The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Martial Arts

Bob's P.O.V:

Frank was pacing the length of the public bus we'd sought refuge in for the time being. His hands were resting on the back of his head, pulling lightly on clumps of his hair as he walked. A sign of stress or uncertainty towards the situation. Trust me, I've known him for years.

He'd bundled us all in there momentarily and started pacing while we all took a seat. He hadn't given anyone a second look until he stopped and looked at Ray, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Ray," He stated, pointing a finger "Ray Toro! Long time no see, how long's it been? Not even a day."

"Oh, you're so funny," Came the sarcastic reply.

"Y'know, you weren't quite so mouthy when I was arresting you this morning!"

Ray didn't say anything. You could see everyone struggling to contain an amused snort of laughter as Frank managed to crack his 'Mr. Cool' image in under 0.5 seconds. At least we were polite enough to try and contain our laughter.

Frank's friend Nick was playing with his gun, a simple 9mm handgun. Frank, on the other hand proudly sported a modified Glock 35.

Gerard was curled up on a set of two seats by himself, frowning at Frank with some form of disapproval. He noticed my staring and looked down at his hands quickly to try and avoid trouble with either of us.

"Any bright ideas, Mr. Sparky?" I questioned, using his old nickname.

He thought it would be a good idea to stick a fork in a plug socket when we were kids. He had to go to hospital and get treated for electric shock and first degree burns on his hands.

Frank gave me a sick look as I mentioned his old nickname and then shook his head in reply to my question. I sighed to myself.

"Look, why don't we just head to your place and use your radio to contact someone?" I questioned.

"We can try it," He wavered "I dunno' if it'll work or not."

"It's worth a shot!"

"I guess," He replied "It's about a twenty minute walk from here."

"We can make that," I insisted.

Mikey looked slightly uncertain. He'd shyly confessed earlier that he isn't one for running being asthmatic and all. Gerard had sat sullenly throughout this entire conversation, refusing to talk to anyone. So it was a bit of a surprise when he lifted his head and spoke for the first time.

"It's all very well just saying 'Twenty minute walk, we'll be fine' but what happens if we have to run? A: Mikey has asthma and B: If, for some reason, we end up splitting up, not everyone here has a gun!"

This statement seemed directed at Frank and Nick more than anyone else. They both raised their eyebrows at him. He had a disapproving scowl on his face as he looked at them both in turn.

"You don't like me, do you?" Frank stated in a sing-song voice.

Gerard didn't reply.

"Because you've got your arms folded like some kind of barrier, that usually means you don't like me," He continued.

"Leave it, Frankie," I said quickly "Gerard, if you and Mikey wanna' stay here, that's fine by us but it wouldn't be the wisest decision ever made."

He growled lowly, admitting defeat.

Frank cocked his gun and slipped it back into its holster in a business-like way. Nick repeated his action mere moments later. Ray and I got up simultaneously. Gerard and Mikey both got up, rather unwillingly.

"Everyone ready to go?" Frank questioned.

Everyone nodded briefly and he lead us in exiting the simple bus. Nick kept to the back of the group as if we were sheep in need of herding and protecting. I rested a hand on my gun briefly. I had a Glock 34, unlike Frank's modified one. That gun was his pride an joy. He once said the only thing he liked better than that was an Uzi or a shotgun. He likes all guns, to be honest. I guess he's a bit of a firearms junkie.

The streets were silent and dark, illuminated by the street lamps but still dark. The only thing breaking the silence was the sound of our footsteps on the ground. Gerard had an arm around Mikey's slim shoulders with the other hand resting on one of his two guns in the holsters resting around his middle.

Frank turned his head towards an alley about ten minutes after we'd started walking.

"What's going on-"


His head was cocked to one side like an alert dog. He instantly drew his firearm, pointing it towards the alley. Everyone looked at him in alarm as he stepped closer curiously. It was one of those dead-end dark alleyways where you'd expect people to get beaten up by thugs and robbed and stuff. . .

"Maybe I was hearing things," Frank said finally, putting his gun away.

No sooner had this been done than a body lunged itself at him. He leapt back in time as the person got up to their feet. It was a human. He looked at us all in hatred. Blood poured from a wound on his arm and sweat dripped from his face.

"Make it stop," He growled "They bit me! I feel. . . just make it stop!"

Frank narrowed his eyes in confusion, his gaze resting on the wound on this man's arm. He extended a hand slowly.

"Here, lemme see, we'll help you!"

"I don't want you to help me! I want you to make it stop!" The guy exclaimed, throwing a punch.

It looked pathetic when Frank blocked it with ease. The man pulled back, a homicidal look in his eye as he lunged at Frank again. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Frank lifted a foot to rest on the guys groin and dropped back into a kind of roll, gripping the guy's jacket until the last minute and letting him go. Tomo nage. He did it on me once when we were teenagers. Never again.

He rolled smoothly back up and got up, brushing himself down. The guy was still sprawled on the floor, a startled look on his face. Frank turned to look at Nick for some assistance.

"Didn't wanna' cramp your style," Nick insisted.

The guy scrambled up to his feet and made for another tackle but Frank used another of his Judo throws. Grabbing the guys jacket, stepping to the left and lifting his right leg out in front of the guys knees. This caused him to stumble over Frank's leg, sticking his right leg over Frank's to balance himself. Frank then switched to another throw,straightening himself out, facing the opposite direction. He stepped forward with his left leg and used his right to hook through his startled opponent's left leg. This all happened in a flash, by the way.

And the guy was back on the ground again with a crack as his back hit the ground.

Frank positioned himself beside him, his legs bent. His right arm wrapped around the guy's neck and his left trapped the guy's right arm. And then he rested his entire body weight on him, inhaling deeply to make the hold all the more unpleasant.

"You try anything one more time and I won't hesitate to shoot you!" Nick suddenly exclaimed, stepping forward and pointing his firearm at the figure on the ground.

"Oh, now you decide to step in!" Frank exclaimed "After I've done the hard bit!"


Mikey whimpered behind me and Gerard pulled him closer into a hug.

"Just shoot me!"

The guy pleaded for the next minute until Frank moved and Nick pulled the trigger. Frank looked back at us, breathing heavily as he did so.

"Everyone okay?"

"Uh huh," Mikey whimpered in a daze.


"Ugh. . . damnit."

"Nick?" Frankie questioned "Nick, you okay?"

"Uh huh," He groaned, rubbing a bandage wrapped around his arm "It stings a little. Probably infected or something."

Frank nodded briefly and turned to us.

"Shall we?"
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Thanks to xlovetildeathx for the amazing banner! I hereby proclaim that this chapter is in her name!