The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Bob's P.O.V:

"Gerard," Mikey whimpered. clutching his big brother's hand fearfully "Make me feel better, like you used to!"

"How?" Gerard questioned "You're not eight years old, anymore, Mikey."

"I know b-but-please, Gerard!"

"Fine, but I'm not singing to you, Mikey!"

And he started muttering comforting things into his younger brother's ear. Mikey clutched his arm and began using it like a cuddle blanket. I felt embarrassed for Gerard. But I don't think he minded too much because he was bearing it just fine.

I hadn't really spoken since the death of my cat. Thank you, Frank. Note the hint of sarcasm then?

Frank didn't seem particularly bothered by it. He apologised a million and one times and hugged me, promising me a new cat. Did he not know how much sentimental value that cat held? No one could ever replace him!

Nick had started to look terrible, by this point. He’d gone pale and was starting to sweat profusely. It was a three-days-of-food-poisoning and I-just got-outta’-bed-to-puke look. Frank repeatedly cast concerned glances at him and would pause to ask if he was okay every so often. Nick would nod and brush him off.

"We should look in there!" Nick exclaimed, pointing to the police station "There might be a radio!"

"Good idea," Frank nodded "Everyone okay to check the police station?"

"Yeah," I said, speaking for the first time since the 'cat incident'.

"That's a g-good idea," Mikey nodded uncomfortably, clutching tighter onto Gerard while he and Ray both nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we'll split up, yeah?" Frank questioned.

He received bewildered and unsure looks from me, Ray, Gerard and Mikey. Was he absolutely nuts? There was no way-

"Bob, you and Ray stick together, yeah?" He said "Gerard and Mikey, will you guys be okay together? Nick and I'll split up, okay?"

No protests. Frank decided that he would sweep the ground floor with me and Ray while Nick, Gerard and Mikey swept the second floor. The inside of the building was silent and dark. I felt blindly along the wall for a light switch but Frank slammed his hand around my wrist, handing me a flashlight he'd grabbed from Surplus.

"Don't wanna' draw any attention!" He said firmly "Okay, let's split up. Don't forget your walkie talkies! And the distress button if you get into trouble! It'll let everyone know where you are!" He continued, looking at us each in turn.

Everyone mumbled acknowledgement and went their separate ways.

Everyone keep an eye open for survivors as well as a radio, okay? Nick questioned through the walkie talkie.

Yeah! Frank replied.

Yeah, we got it, Gerard confirmed.

"Okay, if you guys go that way," Frank said, as we came to the main reception desk "It leads to the chief's room! Check every room, okay? Be careful and remember your walkie talkies!"

"Yes," Ray nodded.

"You too," I said with a cheeky smirk.

"Per-lease," Frank replied "I'm a trained cop! I don't need to ask for help!"

"I'll remember that when a rabid dog's trying to eat your ass!"

He saluted and off he went down one of the corridors. Ray glanced briefly after him and then looked down the hall, tilting his head awkwardly. I nodded and followed him, our footsteps echoing all around us. It was freaky.

Ray was walking in front of me, looking all around, glass cracking underneath his feet. He stopped briefly outside a door bearing the plaque 'Showers - Gents'. I shrugged when he looked at me.

"Should we bother?"

"I dunno', no harm, I guess," I replied.

He took the door handle in one hand and twisted it until the door creaked open. Ray had his gun at hand and was now slipping into the room carefully, me with the flashlight behind him.

The room was white tiled with individual cubicles, a row of mirrors above a row of sinks and a towel rack. It was dark and silent.

“Nothing,” Ray shrugged, closing the door.

A hand snatched at my arm from behind, making me yell out in shock. Ray cursed loudly and fiddled around with his holster while I punched at the former cop, calling him all the abusive names I could think of.

He brought his almost-blue face to my arm, widening his jaws menacingly. I cried out again and slammed my fist hard into his face.


“Thanks,” I nodded to Ray, brushing my arm.

“Did he hurt you?” He questioned with concern.

“No, I think it’ll bruise but that’s it!”

“Good,” He nodded,

Frank, Nick? Gerard questioned Do either of you guys have the code to the first door on the corridor going right upstairs?

You mean the conference room? Nick questioned.

I dunno’, it’s down the first corridor going right, it’s the first door on the left-hand side and it has a little code box thingy!

Ray and I continued down the hall, pausing outside what looked like a staff room. I reached out and opened the door carefully. It was empty. . . well, killer free anyway. We stepped further inside.

Unless they’ve changed it again, it’s 04. . .05. . .893, okay?

No, Nick, they changed it yesterday, Frank argued.

It doesn’t work, Gerard agreed.

Press one and three together, okay? Frank said Now, it’s four eight five two three, okay?

Yeah, that worked, thanks!

You owe me a drink for that, Frank said.

I could picture him with a cheeky smirk on his face. Ray and I searched all the drawers in the staff room, looking for a radio.

In your dreams Fuzz-boy!

And I’ll keep dreaming until it happens, stick-up-butt-boy!

Ray let out a snort of laughter as he said it. I tried not to but it still happened. Ray came across a safe in the far corner of the room and beckoned me over. We both stared at it for ages, curious as to whether they’d keep a safe in the staff room or not.

We twisted the dial around, praying we’d open it but we got nothing. You can do these things with a stethoscope but we didn’t have one of those. Ray pressed his ear against it determinedly and listened closely as he twisted the dial.

“Hey, Frank?” I said into the walkie talkie.

Yeah, go ahead, He replied.

“What’s the combination for the safe in the staff room, would they keep a radio in it?”

Erm. . . I’m not too sure, the combination’s forty, ten, sixty, twenty, twenty!

Don’t bother, Nick cut in I saw it opened this morning, there’s nothing useful in there!

“Okay,” I replied, following Ray out into the hallway.

While I’m on here, Frank said Everyone, listen up!

Yeah, Mikey said.

“We’re all ears,” I contributed,

Go on, Nick ordered.

I was just in the canine unit! They’re gone!

Nick swore into his walkie talkie and asked if the van was there.

No, so I’m guessing they took some of them out on duty but they wouldn’t take all of them at once. No way!

How many were there? Gerard questioned.

We’ve got about six of them here! The van holds three of them but all of the canines are gone! They might have already left the building but keep your eyes open, okay?

“But. . . surely we don’t stand a chance!” Ray protested “They’re not slow like those people are! What if they get us before we can even-“

Don’t worry, Nick said Keep your firearm at the ready, keep your cool and it’ll come naturally- He broke off to give a hacking lunge cough.

Nick? Frank’s frantic voice questioned Nick, are you okay?. . . Nick?! Nick, talk to me-

I just don’t feel so good! He finally responded I must have some sort of bug or maybe it’s those bites. . .

D’you wanna’ re-group with us? Gerard questioned.

No, I’ll be fine!

We kinda’ zoned out after that. And the buzzing of their voices stopped after a little while. Ray and I had come across the women’s locker room. Surely there’d be a radio in there. Ray went first, reaching out and slowly opening the door.

Almost immediately, someone threw themselves at the door and pale hands, caked in dried blood, made a grab at Ray’s arm. He yelled out and shoved the door hard, causing the body to stumble backwards. She looked up at us with her glazed eyes. Her blonde hair was all over the place and a large bite mark was visible through her shirt.

Ray instantly lifted his gun and shot her.

Then he crouched down and inspected the body.

“Hey, I know this chick!” He exclaimed “I met her at a party! Good kisser, I’m telling you!”

“Very interesting,” I replied sarcastically “Shall we continue, if you’re all done?”

He nodded, oblivious to my sarcasm. But before we’d even opened the first locker, our walkie talkies started bleeping and little red lights flashed. A distress call?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooooooh, death? No death? Peril? No peril?

Thought I'd say, the three-days-of-food-poisoning and I-just-got-outta'-bed-to-puke came from the commentary on Resident Evil: Apocalypse made by Milla Jovovich and Oded Fehr! Just felt I should say that, y'know?