The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

The overwhelming odds

Gerard's P.O.V:

The glistening police car slicked past, making me flinch as it did so. I've had enough experiences with the police to last me a lifetime. I guess that's why I moved here. Fresh start. A new life with my perfect little brother. Never committed a crime in his life. Wouldn't know how to fire a gun if his life depended on it. Couldn't tell a line of coke from talcum powder.

A good influence on me.

That's why everyone seemed to agree with my decision to move to the same city as him. I've been living off his sofa for the last few weeks until I find a place of my own. He'd gone to work so I decided to take a closer look around and get to know the city a little better. Maybe meet some people.

I was sitting in the park with a take-away coffee when I heard his voice. He was arguing with someone over something. My ears pricked with interest. I'm nosy, ok? I like to know what's going on in other people's lives since there's nothing going on in mine. It makes me feel like I account for something.

"Look, lady, I clearly said that there were gonna' be no strings attached, ok?" He exclaimed.

"But I was drunk! You expected me to remember that?"

"No. Strings. Attached. What part don't you get?"

The woman standing opposite him, with her hands on her hips, mumbled out random words stringed together as sentences. I smirked. This guy knew how to handle women in the middle of a moodswing. Someone I'd get along with.

"Now, if you're all done," He said "Goodbye," He added firmly, waving his fingers at her.

And off she flounced. Just like that.

The guy smirked at his triumph. He had curly black hair, like some kind of mini-afro and was real tall. I could see his t-shirt clinging to his body underneath his jacket. I could also see dark eyes and the the kind of lips that would be used on a comercial for lip-plumping gloss that didn't work.

He turned to see me staring at him calmly.

"You got a problem?" He questioned.

"No, but you can, if you want!" I shot back, getting up.

"Oh yeah? What if I want one?"

I was about to reply when I stopped myself. This was hardly the way to a fresh start, was it? Getting back into my old habits would just get me back in the police station again.

He stared at me hard, a challenging look in his eyes. His arms were folded and his hip was jutted out to his right, screaming attitude overload. Maybe I should reccommend an attitude adjustment for him.

"Well?" He demanded.

Ohh, so tempting.

I shook my head, mumbling out a 'nothing' and sitting back down again. He raised his eyebrows at me as if to say 'Pfft, pathetic'. How dare he! The guy didn't even know me! I'm happy to say that, if you get on my bad side, I will happily kick your ass. Why d'you think my brother made it through High School?

No offence intended to him when I say this but, he's an easy target. Glasses. Asthma. Morbidly skinny. Overall, a very dorky appearance. Easy shot for the jocks and preps alike. Fortuantely for him and unfortuantely for the jocks, he's related to Gerard Way. Me.

"That's what I thought," The guy smirked.

"You trying to create a problem for yourself?" I demanded "It's none of your business but this is a fresh start for me and I'm not about to screw it up and get back into old habits because of some guy who doesn't even know me!"

"My heart bleeds for you," He said sarcastically but he still seated himself down beside me.

"I'm so glad," I replied just as sarcastically.

He looked at me for a moment as if thinking about something. I sipped my coffee calmly, ignoring his presence. To be honest, what this guy thought of me didn't bother me. I can guarantee I've had people think worse about me before. That's a promise.

"Ray," He said finally, extending a hand.

My eyes observed his hand suspiciously for a moment. I'm not the most trusting of people. Bad experiences made me this way, ok? Deal with it. I don't trust a lot of people.

"Gerard," I finally replied, deciding he was ok and squeezing his hand briefly.

"You new round here?" He questioned.

What did you think I meant by 'fresh start', dumbass?

"Yeah, I just moved in with my brother until I find my own place."

"You like it here?"

I shrugged my shoulders half-heartedly. I didn't really know how I felt about this place yet. I'm still relatively new to the area. Therefore, no judgement has been passed yet. Give me a few more weeks and then we'll see.

He was watching me carefully for my reaction, waiting for my answer to his question. I'd only just met him and acted real wary of him but this guy was already beginning to grow on me.

"I dunno', I've only been here a few weeks and I haven't really left the house that much."

"Ah," He nodded "Don't really know your way around then?"


He nodded again and watched some birds fighting over a piece of bread a little old lady had thrown them. It was almost like survival of the fittest. One of the birds was a hell of a lot fatter and bigger than the other. The odds were stacked up against the little one. I was certain it would lose. So imagine my surprise when the little one managed to snatch up the bread from the big one and fly off with it, despite the overwhelming odds.
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