The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Gerard's P.O.V:

You'd better learn to trust Nick and myself.

That'll be the day.

Mikey's P.O.V:

Gerard glared into Frank's back with daggers for eyes. I sighed inwardly and clasped his hand tightly. His fingers entwined with mine compassionately. Ray walked alongside Gerard, keeping a hand in his pocket and the other swinging along casually, as if he had no care in the world.


I'd never been to Surplus before but I've walked past it a few times on the way to work. Well, to deliver work any way. I teach bass and I'm a self-employed ad designer. But I digress.

The street lamps had switched on, illuminating the pitch black streets. I found myself twitching with paranoia, staring down every alley and gully we passed in fear. What happened if one of those psychos jumped out of an alley and got me or Gerard. Would the others help us or would they run?

"Hey, Mikes," Gerard said, interrupting my thoughts "You're kinda' crushing my hand!"

"Oh, sorry," I apologised, releasing his hand from my clammy one.

"Are you scared?" Gerard questioned.

"A little. . ."

"Don't worry, okay? Big brother's here to take care of you, you'll be fine!"

I managed a weak smile and mumbled 'I love you, Gee'. He smiled and said 'Love you too, Mikes'.

Frank had heard us and glanced over his shoulder at us. Again, the corners of his mouth twitched. When he saw that I'd noticed him, he turned back to look straight ahead again.

That was when I heard it.

A low but quiet growl.

"W-what was that?" I whimpered.

"What was what?" Frank's partner questioned, turning around to face me.

My lip quivered as I tried to speak but all I got was a series of 'uh. . . um'. Gerard placed both hands on my shoulders and look me dead in the eye.

"What was it, Mikey?" He questioned.

"I-I heard s-something!"

"From where?" He continued.

"There," I replied, directing my finger towards an alley between two houses.

Everyone immediately took their guns out. Gerard took one out, keeping the other in his holster. Ray, just like me, didn't have any kind of weapon; so he snatched up a trash can lid. Everyone gave him an odd look at some point but he just shrugged at them.

No more sound came from the alley.

"Did you see anything, Mikey?" Frank questioned.

"No, but I definitely heard something!"

"You're sure?"

"If he heard something, he heard something!" Gerard snapped irritably.


Then came another growl, like before, but louder.

"See? You can't not have heard that!" I exclaimed.

"Shh," Bob hushed "Calm down, Mikey."

"Nick?" Frank said.

His partner nodded and began to step closer to the alley. Nick had his gun pointed towards the alley and he reached into his pocket, pulling out a flashlight and shining it at the alley. . .

In that moment, something huge dived on him.

A dog.

An Alsatian.

It's fur was matted with blood and its stomach had two deep gashes that should have definitely killed it. Yet it didn't let them stop it running around.

I jumped a mile and cowered behind Gerard.

"What the hell is that?" Ray exclaimed as Frank and Bob both shot at it.

It growled from on top of Nick and decided it didn't want him any more. It was speeding towards Bob. There were three different bangs as Frank, Bob and Gerard all shot at it. It barked and growled loudly until someone's bullet hit it in the head and caused an end to all motor activities.

"Oh thank God," Nick exclaimed, scrambling to his feet "Urgh. . ."


"It bit me," He grunted, pulling his shirt's short sleeve up to reveal a large gouge.

Two more growls.

"Nick, I'm gonna' need you to put your sleeve back down!"

"Are you kidding me?" Bob demanded as another Alsation and a Jack Russell stepped out of the alley.

They poised themselves and charged forwards. Ray flung his trash can lid like a frisbee and managed to catch the Jack Russell mid-leap, knocking it to the floor. He swore at the thing and said 'Stay' like some kind of movie hero.

Frank was knocked to the ground by the Alsation in a whir of matted fur and profuse growling. He punched repeatedly at its head, wriggling around like a stroke victim as it tried repeatedly to sink its sharp teeth into his flesh. His knee smacked hard into the dog's stomach over and over as well.

Then it moved for his throat.

And I covered my eyes in terror.


Heavy breathing.


When I peeked through my fingers, Frank was lying on his back with his eyes closed, making those odd sounds of relief. The Alsation was still lying on him but it had been shot dead. The Jack Russell had been shot too, still lying where it had landed when it was hit with the trash can lid.

Frank lifted his head and looked at us all in turn as if looking for the person who'd undoubtedly saved his life.

Bob shook his head.

Nick shook his head.

Ray had no gun.

I had no gun.

Gerard was the one breathing hard with the hot gun in his hand.

There was a silence hanging over us all as Frank and Gerard studied each other carefully for a moment. Both had a look of disbelief on his face. Gerard as if he couldn't believe he'd saved a cop's life and Frank as if he couldn't believe someone who hated him had saved his life.

Everyone had frozen to watch this moment between them. We all wanted to see who would speak first and what he'd say.

"Thank you."

It was Frank.

And then he scrambled to his feet and picked up his gun, brushing himself down.

"Are you okay?" Nick questioned.

"I'm fine," Frank replied "C'mon, let's go! Before any more of them show up!"

I stared at Gerard in disbelief as we continued to walk. Yeah, he has his morals and stuff and he's a good person but I never thought about him saving a cop's life. I mean, he hates cops with a vengence. I know he wouldn't let someone die if he could prevent it but I'd never thought about him saving someone he despised.

"What are you staring at?"

"You saved a cop!"

"Um. . . I saved Frank."

"You saved a cop!"

"I saved a person."

"Whatever," I said with a smirk.

"Shut up," He grumbled, stalking on.

I smirked again and exchanged it with Ray.