That's What It Takes To

A Fresh New Start

It was a week before summer holiday ended and was my last day to spent with Natasha before she had to get on the plane to Arizona in the evening while I had to be leaving for Berklee by the next morning. We were just sitting in my room with a little random talk how we would miss each other but we've got skype so it wouldn't be a butthurt.

"Thanks for helping me to pack all these stuff I've had here since our freshmen year." Nat grinned as we stopped for a while.

“You know when fall starts we’re going to be separated by miles.” I sighed.

Nat’s facial expression changed in a matter of second as we then let out a deep sigh out of desperation. We both realized we won’t be seeing each other until God-knows-how-long. We put down all the things we were holding as we started sobbing in each other’s cuddle.

It was hard letting Nat wonder the new place all by herself while she had been in my room for the past four years and we used to talk about going to college together, even sharing a dormitory together, but sometimes fact just don’t go the way it’s planned.

We spent the entire day inside my room as then I heard my Dad knocked on my door, saying it would be best if Natasha finished her packing because it was almost 7 pm and her parents just called that they were on their way to the airport while Nat was still on my shorts.

“I’ll take you to the airport.” Dad said as he smiled and closed the door, leaving me and Nat.

Nat looked down to my shorts and put on that puppy eyes and I realized that she wanted to have my short as I looked at her bracelet and we decided to give each other. I was wearing Natasha's bracelet and she was wearing my shorts. As we reached the airport, I could recognize the voice of Mr. and Mrs. Derris behind me.

Nat was in a rush because they almost missed their flight as I just waved at them from my Dad's arms. He noticed that a tear skipped my eyes and gently wiped them off with smile and comforting words. I was sad with the fact that I wouldn't have any sleepover parties with Nat and Dad won't be knocking at my door due to the noise we made in the middle of the night, but I was also happy, because I would be off to Berklee by the next day.

We were on our way home when suddenly my stomach growled and I realized the only food I ate was the omelette my Dad made for breakfast. He drove to McDonald's near by our house as we sat down there for hours long talk.


"I'll miss my little pal, here!" Dad said as he stroked my hair and helped me carrying my stuff to the dorm.

It was moving day and I just moved out of Dad's house to the dorm for the next at least two years. I walked him back to his car as I stood awkwardly when the car drove away. It was a little scarry realizing the fact I was far from home and from him. Never in my life had I been separated from my dad which made leaving for college hard.

Without my realization, summer had finally ended and I haven't made friends yet. The past week was spent on skype with Nat and redecorating my room which turned to be a pretty comfy place and it felt like I was in my own room, minus the comfortable couch and huge stereo on the corner of the room.

I was then walking to my first ever class in Berklee and I couldn't be more excited. The proffesor was very kind and it was just some basic introducing class before he asked us to play the instrument we could play that was set inside there. My eyes were set on the grand piano in front of the class as Mr. Reyes let me play it.

I was a little nervous when he told me to play but I played it anyways. I was playing season in the sun in the piano and a tear somehow escaped my eyes. Mr. Reyes told me to sing along to the rhytm I was playing and I found my face was covered in tears when I was done performing.

"That was a deep performance, Miss Green." Mr. Reyes clapped for me.
"Thanks, sir." I answered as I wipe my tears off my face.
"You're the student with the scolarship right?" He whispered as I nodded. "Stay in the class for a moment, will you?" He added as the bell rang and I was the only one left there.

Mr. Reyes pulled a chair toward my direction before flipping it and sat down on it. His eyes were looking straight at me as he started asking about me. He even asked me about the story behind my performance, which I thought was a little disturbing. Since I barely know who he is and there he was asking me questions about my personal life.

"Well, I remember about my mom..." I shrugged. "She died when I was four, so I don't really remember much about how generous she was. By my dad assured that she was just so kind." I added as he chuckled.
"Well, I haven't seen a student who can sing and play beautifully when they started soaking in tears in a while." He said as he winked and left the class.

I was walking toward my next class and bumped onto a ginger head guy. His green eyes were starring deep onto mine as he smiled. He looked a little arrogant but he was generously smiled at me. I didn't bother him that much when I chose to walked passed him after an apology. But it caught me off guard when he ran after me, offering his hand to shake.

"I'm nick." He said shyly.
"Angela.." I smiled as I shook his hand. "Call me Angie." I added awkwardly as we both chuckled.
"You must be a new kid, huh?" He asked as I nodded. "Explains why I don't see you around that much." He giggled as I smiled.

The bell for our next class was ringing and he took my hand before we ran toward our class. Turned out I shard the same class as Nick and I just found out that he was in the second year. Mrs. Kerri was a really nice person when she started introducing herself. She called some of the senior who was attending her class to get in front of the class and start singing acapella.

"Mr. Santino, would you do the honor?" Asked Mrs. Kerri as I saw Nick getting up from his seat.

Nick started singing signed, sealed, delivered with a little help from his friends doing the acapella on the back and for a moment I was a little starstruck. He was finally done with the singing as Mrs. Kerri asked me to come to the front class and she wanted me to do a duet for 'my valentine' with Nick. I was a little nervous when I started singing but as soon as I realized, the class was clapping for us both.

"Looks like you've got your competition, Mr. Santino." Mrs. Kerri laughed as he just shrugged. "Very well, Ms. Green." Added her.

Right after her class was over, Nick took me on a little tour around the campus and talked about so many things. He was that sweet of a guy and a very low profile one. I didn't think he was like the star of the place until a group of girls walked by us with those sneaky eyes they put on when they looked at me.

"Ah, don't worry about them. They're just some girls I'm sure you'll hate." Nick whispered as I giggled.
"Well, its almost lunch time and I'm pretty hungry..." I pouted.
"Oh, there's a really good diner down this road, and I'd love to take you there! My treat..." He grinned as I nodded excitedly.
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