The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Fun and crashes

Gerard's P.O.V:

"Mikey?!" I exclaimed as he dropped to the ground, gasping hard.



"Mikey?" I questioned, lifting his head into the crook of my arm so I was cradling him "Mikey, do you have your inhaler? Mikey? C'mon now, breathe with me, nice and slow. In. . . out. . . in. . . out- no no, nice and slow, that's it!"

While he wheezed and gasped at the air around him, I fumbled through his pockets desperately. He always had his inhaler on him. So where was it? I fumbled through the pockets in his jeans frantically, where was it?

Frank was standing over us, hands on his head as he breathed hard. It was okay for him! He wasn't asthmatic. Mikey looked at me through panic stricken eyes, struggling to keep up the nice slow breaths I'd been instructing him to take.

"Mikey, c'mon," I urged "You have it on you, right? You always have it on you!"

He lifted a shaky hand for his back pocket and pulled out his blue inhaler. I snatched it from him and hurriedly put the mouthpiece between his wheezing lips. Seconds later I was pushing down on the cylinder to give him the muscle relaxant.

Slowly, Mikey's gasping began to subside. When he'd finally stopped, I breathed out in relief and hugged him tightly.

Bob, Ray and Frank all sighed in relief behind us and made comments about how scared they were. Mikey managed a small smile and shakily gestured for me to help him up, which I did; but I made him sit down for a rest seconds later.

It was then that I became aware of the growls of the dogs just outside the bar door. Great. What the hell were we gonna' do now? Fortunately, I chose that moment to look away fearfully and fate guided my eyeline towards the back door.

Frank, Bob and Ray all started dragging heavy bar stools over to the door in attempt to hurriedly make some kind of pitiful barricade. Ray jumped back and swore loudly as the door lurched towards him as the dogs tried to break through.

"What now?" Bob demanded.

"Out there?" I piped up, gesturing towards the door.

They all followed my hand and their eyes lit up.

"You know what, Gerard?" Frank questioned "I think I'm starting to love you!" He stated, patting my shoulder and heading over to the exit.

"Dude, I could totally kiss you, right now!" Ray exclaimed, walking past me to follow Frank.

"I'll pass," I replied, putting an arm round Mikey as he got up to follow everyone.

Mikey looked up with bright eyes that looked how they should. I smiled down at him, kissing his forehead.

"Are you okay, now?"

"I'll live, thanks," He replied "Just a little asthma attack, that's all."

"More than a little one!"


"Sorry for caring," I replied, sticking my tongue out.

Mikey gave me a quick smile as we hurried out the exit behind the others. It led us to a parking lot; made sense. Frank was sat in a pick-up truck, pulling the dashboard to pieces and fiddling around with wires. The car was spluttering hopelessly.

Ray opened his mouth every so often as if he were about to say something but would trail off and forget he ever started talking. I wondered what he had to say that was so important that he kept trying to speak up.

"This is gonna' sound way un-lawful for me!" Frank said, sitting back with a frustrated groan "But does anyone know how to hotwire a car successfully?"

"I might know," Ray said coyly, inspecting his nails "Will I have to do time for the crime?"

"Nope, I'll say it was police business," Frank promised.

"Okay, dude, you got yourself a car hotwire-er person!" Ray beamed, taking Frank's place in the driver's seat.

In no time at all, the pick-up truck was revving impatiently. I insisted that Mikey sat in the passenger seat with Ray while Bob, Frank and I sat in the back. So, while Mikey was strapped safely in the front, Bob me and Frank were sat on the back, clinging to the sides.

"Please tell me he can drive safe!" Frank begged as the vehicle started to move.

"Weeell. . ." I wavered "Define safe?"

"Fast and evasive without getting us killed or smashing into something!"


My face said it all.

Frank didn't look too pleased.

The pick-up truck revved as Ray decided to floor it. Out of the parking lot and back onto the main road. There were the dogs, giving chase. But they were falling behind and failing miserably at catching us.

I grinned and stuck my tongue out at them. Bob laughed and joined me. Frank rolled his eyes and had his gun out in seconds. Moments later, all three of them were in a heap on the ground. I would say oozing blood but they were already doing that!

The pick-up truck swerved dangerously, throwing us all to one side, leaving a woman in the middle of the road, slowly dragging herself behind us. I burst out laughing at her and flipped her off. Frank gave me an odd look, crossing his eyebrows. I just smiled sweetly, and went back to what I was doing.

We swerved again, causing me to go flying-



"You okay?"

Just my luck, right? A huge ass pick-up truck and I went flying straight into Frank. He laughed at my shocked and embarrassed expression and helped me sit up.

"I'll be fine, thanks."

"Good. As long as you're okay, that's all that matters," He replied sarcastically, rubbing his crotch "Me on the other hand. . ." More crotch rubbing and wincing.

I rolled my eyes at him. The truck lurched again but I was ready and grabbed the side to steady myself. There was a gaggle of men and women following us up the road, slowly dragging themselves with their arms outstretched as if trying to reach us.

Frank caught my eye. We both grinned. Seconds later found us flipping them off and sticking our tongues out. Bob laughed and shook his head at us. Frank looked over and grinned at him.

"You should try it! It's fun!"

"I think I'll take a rain check," Bob replied.

We both shrugged and flipped off the group of men stumbling out of a strip club as we zoomed past. You really wouldn't believe how much fun it was now we had a set of wheels to keep us safe. You should try it some time.

"YEAH!" Came Ray's cry from the front "I HAVE ROAD RAGE AND I KNOW HOW TO USE IT!"

I paused to look in his direction.

"Uh oh-"

"OH MY GOD!" Bob screamed out as we swerved violently.



Bob's screams.

"BOB!" Frank's cries joined him "HANG ON!"



Fingers gripping tight to the cold metal of the vehicle.

Free hands closing around clammy fingers.


Shouts for Ray to stop.


Screaming: "Don't let go." "Hang on." "Please don't let me go!"


Gripping tighter to the edge of the truck.

Warm gushes of red blood.

One last pull.

Sighing in relief.

Screams from the front.


A burst of orange flames.

Don't get cocky because it all goes to hell moments later.
♠ ♠ ♠
That whole flipping off in the back of a truck thing was my friend's idea *Giggles*