‹ Prequel: Someone To Save Me

You Can Fight Fate, You Just End Up Losing

Rude Awakening

“Wake up you whore” I heard feeling something hard hit my legs.


“I said wake the hell up whore” she said again.

“What’s your problem?” I asked Kelsey.

“You, you are my problem. Stay the hell away from my boyfriend.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I woke up to an empty bed and found my boyfriend with you instead. Leave him the hell alone.”

“Seriously! Maybe if you hadn‘t passed out completely shit faced last night you wouldn‘t have had to worry about it!”

“You’re a skank, Stay the hell away from my boyfriend.”

“He’s my best friend I’ve known him longer then anyone. I trump you.”

“I give him a whole lot more then you do.”

“Yea but what I give him doesn’t require a doctors visit and high doses of antibiotics.”

“What is going on here?” Tanner yelled.

“Ask your girlfriend because quiet frankly I don’t have the slightest idea” I said walking out of the room. It wasn’t even a minute later when Tanner came up behind me.

“I have to talk to you” he said placing his hands on the door frame. I turned towards him slightly worried. “You have to go Addie. I’m sorry but you have to go.”


“I can’t choose you over her right now.”

“So she gave you an ultimatum, and you chose her over me.”

“Adds its not that simple.”

“No Tanner it is that simple” I said with water collecting in my eyes. “I can’t believe that you would do this. . .”

“I’m sorry Ad . . .”

“No, no you’re not” I pushed past him and grabbed my things from the room walked past Kelsey and out to my car.


“I’m leaving just like you want Tanner. If I forgot anything send it to Cole Harbor” I said flatly before climbing into the car and driving off. I can’t believe that he picked her over me. I did nothing wrong and he chose her over me his supposed best friend. What does he see in her.

Hours Later.


“Addie sweetheart. Are you in Wisconsin? How’s Tanner?”

“I’m not there, anymore. You’re still in Montreal right?”

“Yea, for a couple more days. Why sweetie?”

“Tanner . . . Well, I had to get out of there and I’m on my way.”

“Addison, where are you?”

“Somewhere in Michigan.”

“When did you leave?”

“Early I’m not sure.”

“What happened sweetheart?”

“He chose her over me . . .” I said pulling off the highway at a Truck stop.


“Tanner . . .”

“What did he do?” she asked firmly.

“What did who do?” I heard from the other end.

“Tanner . . .”

“What did he do now?”

“I don’t know I’m trying to figure that out. Addison sounds like she’s on the verge of tears. She’s driving through Michigan on her way here right now and I have no idea why. . .”


“Is she alright? What happened?”

“I don’t know. She said that he chose her, whoever that is, over my Addie.”


“What sweetie?”

“Can you pay attention please?” I asked breaking down inside my car.

“Awe sweetie.”


“Aunt Jane?” I said tears running down my face.

“What happened? Take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong.”

“It was great, we went out and his girlfriend got so drunk she passed out in the car so he put her in bed and we stayed up for a while talking and fell asleep in the guestroom. I woke up to her calling me a whore and as I was trying to keep my cool when Tanner came over and they talked for a couple minutes before he came over and told me that I had to go. She gave him an ultimatum and he chose her. And now I feel like I’ve lost my best friend” I said in a long string letting myself break down immediately after.

“Oh sweetie.”

“He’s my best friend Aunt Janie . . .”

“I know Addie. He’s stupid.” I let out a strained laugh. “I know that he’s my son and I just called him stupid but he is. You two will work this out. He’s going to realize what a huge mistake he made, if he hasn’t already.”

“He hasn’t tried to call or anything. Not that I would answer.”

“He will.”

“I hope so.”

“He will. Now, you take a little break and get here so I can see my favorite niece.”

“It’s going to be a while still.”

“Well obviously Addie.”

“I’ll get there as soon as I can. Thank you Aunt Jane.”

“No problem sweetie, we’ll be waiting for you.”

“Please don’t yell at him and make things worse.”

“I can’t promise anything.”

“See you soon.”

“See you soon” she said hanging up.

I checked my reflection in the mirror made some minor adjustments and went in to buy something to eat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took a while. I'm trying to add stuff here and there to make it a bit longer.

Comment please =)