The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Bathroom confessions

Frank's P.O.V:

Everyone was quiet.

I liked it like that. I was being left alone. No more questions about how I was and if I needed to talk to anyone. If I needed to talk, I'd talk. But I didn't need to talk! When would they get that into their thick heads? I. Was. Fine.

And why the hell were they all being so slow? Did they want to get killed or something? There they were, wandering around like they didn't have a care in the world, staring at me as they walked.

"Will you guys hurry the hell up?" I snapped.

Gerard's eyes narrowed as he folded his arms and stopped, standing there in the middle of the street. Everyone stopped to look at him.

"Gerard?" Mikey questioned.

He didn't say anything. He just stared hard at me with his arms folded sulkily. I stared back, my eyes narrowing. He looked unimpressed. Everyone stared at us as we both stood silently, trying to out-glare each other. My hands settled on my hips, my feet shoulder width apart, like I was an angry Mom. And Gerard stood with his arms folded like a sulky little kid.

"Move it," I growled quietly.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Move. It."

"No," Gerard replied as if he were talking to a little kid.

I marched forwards, seizing him by his wrist and attempting to drag him forwards. Everyone just stood and watched in shock. I looked back at them, narrowing my eyes as I observed each of them in turn.

"Come on! Don't just stand there!"

"Get off of me!" Gerard growled, tugging his wrist.


"Get off!"

I continued to drag him along while he fought against me, trying to plant his feet firmly so they wouldn't slide along the ground. It didn't work. I dragged him along with ease. Mikey watched with wide eyes as I did so. He looked unsure.

"F-Frank, maybe-maybe you should let him go!"

"When he stops acting like a baby!"

"GET OFF OF ME!" Gerard yelled, attempting to punch me.

I blocked his assault easily and then dragged his arm behind him, pulling to his opposite shoulder behind his back. He growled and wriggled his shoulders, trying to break free. I just pulled his arm furthur up, causing him more discomfort.

"The more you struggle, the more uncomfortable it gets," I growled "Stop it and walk and it won't hurt."

He just growled and fought against me, making it more and more uncomfortable for himself. I didn't relent.

Then of course, we had company. I sighed, keeping a firm grip on Gerard and pulling my gun out with my other hand. So, it's against my training to shoot holding the gun with one hand but I had no other choice.


The body collapsed.

Gerard continued to struggle, fighting against me. I kept a firm grip on him, pushing him forwards and growling at him to move. He walked like I told him to, still trying to wrench his arm free though.

"Frank, please let him go!" Mikey begged.

"When he stops acting like a little kid!" I repeated "Gerard, you're only hurting yourself. It's all you."

"Get off," He simply replied "Please let me go!"

I ignored him, marching him forwards. Everyone else followed, staring at me almost as if they were shocked. I looked back at them all and shrugged, telling them to follow. Gerard was quiet for a while and then made another attempt at breaking free from my grip on him. I just tightened my grip.

I kept hold of him like that for a while. No one said anything, Gerard occasionally begging to be let go, his anger draining into pitiful misery.

When we came across a coffee house and I busted the door open, suggesting we stop for a moment. Everyone gratefully agreed. I pulled Gerard inside, letting everyone else follow. Then I let Gerard go.

He backed as far away from me as he could, cradling his arm like he thought I'd broken it or something. I sighed, running a hand through my hair and helping myself to an instant coffee. Then I got my box of cigarettes and lighter out, grateful for a smoke. I inhaled happily, closing my eyes as I exhaled slowly. A cigarette always helps when I feel stressed.

Mikey shyly made his way over, clutching a mug of coffee in his thin hands. I opened one eye lazily and shifted over in the bench to make room for him. He smiled gratefully and sat next to me, placing his mug delicately on the table. I took a long gulp of mine and then another drag of my cigarette, feeling a lot better than I was.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned "I mean. . . y'know, don't get mad but you were way upset about Nick."

"Yeah," I sighed, exhaling more grey smoke "I know. I have this pride problem sometimes. It gets the better of me. This is one of those times."

"Mm," He nodded "Gerard gets that as well," He said glancing at his big brother, sitting sullenly in the corner with a cup of coffee Mikey had given him.

I shrugged, uncertain of what he wanted me to say. He smiled and took a sip of coffee, watching where the smoke from my cigarette went. I apologised and exhaled with my head turned away so it would drift out the open door. He thanked me, watching me drink more of my coffee.

"Go talk to him," Mikey urged


"Go talk to him, Frank," He repeated "You scared him earlier. It reminded him of. . . stuff." He shifted awkwardly "Just between you and me, I think he cares about what you think of him more than he lets on."

"Oh," I replied awkwardly.

"Just go talk to him," Mikey urged.

So I got up, bringing my coffee with me and made my way over slowly. He flicked his eyes to me immediately, staring coldly at me as I stood over him. I shifted awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Can I sit?"

"If you must."

So I sat beside him, taking a drag from my cigarette and inhaling slowly. He watched my every little move with eagle eyes, like he thought I would jump on him and brutally torture him. I sighed, pulling my cigarette box out.

"Smoke?" I offered, holding the box out to him "Peace offering?"

He let a small smile touch the corners of his mouth as he reached out slowly and removed a cigarette from the squashed box. I put the box back in my pocket and pulled out my lighter, flicking it open and pushing the little switch so that there was a whoosh and a burst of flame from the little object. Gerard smiled again and leant closer, lighting his cigarette.

He leant back and took his first drag on the fresh cigarette. I watched him brush his hair from his face as he exhaled and looked at me.

"I think uh. . . we should talk, Gerard," I began "Mikey said I upset you-"

He rose from his seat, seizing my wrist and marching us both out into the bathroom. It was a pretty grotty little bathroom, obviously in need of a good cleaning. I looked around, wrinkling my nose at how gross it was in there.

Gerard still had his cigarette dangling from his lips when he turned to face me, leaning against the wall. He exhaled slowly, taking his time. My cigarette lost its appeal so I just dropped it and stamped it out.

"I don't wanna' talk about it out there," Gerard said calmly "But, yeah, you could say you 'upset' me," He confessed.

"I'm sorry, Gerard," I apologised "I wasn't supposed to scare you or anything. It's just 'cause I. . . well, I uh. . . I'd kinda' be missing the point of my job if I just let you stay there, right?"

He nodded slowly, taking another drag of his cigarette. I watched him quietly for a moment, wondering why I'd upset him so much. I assumed it had something to do with his dislike for cops. That much was pretty damn obvious.

"Can I ask uh. . . why you got so upset?"

"You can," He shrugged "Doesn't mean I'll answer," He continued, inhaling some more smoke.


He leant against the wall and slid down into a seated position on the floor. He then curled up, one arm around his knees and the hand holding the cigarette still there to feed him more smoke.

"You know I hate cops, right?"


"So you'll realise how weird I find telling a cop this! Okay, I was pretty heavy on drugs back in New Jersey," He confessed "I mean heavy. Anything I could get my hands on y'know? I got arrested so many times. I just automatically associate that whole arm thing with pain and being arrested and everything! This guy got robbed and assaulted once and I called the cops but I got arrested for possession of weed. Mikey had to get me out on bail!"

"Oh," I wavered "I didn't know, Gerard-"

"No one did!"

"I guess," I wavered "If I'd have known. . . well, I wouldn't have."

"It's fine," He promised.

I smiled shyly, sitting beside him. He looked at me thoughtfully, finishing his cigarette and stubbing it out on the dirty floor.

"So, what was the deal earlier with Nick?" He questioned quietly.

"I'd sooner not talk about it-"

"Frank, c'mon!" He urged "I told you about why I hate cops so much!"

"This is different," I insisted, getting up.

He got up too, staring at me through his caramel eyes with their smudged eye make-up.

"It's not different at all," He argued.

"The other's will be wondering where we are!" I stated, making to leave the room.

He just lashed out and snatched up wrist up to stop me leaving the room. I didn't do anything, just let him drag me back. Then I sighed, dropping my head. There was no way I could avoid this now. I knew it was supposed to help if you talk to someone but I really didn't feel like opening up just yet. Especially to someone I'd only known a few hours.

"Tell me, Frank."

"What's there to tell?" I replied quietly "He's dead. I feel bad about it."

"What's with the mask?" He questioned "You're crying on my shoulder one minute and then acting like you couldn't care less the next."

"Who else is gonna' stand tall for the others?" I demanded "If I break down, everyone will! I know, okay? Don't ask how, I just know! The fact that I'm official and it's my job to protect people is what makes them all feel better! If I start freaking out, they all freak out too!"

"Frank. . ." He said slowly "You can't just pretend to be strong and kid yourself and everyone else! You're not fooling them anyway. They know something's up. Sometimes it's just good to take a minute to let everything out. Talk to someone. . ."

"Now's not the right time. . ." I wavered, my heart thudding as his expression softened.

"Now's an okay time," He insisted "Not perfect but it's okay."

I could feel myself trembling as he began to lean closer to me. I shouldn't. . . I needed to be professional. Professional. But he was so beautiful. I shivered again. I didn't want to be sensible in the slightest.

"Gerard we. . . I mean. . ." I stuttered as we drifted closer.

He didn't reply. He just closed his eyes, lifting a hand to the back of my head. I was still trembling. But I let my eyes flutter shut too. This wasn't right. It was no way the right time or the right place. But it felt it.

We only got a nanosecond of contact. As soon as his lips touched mine, I jumped and pulled back.

"That was bad," I insisted "We shouldn't have done that! No, we shouldn't have!"

I checked my reflection in the mirror quickly to make sure I was composed. Then I ran for the door, turning back to Gerard.

"Come on," I urged "We should keep moving."