The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

The fun behind kicking ass

Mikey's P.O.V:

Gerard stayed with me the entire walk, refusing to leave me. I'm not sure if it was due to my asthma or because he was scared stiff of the two cops. I was still pleased that he chose to stick by me. Maybe its some weird kind of maternal thing.

Officer Iero had his hand on his holster the whole time.

His partner didn't seem quite so worried.

Ray trailed ahead of us, walking alongside Bob. No one said anything for the entire walk. The exception was when Officer Iero's partner grunted and clutched his arm and got asked if he was okay. He'd nodded insistantly and claimed he was fine.

Gerard glared at them both, his dislike for cops kicking in. I slipped my hand into his childishly and he wrapped his hand around mine. Officer Iero looked back at us both and glanced at our hands, the corners of his mouth twitching. He dropped back to talk to us.

"So, are you guys dating?" He asked.

Gerard ignored his presence and tramped along beside me, dropping my hand as if answering the question.

"Um. . . no," I replied, giving a silly little haha "We're brothers, y'know?"

"Not really, I don't have any brothers or sisters."

"Oh," I replied.

"I dunno' if do want any or not. I mean, I was a lonely kid but there's all the fighting I heard about from my friends," He continued.

"Oh no! We never fight and we never have."

"Right, cool," He nodded.

Gerard ignored him still, keeping his gaze straight ahead. Officer Iero looked at him briefly, his eyebrows crossed with curiosity.

"So what was your name again?" He asked curiously "I never caught it."


"Nice to meet you, Mikey, my name's Frank," He smiled briefly "What about you?" He questioned, looking at Gerard.

He ignored Frank moodily. So he repeated his question a little louder. Gerard refused to talk until I nudged him hard in the ribs with my elbow.

"Gerard," He grunted.

"Pleasure to make your aquaintance," Frank said in a mock formal voice.


"Frank, if you're all done starting a mother's union back there, we're almost there!" His partner said.

"Yeah, yeah," Frank replied, walking on ahead briskly and rejoining his partner at the front.

We all trailed after them until we came to a nice looking house. Nothing too showy, nothing too white trashy. Just right. Frank fumbled through his pockets, searching for a key. His partner faced the opposite direction, his gun at the ready. Bob was on guard as well, looking very alert and frightening with his gun out and ready as well. He had this frightening look in his eye while we all waited for Frank to unlock the door.

"Done," He said proudly "Get inside," He ordered, stepping aside and letting us all bundle in.

"Frank, we got company!"

Two guys and a woman were lumbering out of an alley towards us. Frank whipped his gun out in the blink of an eye and fired. The first guy collapsed. That guy had good aim. Frank fired again, knocking the woman off her feet when the bullet hit her between the eyes. He then re-holstered his gun and stepped closer to the final guy.

The guy lumbered forwards clumsily, and lunged at Frank. Frank raised both fists, bending both knees slightly, and lashed a foot out, hitting the guys stomach. He then performed an uppercut punch to the guy's head and kicked hard on his raised head. I watched in awe as he did so, despite Gerard trying to tug me away from the door. Frank applied a swift kick to the knees so the guy dropped and then placed one hand across his chin and the other on the back of his head. Gerard stopped to watch as well. We both gawped in shock and awe as Frank pulled both hands in the opposite directions, causing the guy's neck to break.

He sprinted over to us and slammed the door shut. He was breathing but not heavily.

"I forgot how much fun it is to kick someone's ass like that," He said with a small smile.

"I'll bet," Gerard grunted moodily.

"So, where's your radio?" Bob questioned.

"Upstairs, c'mon."
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Woooo! Go Frankalope, right?