Status: completed


Part 1

Good God, Dahvie has a cute ass. I get that I'm gay and I shouldn't be surprised by it, but damn! Have you ever looked at it? It's so cute, just like him.

Yeah, that's right. I like Dahvie. Big shock, right? If you ever got to know him, talk to him, you'd understand. There's just something about him, it makes you lose a bit of your heart when he smiles at you, talks to you, hugs you…

I don't think he even realizes it. He's just living life, being happy and trying to make other people happy. I know he'd do anything for me and that's what hurts the most. He'd do it because we're like brothers, not lovers. But I can live with that, it's just when he wears those damn short shorts that makes it hard.

He never wears them in public, I guess he's self-conscious, but whenever we're home…man, it's torture. They make him look like an adorable little kid and I feel like a pedo for that even though he's got a good couple of years on me. I just wanna scoop him up and hug him, and cuddle, and kiss and-

Whoa! Ok, gotta stop that otherwise I'm gonna have a little "problem"…or rather, a big problem. He's wearing them today and I can't help but stare at his ass. Whenever he bends over they ride up a little and it is quite the view, I gotta tell you.

Right now we're just sitting on the couch, watching TV. He acts like such a kid sometimes. In the past 10 minutes he's thrown over 30 pieces of popcorn at me then acts all innocent when I look over. I can't help but smile. Secretly I've got a couple stashed and I'm just waiting for the right time.

I know his pattern by now, he'll put his hand in the bowl, grab a couple and move them up to his mouth. He'll eat a few but leave 2 or 3 in his hand, carefully closed as he brings it down to his side. After a couple seconds when he thinks I forgot that he just had popcorn, he'll thrown them quickly at me and move his hand over his lap and act like he's been sitting like that the whole. But every time he puts his hand in the bowl, he looks down at it and this time is no different.

While his attention is diverted I throw my couple of pieces at him and manage to get him in the face. He is so shocked that his other hand hits the remote and presses the recall button before falling over the side of the couch. Just our luck, it's a porn channel…gotta love the premium package, right?

Dahvie blushes lightly and stares in shock at the channel for a couple moments. It's a couple of guys going at it hardcore. I can see why he's a bit uncomfortable but I don't remember watching that channel…recently. Well, what can you do?

He looked over uncomfortably at me for a second then bent over the edge of the couch for the remote. There's that cute ass again. I couldn't help but smile at him desperately trying to find the remote. "Having some trouble there, Dahves?"

"I can't quite reach," he called out, sounding somewhat strained. He bent over farther, sticking his ass straight up into the air. That was when my train of rational thought snapped.
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if you catch any missing or mispelled words, please let me know so i can change it. but tell me where it needs corrected not just that it's wrong.