The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Bob's P.O.V:


Go away.


Shut up.


I grunted, opening my eyes and looking at the wreckage around me. A burning pick-up truck. The roar of the orange fire surrounding me. My face felt like it was buring red hot. Everything was spinning. I was drifting in and out of darkness. I wanted to sleep. Where was I?

Everything glowed red and orange from the fire. Black shadows danced and licked the walls of the buildings around us. Two street lamps rose up from the ground like a pair of horns. They too glowed red from the flames.

Frank's face was suddenly in front of mine. I groaned again. Then hands were under my arms and I was being hauled into an upright position. Amazingly, everyone was pretty much okay; a few bumps and bruises but otherwise fine. I placed a hand on my head, groaning at the aching sensation.



Frank sighed in relief and hugged me tight. I managed to hug back with one arm, groaning again. Everyone else seemed okay. Ray had a nosebleed from the crash but it served him right. I had a huge headache.

"How many fingers, Bob?" Frank questioned.

I squinted at his long fingers being held up in front of me. They slipped in and out of focus in front of my eyes for a few seconds; multiplying and then reducing in numbers. Long pale fingers, happy to rest on a trigger.


"Okay, good," He nodded "Can you follow my finger?"

I followed his finger right and then left and up then down. Did he do it voluntarily or was it a subconscious plea for help from someone.

He smiled and helped me stand up, declaring that I would 'be okay'. No thanks to Ray's driving skills. Mikey was holding firmly onto Gerard, keeping on the side furthest from Ray. It seemed that no one was too pleased with him at that moment in time. He clearly acknowledged his mistake and hung his head, not looking at anyone.

I brushed myself down and thanked Frank. He nodded with a smile and turned to the others as if checking they were still okay. Then he directed us all onwards, claiming we shouldn't stop for too long.

So we were off down the street again, Frank in the lead. I was close behind, reluctantly walking alongside Ray. He had his head down, kicking the floor miserably as he walked along. I sighed and tried to avoid looking at him. Gerard and Mikey were walking along behind us; Gerard had his arms wrapped firmly around Mikey's shoulders. It was really quiet. It looked like it was gonna' rain.


"Mm?" I replied non-commitedly to Ray's whine.

"I'm sorry about. . . earlier-"

"Yeah, it's fine."

He blinked at me, shrugging his shoulders and deciding not to carry on. There was a silence after that. Just the sound of our footsteps on the wet ground. Occasionally someone would cough or clear their throat but it seemed we were all trying to keep as silent as humanly possible.

Until both Gerard and Mikey stopped, staring up at the roof of a general store we'd just passed. Both of them staring with narrowed squinting eyes. Frank looked back at the both of them, his eyebrows furrowing and his expression hardening.

"What is it, guys?"

"I thought I saw something."

We all followed Mikey's eyes towards the rooftop. It was difficult to see due to the shadows cast by the other buildings beside it. I couldn't see anything.

"Maybe. . . maybe I was just seeing things," Mikey murmured.

"No, I saw it too," Gerard promised "It was up there!"

It only took a second opinion for Frank to pull his gun out and his flashlight. He held both out at arms length expertly. One step forwards. The crunch of his boot on the ground. Nothing. Another step forward. One at a time, easy does it. Be careful.

It was too quiet. It was starting to get to me. What if it was all too quick for him to react? What if we lost him faster than we could blink? I'd never forgive myself if I couldn't help him in time.


"Frank, come on!" Gerard urged "If there's something there, let's go before it notices us!"

Frank let his flashlight lower and turned to return to us. He nodded slowly at Gerard's words and returned to us.

It was then that there was a small cry from within the store. A female cry. Someone trapped with no escape perhaps. A scream and plea for someone more powerful to rescue her.

Frank was gone before we could even register the sound fully and jump to it. Ray was next. Then Gerard. As he ran, he threw an order for Mikey to stay with me over his shoulder. Mikey scampered over to me like a little animal. Prey, not predator.

From within the building we heard the scream again. And the cry for help. There was a yell from someone. Maybe Ray? And the ringing echoing gunshot. All was silent. Mikey gripped my arm involuntarily.

As the silence went on, his grip tightened. Blood pumped through my system with adrenaline, squeezing me tighter and tighter the longer the suspense went on.

Then footsteps. Slow ones. And Frank's gentle encouraging voice; the one he used when someone was in shock or hurt. Who'd been injured? Who had we lost?

Ray emerged. Not him.

Then it was Frank, carrying a girl in his arms. A young woman, perhaps around her mid-twenties?

He brought her over to us and lay her carefully down on the ground. She was pale with fine eyebrows and dark hair. She was a beautiful woman. Her hair fell across her forehead, sticking to it from the thin layer of sweat oozing out.

Frank looked up at us with a small smile; we weren't the only ones. He rooted through her pockets, eventually finding an ID badge. He looked it over.

"This is GP Dr. Lindsey Balatto," He informed us "Works for the Ashford Medical Centre as a GP. Twenty-eight years old."

Mikey showed no signs of interest, never removing his eyes from the building looming in front of him. Where was his beloved brother? His other limb?

He clutched my arm tight.

And then sighed in relief.

Gerard emerged from the building with another woman clutching his arm fearfully. Short chemical blonde hair, wide blue bambi eyes, heavy make-up streaming down her face.

He joined us with his new 'friend' and Mikey thumped him hard. This came with the order of not to scare him again. Gerard smiled sheepishly.

"This is Eliza Cuts," He introduced "She was hiding out in there, waiting for someone to help."

She nodded, her hair bobbing softly. Her big eyes rested on Lindsey, whom Frank was leaning over and talking to softly in an attempt to bring her round. She bit her nail as she looked on.

"Will. . ." She paused "Will she be okay?"

No one dared say anything for a moment or two. How did we answer that when we didn't know ourselves?

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Mikey said bravely.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa! I wrote something!

Amazing, huh?

Love you guys and I would love a comment ^_^


As far as the next chapter goes, trust me when I say Lyn-Z kicks the can the easy way! And I'm sure loads of you know she's one of my many heroes so I have nothing against her and you can't call me a jealous fan girl so HA!

Love you all ^_^