Status: Complete, finally. Thank you all so much, and please keep updated with my writing via my tumlblr,

Watch You Take The Fall

Chapter 12

I was stunned. I couldn’t move, my heart was in my mouth and as cliché as it is, life was moving around me as I stayed still. Whatever I’d expected to get out of this summer, it certainly wasn’t a permenant job on board the crew of All Time Low. Friendship, maybe. Employment? Nope, didn’t see that one coming. I was still in a state of complete shock when Jack poked my face.
“Sierra? Are you in there?” Turning away from me, he focussed his attention on Matt who was still stood in front of me, clutching his Mickey doll. “Nice one, dickhead, you just killed our tour manager.”
If anything was going to get me to snap back to reality, it was that.
“Wait, what did you say? You know, about the tour manager part?” I spoke up, seeing Jack frown at me.
“I said that dickhead over there killed you.”
“No, not you. Matt, what did you say?”
“I said that Inspyre put you as our tour manager. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Shocked is all. Seriously, me?” I said, feeling a little more normal than I did before. The shock was wearing off and my mind consisted of only questions.
“Yes, you. They emailed me the other day asking how you’d done this tour and we naturally said that you were fantastic. You’re a big help and we couldn’t have asked for anyone better. Anyway, they got back to me and you’ve been signed over to us, that is if you want to be?”
“I-yeah, of course I do.” I said, no hesitation in my voice. At the end of the day, the band and crew had honestly become some of my closest friends over the duration of this tour. To be given the opportunity to tour with them permanently was huge, of course I wasn’t going to turn it down.
“Well then, welcome aboard…again.” Chipped in Vinny from behind my shoulder. It finally hit home and a massive grin spread across my face. I jumped up from my seat and started dancing around the place wildly.
“Do I need to fly home to sign a contract? When’s the next tour? Who’s it with? I really should know this, shouldn’t I? Should I move to America or should I stay in England? What’ll happen to my flat?” I rattled off the questions like a machine gun whilst bouncing around the room at hyper-speed. Suddenly a thought struck me, Pat. I hadn’t spoken to him in a while, despite my best efforts. I knew he had to be the first to hear about this, or I’d never hear the end of it.
“Guys? I’m going to go ring Pat, I’ll be back soon.” I threw over my shoulder, walking into the abandoned bunk room and throwing myself into my bunk. We were still driving to the next date, meaning I had to ring him in earshot of everyone else. I called his number and listened to the dialling tone drone down my ear for a good minute before it became to irritating to listen to. I frowned and sent him a text instead; “Hey Pat, i rang you before but it dialled out? anyway, call me back whenever, i have great news :D”
I attempted to ring him a few more times before deciding it was useless, and stopped. Call me paranoid, but with all the shit that had been going on with him recently, I was worried. He was prone to making rash decisions in lighter situations than this, and he’d been acting really off lately. I sighed and threw my phone to the bottom of my bunk. I flipped so I was lying on my stomach and my head was underneath my pillow. I hadn’t been sleeping well lately, whether it was the imminent end of the tour, Pat, or even just the guys being dickheads, sleep had become even more difficult. It was never something that I got easily anyway and the lack of sleep was certainly taking its toll on me. I was even grouchier when I woke up from what little sleep I’d managed to catch, smaller things began to annoy me and I was losing my appetite which was horrible. I usually managed to eat as much as Jack and Zack combined, but not recently.
I groaned in frustration when sleep still would not come. I threw myself out of my bunk angrily and wandered through to the front, where I’d left my iPod earlier. Snatching it up and roughly pushing the earbuds into my ears, I stalked through to the back lounge. I dropped down inbetween Alex and Jack who were sat (quietly for once) on their phones. Alex glanced at me briefly, before noting the worn out and frustrated look on my face, and directing his attention back to his phone once more. I screwed my eyes up tightly and put the volume on my iPod way up. Turning it onto shuffle, I dropped my head onto Alex’s shoulder, which was insanely comfortable. I sat there for what felt like forever, just thinking. I let my thoughts take over my mind until it was all I could see, as well as think. At last, my eyelids felt heavy, and I allowed the blackness of my thoughts to take me over and make my mind cloudy, falling asleep on Alex’s shoulder.
Alex: The bus rolled to a stop at a gas station somewhere, only a few hours after we told Sierra the news. She seemed to take it well, a little shocked, but I expected that. If there was anything I’d learnt about Sierra in all our little chats it was that she didn’t expect anything from anyone. To have a new job thrust in her face with no warning was about as unpredicted as you could get. Speaking of Sierra, she was still sat inbetween Jack and I. In a rare moment of quiet on the bus, we were all sat together but occupied with our own activities. Jack, Zack, Matt and I were all busy on our phones, Grieco was reading and everybody else was sat with their laptops, typing furiously or just watching movies. Yep, this is behind the scenes of a rock band on tour.
We all felt the jolt as the bus stopped, a few people stood up to leave while the rest remained seated. I decided I’d get up and go, I needed to stretch my legs anyway. Turning to look at Sierra resting on my shoulder, I realised she was sleeping soundly, something she hadn’t been doing recently. I really didn’t want to wake her, so I kicked Jack as he passed me. He turned to face me and a smirk grew across his face at seeing our tour manager sleeping on me.
“Dude, get me some Milano’s?” I hissed at him. He nodded at me and carried on walking, grin permanently attached. I stole another glance at our tour manager. She had a frown painted on her face. Whatever she was dreaming about, it wasn’t good. I’d found that sometimes, sleeping with bad dreams was worse than not sleeping at all. Whatever, I wasn’t going to wake her.
From somewhere in the bunks, I heard a phone begin to ring. I didn’t recognise the song that was set as the notification until the screaming kicked in in it. I assumed it was Sierra’s and looked back down to my iPhone. Kate was texting me from the other side of the room, clearly not bothered that she was only there. Currently, she was bitching about Sierra and how she was “stealing me away from her.” That was ridiculous. One of the main reasons we were so close was because of Kate being batshit and kicking me out of my own bunk every night. I shook my head at her and threw my phone to the side of me, landing it on the couch with a soft thud. My head dropped back and soon I was sleeping next to Sierra.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bleh, it's short.
No chapter title credit seeing as my entire iTunes library decided to delete itself in the early hours of this morning.
Anyway, harass me on Tumblr: nottheamerrickanaverage