That's What It Takes To

Open House!

The holiday ended a while ago and both Nick and I had to go back to college. It was my first day back to college and I had everything under control. No morning sickness, no super awkward crave, just simply a normal day. Sandy was with me the whole day for every class I attended, while Nick was just being as supportive.

On lunch after our very last class, Nick, Sandy, and I were sitting on the same table, talking mostly about how our classes went. Sandy didn’t know about me getting pregnant, and we wanted to make it as a surprise, so we told her right away as we finished our meals.

“San, we have a surprise for you!” Nick said excitedly as Sandy dropped her last spoon of pudding.
“Shoot me with your best shot.”
“I’m going to be a mother! I’m on the 6th week and my baby’s growing up just healthy!”

Sandy gasped once I told her the news and she was obviously trying to hold back her screams for me while she pulled both Nick and I closer to her so she could give us a huge warm congratulating hug.

“I’m so glad to hear that! When are you due?” Sandy asked in amazement.
“The doctor said it’s going to be around middle September, so maybe it’s like 20 or something. By that, I'm going to take some online classes and probably come back here by winter.” I explained as Sandy looked down.
“Well, I guess I can last three months without you…” Sandy shrugged but smile up to me anyways.

Leaving her alone in this campus is probably one of the hardest things I can think of until Nick said he has a surprise for both Sandy and I. Nick led me to his car as he drove off to an apartment nearby our campus and parked his car on the driveway.

“Come on ladies.” He said gently.

Nick led us to the 10th floor of the apartment and gave me a key in front of the door we were standing and as I opened it, I could hear some noises from the inside screaming ‘congratulations’. I was surprised with the fact Nick gathered my friends and I even saw Natasha and her boyfriend, Eric.

“Natasha?!” I yelled in excitement as I ran to her and hugged her tight. Super tight.
“Easy on the hug, mommy. You may squeeze your little baby inside!” Natasha said as I dropped my jaw.
“You knew? How? I haven’t told you yet!” I glanced as she pointed at Nick and laughed.
“Congratulations on your pregnancy, Angela.” Said this guy beside Natasha, who I’m sure was Eric. “We haven’t officially introduced ourselves right? I’m Eric Halvorsen by the way.” He added as I shook his hand gently.

On the other side of the room, I spotted Mr. Axton was standing with some of the label crews and was on his way to me. I walked by him and he surprisingly gave me a hug.

“You have to know how happy I am about you moving to this apartment.” He said as I could feel my jaw dropped for one more time.
“What? I moved here? What about my house over Braintree?” I gasped as Nick joined the force.
“I didn’t sell your dad’s house, I bought this apartment from my personal saving. I realized I couldn’t always just drive all the way to Braintree to get to you once you have to stay home, so I bought us an apartment nearby Berklee.” Nick said as I gave him a warm hug.

Everyone inside the room were my closest person, and I suddenly heard the doorbell was ringing, and I quickly got the door. Outside the door there were two women standing, one was older than the other one, with a bunch of paper bags on their hands, looking like they were looking for someone, and somehow, they looked like Nick. They were standing awkwardly on the doorway.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked them as Nick came to my sense and he was frozen. "I'm sorry, what can I do to help you two?" I ignored Nick and went back to the two lovely women standing in front of us.
"You must be Nick's wife, Angela, right?" Said the younger woman as I nodded.

The older one was tearing up and she put a huge smile on her face the younger one smiled toward Nick's direction. Nick was still frozen with their presence and I knew something was not the way Nick expect, and the way the woman knew my name was almost as strange.

"Angela...." Nick paused. "Meet my sister, Michelle, and my mom, Donna." Nick added, almost whispering.

I was out of my mind for a while as I let them come in. It was a little awkward to have them around me when Nick never did mention them a bit. He was always so closed about his family. And all of sudden, they were standing right on the doorstep. On my apartment's doorstep. As soon as they came in, they quickly blend in with everyone there, even Michelle got close to Sandy, Natasha, and even Nat's boyfriend, Eric.

Everyone was enjoying their time over my new apartment, Mr. Axton even told me that Nick's decision to move me all the way to Boston was clever, he also asked how my baby was doing, and demanded an update for every doctor visit I do in the future.

"Why are you so nice to me, Mr. Axton?" I asked while I sip my tea.
"Simply because I finally know what its like to have a daughter." He said and looked like I brought up some of his memories which I kind of regret. "But oh well, I'm afraid we can't stay any longer at your party, so we'll head out. See you baby girl." Mr. Axton added as he headed out my house, followed by everyone else. Leaving Natasha, Eric, Sandy, Michelle, and Donna inside the apartment.

“Angela, I’m so sorry we’ve never been a part of your story with Nick.” Donna said as Nick sat by my side and my three friends noticed that maybe it was time for them to go.
“No guys, you three have been a part of our love story, so please, I’m begging you three to stay.” Nick said. “Mom, Michelle, I’m glad you guys can be here.” Nick added.
“I’m sorry we’ve been away from you, son.” Donna said.
“I’m going to make you guys some tea.” I offered as Michelle grabbed my hand and forced me to sit back.
“We just met, and mommy and I would love to know everything about you and my future niece or nephew!” Michelle said in excitement. “And I’m sorry we weren’t there the time your Dad passed away, I’ve been hearing from Nick about your story, I just never actually did something until today.” Michelle said as Donna burst in tears.
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What do you think? :D