That's What It Takes To


Usually, every story starts with 'once upon a time'. But mine starts with a song.

It was an usual morning where I woke up to actually nothing. It was an early day for me because I was just beyond excited with the fact I was finally graduating from Braintree High. I blasted some bowling for soup's tunes to my early morning mood fix and made my way to the bathroom, before dressing up myself nicely and went to school for my very own graduation.

I was in a hurry to get to my school's hall and meet up with some of my friends who were there way earlier than me, meanwhile my parents were texting me about the time the whole ceremony started, which wouldn't until at least 10am. I was just hanging with my best friend, Natasha, when suddenly Mr. Sindra called us and pulled us both into a hug.

A little about Mr. Sindra, he was a music teacher in my school, the person who helped me decided what I wanted to be and where I wanted to go. I applied myself into Berklee and got a half-ride scholarship there, if I prove myself I could be the best, I might have just the full ride, which I was definitely into it.

“Angie, I’m so proud of you!” Mr. Sindra said as he smiled. “how about Natasha here?” he asked, turning his sight toward Nat as she just shrugged.

“I’m moving to Arizona, sir. And I have no intention to talk about this because I don’t feel like leaving Angela here all alone.” Nat pouted as she pulled me onto her arms and I realized my best friend would be leaving me to move miles away.

Mr. Sindra snapped us out of our blue moments and told us to get ready to sing in front of the parents before our headmaster announce all the graduates. Nat and I were singing a really old song from Vitamin C, graduation. Well, Nat was the least excited one to sing this while I was just pumped to sing this song in front of audience.


“Angela Josephine Green, the graduate of Braintree High. Accepted in Berklee College of Music with two years scholarship.” Ms. Andrei, our headmaster announced as she let me speak on the microphone.

“I wouldn’t have gotten that scholarship without the help from Mr. Sindra, and my best friend, Nat. Also, my father who continuously support me through whatever I chose.” I smiled before taking a step back and saw my dad stood.

As soon as the graduation finished, I ran toward my dad and gave him a real tight hug. I wished my mom could be there with us, but I knew she could see me from whatever the place she was in.
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Well, this is me attempting to write another fanfic with A Rocket To The Moon in it, I'm not that huge of a fan of them, but well, here's a try :)
