Status: Complete, finally. Thank you all so much, and please keep updated with my writing via my tumlblr,

Watch You Take The Fall

Chapter 6

Stretching my body out, my hands hit the wood of a bunk. I sat up, confused. How did I get here? I know I gave Alex my bunk last night. I looked around and grinned, I was completely surrounded by Disney merchandise, from this I knew it wasn’t my bunk. Sure, some people say I was unhealthily obsessed with Disney but I knew I just loved it, I mean, how can’t you? IT’S FREAKING AMAZING! Anyway, I hadn’t managed to fit as much with me on this tour as I’d have liked to. I took a guess that I was in Matt’s bunk and rolled out, hitting the ground with as much grace as possible (which for me was never going to be much, but when just waking up? Even less.)
I cracked my neck before walking into the front, realising I was the last one awake.
“Morning.” I said simply before yawning and probably looking like a Hippo. A couple of people looked up and waved and the others just carried on eating. Matt was the only one that actually spoke.
“Hey Sierra. You need to go get dressed and ready pretty quick, I know it’s only your first day doing this but we’ll be at the venue in about half an hour and it’s pretty much non-stop from then.” He said in a rush. I looked at him and scrunched my nose up, I was never a morning person and knowing that I had to work in half an hour was not making this any easier.
“Well I’m eating first. Food takes priority over everything else.” I grumbled, my voice cracking a little from lack of use.
“HEADS UP” Someone yelled at me. I turned quickly, just in time to have a cereal bar hit me in the face. I winced a little before peeling the wrapper back hungrily.
“Thanks” I said through a mouthful of chocolate cereal goodness. Rian looked at me and arched an eyebrow in my direction.
“I know right, I honestly have no idea how I’m not eating breakfast with the Queen right now.” I retorted, laughing a little. I stood up, leaving everyone that heard chuckling.
“Right, well I’m going to get dressed the most stressful way because none of you fuckwits decided to wake me up to actually have time to do anything.” I joked, sounding playfully disapproving. I turned and walked back to my bunk, smiling as I walked. I was happy with the fact that there was no awkwardness between any of us. God knows, if it had been me that had a new person living with them for the next two months, I’d have been more than a little apprehensive. I suppose I was just pleased with the fact that I seemed to have been landed with a friendly bunch of people.
Just then, my thoughts took a different track. I don’t know which genius decided to give me, the 5 ft 3 midget, the top bunk but whoever it was clearly wasn’t thinking straight. I frowned a little before standing on the edge of the bunk below mine and hauling myself into my bunk. It wasn’t elegant but then again, I never claimed to be. I leant forward on my knees and grabbed a couple of things out of one of my smaller bags. After I’d found all that I wanted to, I hopped down from my bunk, narrowly avoided becoming a Sierra-pancake on the floor and dragged myself to the little bathroom. Once I was in there, I pulled my skeleton shorts on and stepped into my batman converse. I then yanked my Bring Me The Horizon top on, a pang of homesickness washed through me. I smiled, thinking of the boys. I’d met them as soon as I joined Inspyre, literally. They were sat outside the office as I stepped out from signing my contract. We’d become friends after I’d fallen over my undone shoelace, straight onto Lee who was coming in late. I guess my boss had twigged we’d be good friends and they were the first band I went on tour with.
Shaking my head to pull myself out of my daydreams, I pulled my usual 16 bracelets onto my wrists. I know it’s a lot, and people don’t understand but I love bracelets and can never choose which one to wear, so I wear all of them. I leant closer to the mirror and put on my usual makeup, just eyeliner and mascara, I never felt the need to use anything else. I pulled my hands through my hair before rubbing some texturizing gum into it and hairspraying it into oblivion. Sure, it wasn’t good for my hair but nothing was these days anyway. I did my teeth and other business, gave myself a quick check in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom and shoving my bags back into my bunk. I heard Matt’s call to get off the bus and took a deep breath, readying myself for my first day of Warped Tour.
I was currently on side stage with Matt and the band, waiting for Forever The Sickest Kids to finish up their set so All Time Low could go on. I’d only been on Warped Tour for a few hours and already I was knackered. The heat was intense and even with sharing the jobs between me and Flyzik (as I’d been told to call him) it was still a lot to deal with. It didn’t help that Jack had attached himself to me for the entire day saying that he was going to “help”. Just a quick tip, never ever ever let Jack have energy drink before setting up merch. Vinny had been rushed off his feet so I’d offered to help before I needed to go over to the stage. For some stupid reason, I’d turned my back on Jack and he’d drunk most of my Red Bull and was doing a strip tease for some fans on the table. I decided not to ask and instead took him over to the stage early. Well, when I said took him, I meant having to stop every minute for directions and running away from crazy fans.
As crazy as the day had been, it was also fun. I’d met some new people that Jack and the band were friends with and had bumped into old friends that I’d met on previous tours. Now I was actually quite looking forward to All Time Low’s set. No, it might not be like what I usually listen to but I was going to be living with it for the next two months so I may as well get used to it early on. Just as this thought crossed my mind, the band began to run out onto the stage. I crossed my arms and leant back onto a spare amp, settling in for the set.
As much as any of my friends would hate to hear me say, All Time Low were actually pretty good. At the minute, I was making a complete tit of myself by “dancing” with anyone that was free behind stage. Matt had taken over the technical side of the managing even though I was more than happy to do it. I think it was when I started doing the Truffle Shuffle to a song called Vegas. The band kept looking over at me and cracking up at my dancing and the concentrated look on my face, not to mention my harassment of everyone backstage to dance with me. I’d known from very early on that I couldn’t dance so I decided to take the piss, usually leading to people giving me weird looks and moving away before they got a broken bone and pretending they didn’t know me. Just then, the song came to an end, leaving me a flushed mess on the side of the stage. I didn’t doubt that my hair was all over the place and the eyeliner I’d put on this morning was probably gone.
“Shit you guys have been amazing.” Alex said, breathing deeply and leaning on his microphone stand for support.
“He’s right, I want to line you all up and give you all herpes.” Yelled Jack, grinning out into the crowd. Screaming erupted then and I wasn’t really surprised. If I’d learnt anything today, it was that All Time Low were ridiculously popular, especially with underage fangirls.
“Just before we finish up with you sexy mother fuckers, there’s someone I want to introduce you all to.” Alex smirked into his mic before turning to grin at me.
“We have a new co tour manager with us, don’t worry, we still have Flyzik, but now we have someone even sexier. Zack, could you bring her out please?” Jack directed the last part of this to the band member closest to me. As Zack set down his bass and walked towards me, I narrowed my eyes and pressed myself more against the amp I was leant against.
“I swear to God, if you so much think of getting me out there, I will personally make sure you can’t have kids, Merrick.”
“Good thing I don’t like children then isn’t it then James?” He said, grinning wildly before throwing me over his broad shoulder. I immediately began kicking him, not that it made much of a difference, that man was made of steel! Soon enough, I was dropped on my arse (and not very gently) onto the stage next to Alex. I shot him a glare as he began to laugh along with the audience.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the one and only Sierra James. “ He yelled, beginning to laugh again, stopping when he saw my pissed off expression. Quickly kissing my cheek, he turned back to the crowd.
“Well, we love Sierra so I hope you guys will do too.” Alex said, smirking at me again before strumming a random chord on his pink guitar.
“This is going to be it from us today, thank you guys for being so fucking amazing, and once again SIERRA FUCKIN' JAMES EVERYBODY!” He said before diving into their last song of the set, I think it was called Dear Maria from what I was able to see of the set list. I tried to make my way off stage but every time I did, one of them blocked my exit. Before long, I actually found myself enjoying myself, dancing my stupid dances next to them and running around, basically just getting in the way. The song finished too early for my liking and as they were throwing random shit into the crowd, I ran to the edge of the stage and threw myself out there too, twisting in the air so I was being carried backwards by them on my back. I loved crowd surfing, the whole feeling that they may not know you but there are still people willing to carry your weight. Of course, you got groped along the way but that’s beside the point.
I grinned as Matt sat next to me on the sofa that night. We were the only two sober, I don’t drink much anyway and wasn’t in the mood to that night and he said that he wasn’t going to make me suffer their drunken antics alone on my first proper night with them. He was sweet like that but I honestly thought of him as another brother, we were weirdly alike apparently.
“You’ve got a friend in me, would you like my friend in you?” He said in a sleazy voice, having to shout a little to be head over the loud music, obviously remembering our earlier discussion about Disney chat up lines. I stared at him with a blank expression for a few moments before cracking up. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and a few tears were threatening to escape from my eyes. At this point, the music had been turned down and mostly everyone was staring at me and Matt rolling around on the floor, clutching at our stomachs. After a few minutes, I manage to haul myself up into a sitting position.
“That was the worst one yet.” I managed to choke out before casting a questioning look at everyone that was still staring at us. I pulled myself up and checked the time.
“I’m just going to go ring Pat, I’ll be back in a few.” I said to anyone that was listening. I pulled open the door to the bus and stepped outside. We were setting off in a minute so I was taking advantage of having guaranteed reception. Just as I was about to hit the green button to ring my brother, a hand tapped me harshly on the shoulder. I turned around and raised an eyebrow as I saw Kate standing over me. She was about 5 foot 8 anyway and was wearing heels on top of that.
“Oh, hi Kate.” I mumbled before turning my attention back to my phone.
“You might want to watch out” her raspy voice said.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard, I saw you with Alex today, you might want to watch out. You know, to make sure no accidents happen to you. We all know how clumsy you are, what a shame it would be if something happened to you.” I pulled myself up to my full height and saw red
“Right, listen up. I’ve only been here a day, and you’re already having a go at me? Well I appreciate the compliment, clearly you’re threatened by me. I think I should be okay, accidents don’t usually tend to affect me that badly, usually it’s the people around me. Now why don’t you go back inside, it looks like it might rain and we don’t want it to affect your lovely makeup would we?” I turned my back on her and flipped my hood up. I didn’t mean to be a bitch but she really pissed me off. I pressed the green button as I heard the bus door open and close again. I waited impatiently for Pat to pick up, doing a little jig to pass the time.
“Hey Sierra.”
“Pattycakes! Is it really you? I haven’t seen you in ages, I feel like I might forget your voice.”
“It’s really me Sierra. How are things with you then?”
I took him through today’s events, leaving out Kate bitch fest before. I got the feeling that he was already in a bad mood, he didn’t need my problems on top of that.
The conversation dried up quite fast, so we said our goodbyes. I slid my phone back into my pocket and let my head fall back onto the side of the bus. I let out a huge sigh and slid to the floor. I really didn’t see Pat enough, sure we kept in touch but it wasn’t the same as actually seeing him. Me and Pat had always been extremely close for a brother and sister, especially after- well, yeah. Recently though, there seemed to be a strain put on our relationship. I don’t know, he always seemed sad, blaming himself for not seeing each other enough when in actual fact it was my fault. My job kept us from keeping up a normal brother-sister relationship, well, normal for us. I may ask Matt for a couple of days off soon, I mean, the last time I saw him, I was in a car with him for about an hour. It was 3 months since I saw him before that. Needless to say, I miss my brother and the way we used to be. The way we all used to be.

Sierra's Outfit:
♠ ♠ ♠
So I wonder what happened with Pat and Sierra to make them closer? Well, I don't because I already know but hopefully you might be wondering...
Yup, so it's late, sorry :( But as you may have seen, I've been having trouble with it. Read the story description to see more o_____0
The next update may also be a little late, I have exam revision and stuff to do so yah, sorry, don't hate me D:
So yeah, I started using Polyvore, tell me what you think of the outfit? I like it :3
I had something else to say and I can't remember what it was so for now, goodnight... Or good-day, whatever floats your boat.
Also, if you want to follow me on twitter, I'm @ThisFaithIsLost
Faith x