The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Frank's P.O.V:

"C'mon, Eliza, we can't stop!"

"Please! My feet hurt, I'm tired and I'm hungry!" She whimpered.

"Maybe we should find somewhere to stop?" Bob offered "Get our heads together and try and think what we can do!"

"Maybe," I agreed, nodding my head.

Where though? Where could we stop that would be safe? That's my goal, to keep everyone safe and get them out this place alive and well. I will do that! They're all going to live! Even if I die, they'll live! Even if I die.

Even if I die.


"Hmm?" I murmered, slowly coming back from my cloudy fog of thoughts.

"You totally zoned out on us then!" Bob pointed out "Mikey said what if we stopped off there?"

I followed his finger to the museum. The museum, where Bob worked. I blinked. It was huge. How did we know it was totally safe in there? Bob saw my expression.

"It's locked, Frank," He offered "I have a set of keys! It's been locked since yesterday!"

"You're sure?"


So that's how we found ourselves in the museum restaurant kitchens. I was seated on one of the side counters while Gerard fried some eggs we'd found in the fridge and toasted bread on the grill. Mikey and Eliza muched through their food appreciatively. Eliza smiled widely as she ate, happy to have gotten her way obviously.

"Here, Frank," Gerard said, handing me a plate with two slices of toast and two fried eggs slapped on it.

He smiled sweetly as I thanked him and took a bite of toast. Then he handed Bob a plate of food and set about doing his own food. I smiled and took another bite of toast. The eggs crackled as Gerard poked them with his spatula. I watched as the clear viscous substance slowly began to turn white and look more like a fried egg.

Eliza sat up on the counter beside me and finished up her last piece of toast. She smiled, her big eyes watching as I munched on my food.

"Hey, Eliza," I commented coolly.


She continued to beam at me. I wondered what she wanted. Gerard was talking to Mikey and Bob while Ray hovered awkwardly.

"I need to use the bathroom," Eliza commented "Um. . . where is it?"

"I'll take you," Gerard offered "Probably not a good idea to go wandering off on your own!"

"Thanks," She smiled.

So up they were and out of the room moments later. Ray watched them go and then turned to us, cracking a smirk.

"Who's willing to bet she's got the hots for him?"

"Me," Bob admitted, raising a hand.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't!" Mikey protested.

Ray snorted. He then tossed his hair back, put a hand on his hip and strutted forwards, batting his eyelashes at Mikey. Mikey took an uncertain step back as Ray reached out and rested a hand on his shoulder, leaning in really close. When he spoke it was an attempt at a simpering honey-sweet feminine voice.

"Oh, Mikey, I have to use the bathroom," He began, giggling girlishly "Do you know where it is?"

Mikey blinked.

"Thanks," Ray continued "Now, you'd better come in with me just in case! Oops, my panties dropped!"

I grimaced at the image.

"Ray, stop it!" I protested grimly.

He smirked as if he were pleased with himself. I swear his name would come under the words coarse and blunt in the dictionary. He was hardly the most sensitive person I'd ever met.

Thank God he decided to give it a rest, though. He sat up on the counter opposite me and began to swing his legs contently. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I was so tired. So tired. How long had it been since this hellish nightmare began? I rested my head back against the wall behind me and closed my eyes. Just a few minutes of peace would do me just fine.

I wondered how bad the nightmares would be. They were going to haunt me forever, I was absolutely one hundred percent certain of that. I'd wake up every night convinced that my nightmares had become real. I wondered if I'd ever sleep the whole night through again. The room would be deafened by silence as I screamed silently into my pillow and bit into it hard to try and keep myself quiet.

Nick would be there. He'd be looking at me with those empty eyes and that expressionless face as he rose up off of the floor once more. He'd stand motionless for a moment, looking at me. Just looking at me. He'd walk forwards, reaching out for me with those pale, veined hands. Then he'd lunge for me. . .

"Eliza's gone!". . .

"Frank, did you hear me? Eliza's gone!". . .

Someone was shaking me, gripping my forearms tight. I tried to ignore them but they were gripping so tight and my head was hitting the wall behind me. They were saying my name over and over.

"What d'you mean she's gone? She left?"

"No, she's somewhere in the building still!"

"What happened?"

"She. . . I. . . she tried to kiss me. . . I-I pushed her back. . . she said something about being grateful and owing it to me. . . she was so embarrassed she just ran for it and wouldn't come back. . ."

Finally, something seemed to sink in. I jumped awake and stared at Gerard's flustered and panicked face. He looked over at me, exhaling hard with wide eyes.

"Frank, did you hear me? She's gone!" He flustered, his breathing beginning to get quick and shallow.

"Okay, Gerard," I began, getting down "It'll be fine! It'll be okay, we'll find her!"

"We will?" He questioned "We will?"

"We'll find her, okay? Which way did she go?" I questioned "Which way did she go?"

"She went outta' the bathroom and. . . back down the corridor and. . . I don't know where she went after that! She just disappeared!"

"Okay okay," I said gently "You and Mikey will stay here! The rest of us will go look for her, okay? She'll be fine, Gerard, she'll be fine, okay?"

"O-okay," He gasped "Okay. . . yes, she'll be fine. . . she'll be fine."

Mikey put his arms around his brother and coaxed him to sit down on the floor and take it easy. Gerard squeezed his younger sibling tight and let his head loll onto his chest.

Me and the others rushed from the room back down towards the main hallway. Ray and Bob wasted no time in rushing off together, saying they'd look that way and I'd look the other.

My footsteps echoed as I stepped across the marble floor. It was dark. I pulled my flashlight out and scanned the area.

How could she have been so stupid? Running off on her own like that was basically committing suicide. I shivered. . .

She'd be fine. We'd find her and she'd be fine. We'd be so relieved and we'd wait for help to come and get us. We'd be fine.

"Eliza?" I questioned into the empty darkness.


"Eliza?" I called a little louder "Eliza, where are you? Please, this is dangerous!"


I walked on, taking slow steps, checking every inch of the area before I moved on. She'd be fine. She'd be fine.

What if one of those things had gotten to her? What if she was crying out in a strangled voice, choked and clotted with blood, trying to wail and scream for our help. I'd have failed her. I'd have failed Gerard. She'd be another dead body to report.

"Eliza?" I called again.

Nothing. . .

I took one step forward.

A scream.

A shrill, panicked one that cut through me like a knife through butter.

"Eliza?!" I cried out "She was upstairs?!"

I ran.
♠ ♠ ♠

Ooooh, will Eliza be okay?

Will Frank reach her in time?


Haha. You have to wait til I update next!

Oh oh oh, guess what! It's snowingggggg! I love snow!

Also, I've noticed a lack of readers recently. Is this story crap?

Thank you to everyone who is still reading and thank you to everyone who is reading and commenting! Your lovely words spur me on =]