The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Gerard's P.O.V:

The door burst open and both Mikey and I jumped up. I clutched at my holster, just in case. But no, it was Ray, Bob and Frank. Perhaps they'd found Eliza-

One look at Frank told me different. I realised something was terribly wrong from just one look at him. He had one arm strung around Ray, leaning heavily on him, his skin was paling and-and it was blood spattered and his eyes. . . Oh my God, his eyes. They were completely empty. Vacant and unfocused. He was breathing horribly fast as he lifted his head. The moment our eyes met, he dropped his head and stumbled forwards with Ray.

Mikey pushed past me quick to grab ahold of Frank and drag him over towards the corner to sit down. I went to follow. Ray's hand closed around my arm. I looked back at him with wide eyes. Had he been bitten? Oh God, had he been bitten? Was he gonna' turn into one of them?

"What's wrong with him?" I demanded "What happened? What-what's wrong?"

"Gerard," Ray began solemly "There's no easy way of saying this, especially as you were so worried. . . I'm just gonna' say it."

"What? Say what?! What's wrong with Frank?"

"Eliza. . . she. . . she's dead, Gerard," Ray half-whispered "It was. . . was pretty gruesome. I dunno' the full story but Frank saw the whole thing. He's been like that since we found him. I'm guessing it hit him pretty deep."

I choked. If only I'd. . . why didn't I just. . . Why was I such an idiot?

"This is my fault," I whispered.

"No-no, Gerard, it's not!" Ray said firmly.

"Yes it is! Why didn't I just let her kiss me and be done with it?" I demanded, clutching my hair tight and yanking hard.

Ray reached out and took hold of my hands. He carefully but firmly unwound my fingers from around my black locks and pulled them down. He held my hands firmly to keep me from doing it again and looked hard into my eyes.

"You have no idea what would've happened after that. You were being decent, Gerard."

". . . Gerard bring that little stool thing over here. Frank, listen, okay? Listen, it's not your fault."

I followed Mikey's eyes to the stool in the corner and snatched it up and rushed it over to Mikey. He was kneeling beside a clammy and sweating Frank, who was laid out flat on the floor, staring at the ceiling with those wide vacant eyes.

"What's happening?" I questioned as Mikey took the stool from me.

"He's going into shock," Mikey replied hurriedly.

He moved the stool towards Frank's feet and lifted both feet onto the step of the stool. I touched his cheek. His skin was cold and sweaty. He didn't react to my touch at all.

"And he's going into shock fast!" Mikey flustered "Very fast. Ray, heat up that kettle."

"What for?"

"I dunno' whatever there is. Tea, coffee, just hot water if y'have to! Just step on it!"

Ray clattered about, preparing Frank's drink. Mikey checked Frank's pulse again and swore quietly to himself.

"Talk to him, Gerard," He ordered "Pinch his skin or something! See if he'll react to pain!"

"Is it serious?" I questioned, looking into those heavy but distant eyes.

"Getting there. . ." Mikey murmered uncertainly "Pinch him. Talk to him. Try and get his attention, Gerard!"

I nodded, looking back at Frank. He was staring up at the ceiling above him. Just staring, staring, staring. What on Earth had he seen that could do something like this to him? To him, the most level-headed and cool person out of us all. The leader almost. Yet, here he was, lying un-responsive on the floor, staring distantly whereever his eyes were fixated.

My fingers touched his hair apprehensively. He didn't twitch. I started to gently brush the hair back from his face, brushing it to one side. I'd never seen anyone in shock before and I'd least of all expected someone like Frank to go into shock. He was such a strong-willed and firm person. It didn't seem right that he was immobile from the shock of seeing Eliza's death; she wasn't the first person to have died tonight and she wouldn't be the last.

"Frank?" I questioned.

He didn't move a muscle.

"Frank, it-it's Gerard," I spoke slowly, unsure of what to say to him "Are you. . . are-are you listening to me?"


I waved my hand over his eyes. They flickered slightly but no other response was visible.

"Check his breathing, Gerard!"

I leaned a little closer and strained to hear. Slow, deep breaths. Very slow ones. But he was breathing still. I was terrified for one moment he'd stopped breathing and had died without us knowing.

"Is he gonna' die?!" I panicked.

"Not yet, Gerard," Mikey reassured "Not yet. If he doesn't snap out of it, he'll pass out eventually - but that won't happen for at least a few hours. So we don't have to panic just yet!" He hurried after seeing my expression.

I turned back to Frank's empty eyes. Oh God, what if we couldn't get him to snap out of it? What if he did pass out?

Ray hurried forwards with a steaming mug.

"Coffee," He said.

Mikey thanked him and set it to one side. I spoke to Frank again, trying my best to get his attention. He just ignored me, refusing to interact with any of us. I pinched his arm hard through his sleeve. Nothing. Not even a flit of those eyes.

"Try something else," Mikey ordered "Slap him, if you have to! Slap him hard."

I took a breath in.

"Frank, if you can hear me," I began "I'm very sorry about this! But you're not dying on us and this'll help!"

I closed my eyes, brought my hand back and lashed hard at the side of his face. . .

There was a loud slap of skin on skin. Frank's head had turned beneath the force of my slap. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Then Frank inhaled sharply, his eyes flickering and blinking.

He didn't move but he'd definitely felt that. His cheek was reddening from where I'd slapped him; I could see a handprint forming. He blinked again, his pupils seemed to become less dilated everytime he blinked. There was a sigh of relief whisering through the room as Frank blearily tried to lift his head. Mikey gently touched his shoulders and pushed him back down as he tried to sit up.

"Don't try and get up just yet," He said gently "You've just had a nasty shock!"

Frank just nodded briefly.

"How. . . how do you feel?" I asked worriedly.

His eyes flickered over towards me as I spoke. At least he was more aware of what was going on now. He opened his mouth and croaked it out.

"T-thirsty," He said "S-so thirsty."

Mikey lifted the coffee from beside him and held it out to Frank. Frank lifted his head carefully to take a sip. Mikey only let him take a small sip of coffee and then questioned if Frank felt dizzy or nauseous. He shook his head.

"Are you tired? Do you feel anxious?"

Frank shook his head no. I lifted his head carefully. He looked up at me and smiled weakly.

"Thanks," He whispered "Thank you, guys," He spoke a little louder.

Everyone nodded and smiled. He smiled softly in return, breathing deeply. His head rested snugly in the crook of my arm where I'd lifted him. Mikey gave him another sip of coffee.

"Do you know what happened, Frank?" Mikey questioned.

"I uh. . . went into shock, right?" He replied.

"Yeah," Mikey nodded "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Before Gerard slapped me?" He asked, watching as Mikey nodded "Um. . . the last thing I remember is looking at the lights. The last thing I remember clearly is. . ."

"We can guess," Bob said "Don't say it again."

Frank nodded gratefully. I brushed the hair from his still damp forehead. Poor Eliza. Poor Frank. It must have been pretty horrible if it had sent him into such a state. Mikey looked at him quizzically.

"I've never known someone to go into shock so fast," He spoke, his first aid training course speaking through him "Do you know why you went into shock so fast?"

Frank stiffened very slightly. Then he began to chew his lip and look thoughtful. His eyebrows were furrowed as he thought. Eventually he shook his head.

"Different people react at different speeds to different things, I guess," He shrugged.

Then he hauled himself up into a sitting position, gripping me tight as he did so for support. I helped him, putting one arm around him as he swayed light-headedly. He leant against me as he recovered.

He looked so different to the person I despised a few hours ago. A few hours ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of letting him hold onto me like this while he recovered from the state of shock he'd been in. Different situations can bring out the most unlikely of responses from us. It's amazing really.

"We should move on," Frank said firmly "We don't wanna' stop in one place too long in case those things find us."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, yeah, for those of you who aren't familiar with Resident Evil, Eliza's death in the previous chapter is a direct scene from Resident Evil 1

So yeah, I watched it like LMAO Slllack! You can either rescue Rebecca or (as you saw above) let her get killed. The game goes on either way haha! Yeah, that monster is called a Hunter.

Also, you may or may not have missed the last update. I'm gonna' guess a few of you did miss it seeing as no readers are showing and only Sugar. commented. For the reason that she commented, this chapter is in her honour ^_^ Thank you.

Thanks guys.

Until next time, ciao!