The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

That was my killer cat

Ray's P.O.V:

The guns made me feel a lot better. I felt more secure with them resting in their holsters on my hips. It made me feel more like Frank and Gerard. It felt like I could do more for everyone. Mikey remained unarmed, claiming he'd shoot someone in the head by accident.

"Where are we going?" Bob questioned.

"I haven't got that far yet!" Frank replied "We should find somewhere to stop for a moment so that we can figure that out."

I jerked my head towards an alley as we passed it. The sound of something colliding with metal. The others heard it too. Frank lifted his gun up expertly, holding a flashlight with it. Mikey automatically clutched Gerard's arm fearfully. Nick had his gun out too.

"Cover me?"

"Go ahead," Nick replied.

Frank stepped closer to the alley, shining his flashlight in front of him. His footsteps bounced off the walls on either side of him as he walked. I shivered as a breeze blew down the neck of my shirt. There was a deafening silence sweeping over us all, fear engulfing us.

Mikey's grip tightened on Gerard's arm as Frank continued to step into the enveloping darkness. Mikey shrieked in surprise as there was a loud rattling sound. Frank turned around and raised a hand, signalling that he was fine.

Just a can, He insisted I'm fine.

Okay, Nick replied.

The suspense continued to toy with us as Frank disappeared into the darkness, his flashlight casting a sillouhette for us, reassuring us he was still there. I jumped as something snatched at my arm, pulling me to the right. Mikey. He'd grabbed my arm for moral support and was now clutching me and Gerard.

"Mikey," I hissed "You scared me!"

"Sorry," He replied "I'm so scared, though. I'd be this close to peeing my pants, if I was a kid!"

"Nice," Gerard grimaced.

"I said if I was a kid!"


Yeah, go ahead! Nick said.

It's all clear, down here and it leads to the other street!

Okay, we're coming, Gerard replied.

Nick went first, then me and Mikey and Gerard and Bob at the back. He sniffed and wrinkled his nose as we progressed deeper into the alley. I glanced back at him, mouthing 'Are you okay?' and he nodded, rubbing his nose quickly.

Mikey clutched my arm fearfully and latched himself onto me. I sighed and bore it. Well, what else was I supposed to do? Punch him in the gut and tell him to be a man? Hey, why didn't I think of that before?

I will admit, I had a girly moment when I jumped a mile when Frank snatched at my arm and yanked me aside. I growled at him and he shushed me, pointing at something in the street. Some weird chick was dragging herself down the street, her head hanging and her clothes practically falling off. I nodded slowly, still very much resenting him scaring me outta' my skin.

Gerard sniffled again, looking around him. He rubbed his nose and sniffed again.

"Shut up!" Frank hissed.

"I can't- oh jeez. . . I can't help it!" He protested "It might be. . . is there a cat around here?"

"How do I know?" Frank replied.

"I'm severely allergic. . . they make me sneeze and. . . my throat closes up and- and. . ."

He was stopped by what was obviously an oncoming sneeze. It was also made obvious when he started to make those stereotypical 'ah. . . ahh. . .' noises. Frank immediately shoved a finger under Gerard's nose in attempt to stop him sneezing. There was total silence for a moment, everyone daring Gerard to sneeze. His breathing slowed down and we figured the sneeze had subsided-


Frank's mouth dropped open in an oh-my-god-that-did-not-just-happen way and he glanced at his hand in disgust. Gerard wiped his nose on his sleeve and muttered 'I feel better now'.

"I'm glad," Frank replied grimly, wiping his hand on Gerard's jacket.


"That was a waste of being quiet!" Nick complained, admiring his handiwork of a corpse.


"AHA! I'VE FOUND THE CULPRIT!" Gerard exclaimed, pointing a finger at a scraggly ginger tom.

"Awww," Mikey cooed "Look at him, he's so cute! Can we adopt him?"

"No," Gerard spat in disgust.

Mikey reached out and the cat hissed and spat at him, causing him to shirek and dive behind his big brother. Nick yelled something about it being rabid and stood in front of us all with his arms outstretched like he was some kind of shield. Frank stood with his eyebrows raised and his arms folded.

"Ahh, I need to reload," Nick exclaimed, fiddling with ammo.

The cat stepped closer, yowling at us in a menacing way. Everyone shrieked except Frank. He just sighed and stepped forwards. We stared in amazement as he kicked the cat hard, causing it to yowl in pain and go flying through the air; never to be seen again.


"Uhh. . . kicked a killer cat. Is that bad?"


"Was," Frank corrected, raising a finger importantly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my God, seriously?


Oh my God, like, no way!

Yah, way!

Oh. My. God. Like. No. Way.

Oh. My. God. Like. Yah. Way!

This fic still exists?!

Oh my God, seriously?


Oh my God, like, no way!

Yah, way!

Oh. My. God. Like. No. Way.

Oh. My. God. Like. Yah. Way!