Status: completed

You'd Never Expect It


He was just sitting there.

I had just come back from shopping at the local mall when I found him sitting on the floor of the hotel. We had a concert in a couple hours but we arrived early so I went out for a bit while he unpacked. I found a Sanrio store completely by accident but damn was I happy I found it. I can't remember the last time I found one, I think it was King of Prussia or maybe Mall of America? Either way it was like a blessing. Hello Kitty stuff everywhere! And Kuromi! I love Kuromi!

The girl at the counter seemed pretty amused watching me fawn over all products. She stood there with a half-smile and shaking her head. She must be used to this reaction by now. I walked all around the store twice before making my decision. I finally settled on some candy, a Chococat notebook with some pens, a really cute necklace and bracelet of Hello Kitty, a Keroppi wallet, a car pillow of Kuromi that goes around your neck, a Little Twin Stars blanket, and finally for Dahvie I got the softest plushie of Hello Kitty I've ever seen.

As the girl began ringing up my purchase I looked over at the jewelry display case and immediately was struck by a necklace set. It was a "Best Friends" set. You could pick each side individually by characters. "How much are those 'best friend' necklaces?" I asked, never taking my eyes off them. "Oh, hold on," she said as she quickly checked the price. "It's $30 for the set. Did you want a pair?"

I couldn't help my smile as I responded "Yeah, I'll take a Hello Kitty 'Best' and Kuromi 'Friends' please."

"I can engrave them on the back if you'd like. It's no extra charge."

I asked her to put Dahvie's name on the Hello Kitty side and mine on Kuromi. This was absolutely perfect. It's like fate or some shit like that. As I paid and left my smile never left, even on the ride back in the shitty traffic.

I went straight up to the room and called out for Dahvie as I flung my bags down on the couch. When he didn't answer I figured he was listening to music so I dug out the necklaces and went to the bedroom to surprise him. As I opened the door I was shocked to see him sitting on the floor in front of the mirrored closet. He was just staring at himself, not moving or speaking, he didn't even have a shirt on. It looked as though he was halfway through unpacking before he stopped.

I bent down beside him and asked what was wrong. Never moving his eyes from the reflection, all he said was "I'm ugly." WHAT? How could he think that? He's beautiful.

"Why do you think that?" I asked incredulously.

"Because it's true."

"No, it's not!" I insisted.

He finally turned to me with an angry expression and tear-filled eyes, "Yes it is! I'm fat, ugly, I can't sing. Hell, I can barely write. I'm not worth anything!"

I wanted to cry. Why can't he see how great he is? I drew my hand to his cheek but he slapped it away. He tried to move to get up but I grab his face and forced him to look in my eyes.

"Dahvie, listen to me; you are beautiful-"

"No I'm no-"

"Don't interrupt," I told him sternly. "You are beautiful and amazing. You have an incredible voice and can sing like nobody's business. And you can write better than anyone I've ever met. Don't ever let anyone tell you different."

He looked at me disbelieving, tears still in his eyes. Desperately I asked him, "What can I do to make you understand?"

He looked down and whispered "I don't know…"

I withdrew my hands from his face but that seemed to depress him even more. I sighed and tried to think of something. Then a flash of inspiration came to me.

I grabbed his chin and just as he was about to say something I kissed him. It was rough at first but when I didn't feel resistance I slowed down. He began to kiss back and pulled me close to him. I pushed him to floor and climbed on top of him, never breaking the kiss.

Suddenly I felt wetness above my lip. I opened my eyes and saw tears dripping down from his beautiful eyes. I pulled back and asked him what was wrong.

He smiled and said "Nothing. I'm just…happy. This feels…right." I smiled at that and pulled him up to the bed. We made out with a passion, one of us even kicked off the half-empty bag of clothes.

"Please Jayy, don't ever leave me."

"I wouldn't think of it."

Remembering the necklaces I moved off him and dug into my pockets. He sat up confused, but gasped when he saw the glittering. "Is that.."

"I saw them and thought of us." I untangled them and held out Dahvie's for him. He didn't move, just stared. I chuckled a bit and unhooked the clasp then put it around his neck. He grabbed the charm and looked at while I put mine on. Still staring, I drew it from his hand and connected it with mine. "Perfect matches, huh?"

He smiled softly and replied "Yeah" then kissed me deeply. It went on like this until it was time for the show. It was one of the best we've ever played, neither of us could stop smiling.

We went back to the hotel that night and promised we'd be together forever while laying on the bed watching some mindless program. He laid his head on my chest and drew circles on my stomach. "You don't know how much this means to me right now."

"Actually I think I have an idea. I think I've loved you since the first time I met you."

"Really?" he asked me, wide-eyed and wondering. I nodded and smiled down at him.

"I love you too and thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there…for believing in me."

"Anytime, hun."

He smiled at the new nickname and kissed me before climbing on top. We slid under the covers and began removing each other's clothing. It's gonna be a good night. And you know what? I think this is perfection.
♠ ♠ ♠
if you catch any missing or mispelled words, please let me know so i can change it. but tell me where it needs corrected not just that it's wrong.