That's What It Takes To

Daddy's Out!

"Welcome home, buddy!" I heard my Dad's voice just when I got off Nick's car.
"Daddy!" I shouted as I dropped all my belongings and ran toward him happily.

Dad hugged me tight and lifted me for a little as Nick got out of his car and Dad noticed him as he let go off me a little and took me closer to Nick. I could tell that Nick was a little scared of Daddy while Dad kept on nudging my waist and put on that mischievous face.

"I'm Nick Santino, sir!" Nick said with all the sweat streaming down his side face.
"Hello Nick, I'm Christian Green. Anyways, you can relax inside our little house." Dad said, letting me go as he pulled Nick into the house.

It was the first day of summer and I spent my day home with Daddy and Nick, which was more than fun. Nick was stiff at first whenever Dad tried to talk to him, or I can say interrogating him. It was dinner when we all sat down on our dining table and just talking about how Nick and I met.

"Dad, is it okay if Nick stays here for the night?" I asked as Dad chuckled and nodded.


Summer had always been students' favorite holiday, but not really mine. And for the first time in years, I finally found my summer joy even though Nat wasn't there all around, I still skype her every now and then, and we still text for like every second of our lives. And as for Nick, he was always around and he's got closer and closer with my Dad. They even decided to go on a fishing trip, which was the least thing I expect him to be doing during summer.

It was a summer evening that Nick and I spent on the shore, staring at the sunset and the moon afterward was never been that good for us both. There were some couple there but they didn't bother us that much. I've told my Dad that I'd be home late and he was fine knowing I was with Nick.

"Do you realized how the moon is as bright as you tonight?" Nick said as I blushed and he gave me a light kiss on my lip.

Nick pulled his lip off mine but he was still only an inch away from my face. I could feel his breath above my lip and I somehow loved the feeling of it. I smiled before I close my eyes and we kissed under the moon. It felt like the first time again when we kissed.

We took a breath before smiling toward each other as he whispered 'I love you' before kissing me all over again. It was beautiful when we didn't realize that people actually saw us kissing for a long time and it was a little awkward when we finally did. Without any further thought, Nick pulled me away from the crowd, grabbing my jeans and shirt, and the next thing I know, we were inside his car giggling.

"Next time, let's try to do it in a more private place." I laughed as he did too and he stared at me.
"I had never found a girl as sweet as you." He said smoothly as he gave me a light peck. "I love you." He added as he drove me home.

As we got home, I found a note sticked on the front door, saying that Dad had to go on an emergency trip from his work for the next two weeks and he had been trying to call me but I never pick up. I was never a brave kid, and being left home alone means me roaming around the hood trying to find a hobo who would love to share the house. I freaked out the moment I read the note.

"Ps: you can stay to look after my angel, Nick." Nick said outta nowhere and I realized I hadn't quiet read the whole note.
"Please do stay for me!!!" I begged him as he put his arms around my shoulder and we went inside the house.

It was one of that typical summer night with some summer breeze that flew through every strain of my hair when I let my balcony door opened. It was midnight, and I was awake. It was weird to not hearing a noise from the kitchen around these times, and it was even weirder to not seeing my Dad walking around the house. I knew he was only away two weeks, but hey, I'm daddy’s little girl.

“I thought you went to bed already.” Nick said as he entered my room.
“It’s summer! Why would I asleep these times?” I shrugged as he sat down next to me.
“Maybe, because we will start early tomorrow?” Nick raised his eyebrows.
“What are you planning to do tomorrow?”

Nick pulled me into a big warm hug as he rubbed my hair gently, looking deep into my eyes and the next thing we knew, we cuddled into each other and we both fell asleep.