That's What It Takes To

De Ja Vu

Mr. Axton called me as soon as I got home from the hospital and asked if I was okay. It seemed to me like he was worrying his newest asset to get back on top as a record label. I spent the last few weeks being too depressed that I couldn’t even tell something else was inside of me, a living baby, to be exact. Nick did a great job keeping me staying healthy from the moment he found out about my pregnancy and thought he could change Dad’s room into the new baby’s room with my permission which I of course approve.

“Hun, Mr. Axton just called and told me he’s coming for a visit.” Nick said as he brought me the dinner. “And it’s a dinner on bed.” Nick chuckled.
“I feel pretty bored, Nick. Can’t we have our diner outside? Backyard perhaps.” I pouted as he shook his head.
“You heard what the doctor said, Angie. You have to rest, or our baby will be in danger!” Nick said with a frightening tone as he rubbed my stomach. “I don’t want to put the baby in danger.”

I took a minute of silence before rubbing his hand that was on my stomach. I found it cute as Nick took the soup and started to feed me. I giggled every time he took a full spoon of the soup and put it on my mouth.

“That one was still hot, Nicholas.” I pouted as he said he was sorry.

Just when he was done feeding me, the door bell rang and Nick knew Mr. Axton was on the other side of the door, which made him run all the way front, leaving me all alone inside the room. Mr. Axton came into my room and Nick was nowhere behind him.

“Nick does the dishes. You’re lucky to have him to be your husband, Angela.” Mr. Axton said as he took a seat on the edge of my bed.
“You know what, Sir? You remind me a lot of my dad.” I chuckled.
“Or maybe your grandfather?” Mr. Axton joked. “I know I am way older than your dad, but, I’m pretty sure I’m not as old as him.” He added as Nick joined us inside the room.

Mr. Axton brought us the final mixed of my CD as he put the full length record on the CD player. I decided I wanted to put my mother’s song on my record and that song was the first one that came on. I was way beyond satisfied to hear the whole album and I can see Mr. Axton smiled from the edge of my eyelid.

“So, why did you have to get into the hospital?” Mr. Axton started a conversation as soon as the album finished playing.
“I was a so stressed out about my Dad’s death and I didn’t really take care of us.” I said as I rubbed my stomach.
“Us?” Mr. Axton asked in confusion.
“Yes, Sir. She’s having our baby.” Nick put out the word and it seemed like Mr. Axton dropped his jaw.

He took a few steps back and leaned against my closet as he sighed. He seemed so bummed out about the news Nick just gave out. He took a few deep breaths and looked deep onto my eyes.

“This feels like a De Ja Vu all over.” Mr. Axton sighed.
“De Ja Vu?” Both Nick and I asked in confusion.
“The label was faced with the exact same condition when it was with your mom.”
"But she decided to quit for me, right? Its not going to happen because I won't quit, sir."
"I didn't tell you everything, sweetheart. We gave her two options, you or her career." Mr. Axton sighed as he sat down. "She never told anyone about this two options we gave her, so neither your Dad knew. She sacrificed her career for you, and I couldn't do anything back then."
"What do you mean?" I asked, still with my confusion and shock.
"I wasn't the boss back in the day, now that I am the first man, I won't let what happened to your mom happen to you."

I was in a shock to hear Mr. Axton's explanation and was beyond confused. Nick didn't know what to respond to the news he just heard as Mr. Axton decided to give us sometime alone. Nick led him out of our house and quickly came inside the room then pulled me into his warming arms. We cuddle into each others the whole night, but he convinced me not to worry about it.

Nick let go of my body as he took his guitar and started strumming the guitar before humming. I've never heard the song before but once he started singing, tears streamed down my face, everything sounds just right, and somehow, cliché.

“I don't know how to speak for anyone but myself
You see darling
There's nothing I can say
That will save you anyway
I'll scream loud at the top of my lungs tonight
Cause you know you will always be my life
Shooting stars could never be this bright
Do you know you will always be my life?”

I grabbed Nick’s guitar and put it aside as I hugged him tight, whispering I wouldn’t let go of the baby, and even if that means I have to did whatever my mom did, I would. I knew I have talent, and so did Nick, we could be an awesome musicians as well as parents together. Nick pulled me into a warm hug before he could even speak a word.

“I just made that lyrics up, and I’m going to finish that song, and you Mrs. Santino, it’s time for bed.” Nick said as he covered me with blanket, followed by a goodnight kiss as he turned off the light. “Goodnight, mommy.” Added him, whispering real slow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy the chapter! It is indeed a longer chapter than the previoussssss :)
