The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


"Mikey, what are you doing?" He shrieked "You can't shoot!"




I struggled to remain composed as my chest grew tight. If I waited any longer, I'd have a panic attack. I had to do it now. Now or never.


Point. . .

Pull. . .

Repeat. . .

Frank Iero is investigating mysterious murders in the Arklay Mountains on the outskirts of Racoon City. Who would commit such a horrific murder? It's up to him to find out.

Gerard Way is an ex-drug addict, just moved in with his brother in Raccoon City for a 'fresh start'. This is all an attempt to put his past and old habits behind him and look to the future with an aura of optimism around him.

Bob Bryar is a security guard. And he's good at it. Cross him and you'll regret it.

Mikey Way is a normal, everyday kinda' guy. Never committed a crime in his life. The only gun he's ever laid his hands on is a toy one from when he and his big brother used to play cowboys and Indians.

Ray Toro is a ladies man. Real cocky with them yet still has them on their knees and eating out of the palm of his hand.

These five guys are all very different from each other but when horror strikes their peaceful hometown, they will be forced to combine forces in order to stay alive. Can they escape? Or even survive?

A/N: I am not the genius behind the Resident Evil series, ok? I'd love to say I am but I'm not!