The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Stocking up

Frank's P.O.V:

We got to surplus in record time. I hadn't spoken one word to anyone about what had happened. I was still trying to get my head around the idea. Someone who hated me had pretty much saved my life. I'd presumed that he'd have loved to have seen me get killed. Apparantly not.

"Looks quiet," Nick commented when we arrived.

"Mm," I replied, watching the store carefully.

"You go take a look around, yeah? We'll cover you from here!"

"Yeah sure," I shrugged.

Nick grunted and automatically closed a hand over his fresher wound. I put a hand on his shoulder out of maternal instinct. Yeah, he was the older out of us but he was also the wounded one. Therefore, I had an overwhelming sense of responsibility over him.

"Hang in there, we might find a first aid pack in there," I said "Or we could stop off at the hospital!"

"Mm," He grunted in reply.

"I'll go take a look around," I stated.

Everyone's eyes were burning into my back as I cautiously made my way over to the store. I pulled my firearm out as I neared the door, resting one hand on the handle.



Nothing. I just wanted to check this thing worked!

I rolled my eyes and cautiously pushed the door open. There was a loud crack as I stepped on some broken glass from one of the display cases near the door. I pulled my flashlight out and proceeded to step inside. It was horribly quiet.

Frank, be careful, won't you?

"I'll be fine," I said into the little radio in my hand.

Be careful, Gerard's voice said I didn't save your ass so that you can go try and get killed again!

"I'll keep that in mind, Gerard!"


I stepped furthur into the store, firearm at the ready. The main store looked clear. A few display cases were smashed and one or two boxes of ammo were spilled over the floor. But there was no sign of anything alive in there.

Then I checked behind the counter.

And had to use every ounce of my self-control not to shriek in shock.

The guy, who I presumed had been working there, was sprawled out on the ground. Every inch of him was covered in blood. His skin could have been stained with food colouring and his clothes were soaked in the coagulated red liquid. Half the skin on his face had been torn back and a massive chunk was missing from his face. My stomach heaved.

"Dude, you have my sympathies!" I commented.

Yo, Frank, everything clear?

"Yeah, it's good. . . oh my God!"

What is it?

I didn't speak. I just gawped in amazement.

Frank, what's going on?

"They. . . they have shotguns in here!"

Oh my God, Frank, you're obsessed with those things! Bob exclaimed I thought something had happened then!

So it's all clear? Nick questioned.

"Yeah, I've still gotta' check the back room but the main store's clear!"

Okay, so it's okay for us to come in?


I was joined about a minute later by the others. I'd been inspecting their shotguns and uzis with love, carefully scrutinising each one. I caught Mikey's arm as he tried to pass me and sit on the counter or something.

"I wouldn't, if I were you!"


"Are you squeamish?"

"A little."

"There's your answer!"

Unfortunately, I didn't notice Bob slip past me and go round the counter. But I knew he'd done so as soon as I heard him shriek in horror and disgust.

"What the hell happened?" He exclaimed.

"Well," I stated in a matter-of-factly way "It looks like something tried to make its din-dins outta' him; maybe one of those dogs."

"It's sick!"

"Back room's clear!" Nick confirmed.

I nodded and made my way back over to the shotguns. I knew how to fire them and stuff but I'd never used one properly, except for training. I practically hugged it and the others all gave me weird looks.

"I'm having this!" I exclaimed, searching for a holster so I could sling it over my back.

I got myself some shells for the shotgun and some more ammo for my Glock. While everyone was stocking up, Ray was inspecting a display of 9mm with interest. I watched him as he moved on to look at a Wolfram PP7.

"Hey, James Bond," I teased "Looking for a gun?"

"Might be useful," He replied.

"Can I make a reccommendation?"

"Yeah, okay."

I carefully scrutinised each firearm on display in the store. Ray trotted along behind me, looking at everything I considered and then sorted into 'No' and 'Maybe'.

"Before I give my permission, do you know how to shoot?"

"Well. . . I haven't used a real gun but I'm a pretty good shot with a BB Gun."

"It'll do," I shrugged "Right, I'd reccommend something relatively simple. Like these," I explained, holding out some 9mm handguns.

He looked at them with interest while I briefly explained how to use them. I considered him for a moment while looking at what else was on offer.

"You might pull some Desert Eagles off, if you'd prefer them!"

"Nah, I'll stick to these!"

"Okay, here's a holster! Lemme find you some ammo!"

Soon, I had Ray all fixed up with his guns. Gerard laughed and wolf-whistled at him when he saw the holster. Ray laughed too and struck a stupid pose. Mikey watched with a small smile on his face.

"You want a gun, Mikey?"

"Me? No way! I'm hopeless," He laughed.

I shrugged as if to say 'Fine, whatever!'. Then I looked at Ray and Gerard, still being stupid over Ray's new guns. Nick was shaking his head, inspecting various items; such as, binoculars and combat knifes. I helped myself to a combat knife, figuring it'd be useful.

Gerard was playing around with his firearms, trying to spin them in his hands and failing miserably. I struggled not to laugh at him as he failed yet again. Then I pulled my Glock out and walked past casually, pausing in front of him.

"Everyone ready to go?" I questioned, spinning my firearm expertly and slipping it into my holster.

I could feel Gerard's eyes on me as I did so. I smirked to myself and turned to Nick.

"We good to go?"

"Yeah, sure!" He nodded.

So we got it all together and left.