s in the car” I smiled, placing my hand on his cheek. “You’re too handsome. I love you so much Tanner.” I felt my eyes water.

“What’s wrong Addison?”

“Nothing to worry about. We need to get you to the game.”

“Addie, what is it?”

“Tanner, later.”

“Tell me or I’m not going to the game.”

“Tanner Luc Letang! You’re going! Now!”

“Tell me” he said stubbornly.

“Fine, you’re distant lately ok. I don’t know what’s going on but damn it Tanner you’re freaking me out!”

“I’m distant?” he asked confused. “Adds, I don’t mean to be. I’ve been planning on what to do for your birthday. I want it to be special. I want you to have a good time.”

“I’ve been freaking out over nothing then?”

“Pretty much baby.”

“Well damn” I smiled, “We have to go. Like now.”

“Yes we do.”

Ok so I’ve been over thinking things per usual. Why would I think that Tanner is talking to another girl or hiding anything from me? What’s going to be so special about my birthday? I hope he’s not doing a surprise party too. That would be weird, but something we would totally do.

“What’s going on tomorrow Adds?” he asked as we drove.

“Just a nice dinner with a couple of friends, maybe club after depending on what you want to do of course. I made reservations at Charlie’s for 7.”

“Nice baby. That sounds perfect.”

“What about the next night?”

“Surprise, just dress nice.”

“Dress nice?”

♠ ♠ ♠
part 2 to come!