‹ Prequel: Someone To Save Me

You Can Fight Fate, You Just End Up Losing


“Addie, what’s going on? Where’s Tanner?” Aunt Janie asked rushing in. “Sweetheart why are you in the bed?”

“Tanner is getting X-rays, they don’t see, they just think that he has a couple broken ribs. Ummm, he’s going to be fine” I said taking a deep breath.

“Addie why are you in that bed?” she asked again.

“Well. . . Mom’s on her way right?”

“She’s parking the car.”

“Good because I’m in labor. My water broke about 10minutes ago” I replied, rubbing my belly. “As soon as they are done, they’re going to bandage Tan up and move us to labor and delivery.”

“Oh, Addie” she said her eyes brimming with tears. “I have to tell Kris and Sidney to get here soon. They have your hospital bag, and they need to bring Tanner a change of clothes.”

“Aunt Jane?”

“Yes, Addie?”

“Mom’s on her way right?”

“Of course she’s just parking” she said sitting next to me.

“Good because I’m freaking out here. Tanner’s hurt and we’re about to have 3 babies. I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Yes you can. Addison Grace Letang, you can do this.”

“It’s terrifying.”

“I know, it was tough with one, but you and Tanner can handle it. You two are amazing together, you’re going to be great parents. And you have a huge family to help you out.”

“True. Thank you” I smiled seeing my mom run to the room. “Hey mom.”

“Addie, are you ok, what’s going on? I asked at the desk and they said that both of you were admitted and in this room . . . You’re in labor?”

“Yes” I smiled as Aunt Janie squeezed my hand.

“Oh my” she said covering her mouth with her hand.

“I know right Katie!” Aunt Jane squealed.

“Oh looks like the cavalry has arrived” I heard my husband say from the doorway.

“Tanner Luc Letang! How dare you scare us all like that! And poor Addie, not only does she have to stress about having triplets but you now too!” his mom scolded.

“I didn’t really plan this mom” he said standing gingerly from the wheelchair to sit on the foot of the bed, resting his hands on my feet giving them a little rub.

“Mr. Letang we’re going to wrap up your ribs, because I don’t think that the Mrs is going to last much longer down here before wanting an epidural” the nurse said. “They’ll come up with the results from the x-rays.”

“Is there a possibility of him getting something to wear? The underarm our might be a bit distracting” I asked sending him a wink. “She’s right about the epidural though” I added feeling another contraction hit. “Holy mother. . . “

“You know those stupid breathing exercises we made fun of Adds. Might want to try them now babe” he stated moving closer taking a hold of my hand. “Breathe baby.”

“Shut the hell up Tanner. Try having some one kick you in the balls and being told to just breathe” I said making our moms and the nurse laugh.

“Ok” he smiled.

“Sorry” I muttered wanting to go back in time and beat the hell out of Eve for eating that damned apple.

“It’s ok Adds” he said pressing a cold compress to my forehead.

After bandaging me up we were quickly moved to Labor and Delivery, and Addie was given her epidural. They did several checks on how the babies were positioned, prepping for a C-section if we needed it. Addie tried to get some sleep, but with the doctors checking in on her every hour I could tell she was not happy. You don’t wake my Adds up from a deep sleep, she gets crabby.

“Stupid people keep tell me to rest, don’t wake me up then!” she muttered pulling me closer to her. “Tan cuddle with me.”

“Is there room for all 5 of us in that tiny bed?”

“I’m huge aren’t I?”

“Not what I meant Addie. . .” I whispered sitting by her. “You’re beautiful, you have no clue how gorgeous you look right now.” I let her snuggle into my side, even though my ribs were sore.

“I want them out now” she cried rubbing her expanded belly. “It’s so uncomfortable, Tans. I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Addie, you can do this” I said brushing her hair from her face. “You can Adds. And you’re going to be an amazing mom to the babies.”

“I don’t know Tanner, one baby I could do no problem, two would be a stretch, but three. This is insane!”

“It is a little bit yea.”

“You and your superhuman sperm Tans. Just had to make 3 at once.”

“Sorry baby” I laughed kissing her forehead.

“I want to sleep but they keep waking me up, and then it’s so uncomfortable it’s hard to sleep. We’re never going to sleep again, we’re never going to have sex again!”

“Adds, shhhhh, try to sleep I’ll stay right here. . .”

“I always sleep better with you” she whispered, before groaning and clutching her stomach. “I don’t know how much longer they’re going to wait.”

“Should I get the doctor?”

“Yea” she gasped, “Tanner, I need to push. Now!”

“ADDIE!” I jumped from the bed. “Wait, a minute! I’m going to grab someone.”

“Hurry up Tan please.”