The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Mikey's P.O.V:

"Gerard?!" I questioned "Gee, are you okay?"

He nodded slowly and reached out to hug me. I pulled myself into him and hugged him tight, sniffling pathetically. He kissed the top of my head and seated himself down, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He smiled to himself as he exhaled, his shoulders sagging to indicate he was much more relaxed.

"Thank God I've still got cigarettes," He murmered, inhaling sharply on his cigarette as if saying that might make it disappear from his fingers.

I smiled and shook my head. Once a Gerard, always a Gerard. He began to blow smoke rings, drumming his fingers against the top of the table he was seated at. I sat next to him and rested my head awkwardly on his shoulder. His arm slithered around me, squeezing tightly and supportively.

Frank wandered out from the back room, also armed with a cigarette. I wondered if he was like Gerard and smoked when he needed to steady his nerves. He certainly didn't look at ease when he sat down and rested his head in his hands. He grasped onto his hair tightly and every so often he'd moan to himself. I glanced at Gerard and he shrugged, indicating he didn't know what to say or do.

"Frank?" He questioned gently.

"What?" He mumbled into his hands.

"Um. . . would you uh. . . like to sit with us?" He offered politely.

"S-sure. Thanks," He murmered, getting up and pretty much falling into his seat beside me.

He inhaled on his cigarette again, blowing the smoke with a turned head. He then rested his head in one hand, his elbow on the table to prop his head up. Every so often the hand holding the cigarette would move, indicating he wasn't getting his nicotine fix.

Gerard watched him finish off the first cigarette and then light up another one straight afterwards. Frank then smoked his way through this second cigarette and fumbled about for a third. Gerard reached out and took hold of Frank's wrist as he tried to spark up.

"Hey, just take it easy," He urged gently.

Frank snatched his wrist free and pocketed his lighter grudgingly, placing the cigarette in his top pocket. Gerard smiled awkwardly. Frank scowled. I reached out for Gerard's hand.

"How am I supposed to take it easy, Gerard?" Frank growled.

"Frank, I didn't mean-"

"How am I supposed to take it easy?" He repeated, standing up with a violent jerk "I've got responsibility for you, Mikey, Ray and Bob. We're trapped in the city, just waiting to be eaten alive! And you're telling me to take it easy? I've already seen two people die that I was supposed to be caring for! One of them, I had to kill myself, the other I might as well have killed! And you're telling me to take it easy?!"

"Frank-" I tried before being interrupted.

"I'm still covered in Eliza's blood, if you hadn't noticed!" Frank continued "How can I take it easy when I'm still covered in her blood?! TELL ME, GERARD! COME ON! TELL ME!"

"I-I don't know, Frank," Gerard stuttered.

"You can start by calming down, Frank," Bob said firmly, stepping up behind Frank and placing a hand firmly on his shoulder.

Frank's expression turned bitter, his eyes watering. Bob was visibly pushing down on his shoulder, trying to get him to sit back down. Frank was also visibly struggling to stay standing. Eventually, he caved in and sat down in his chair, his eyes still watering. He bit his lip hard.

Bob patted Frank's shoulder in attempt to be comforting. He murmered comforting little nothings to Frank as Frank bit his lip harder and harder, his clenched fists shaking. Gerard stood up and walked over to Ray without another word.

I didn't dare speak for fear of setting Frank off again. But he did seem calmer now.

Instead, I pondered about the people I cared out. Was this only happening in Racoon City? Were my parents okay? Did anyone outside know what was happening and that we were trapped? If they knew, my parents would definitely send help. Perhaps if we could get to a phone. . .

"Guys, those birds are moving," Ray exclaimed, peeping through the blinds of the windows.

"What?" Frank questioned, jumping up and moving towards him.

"Yeah, they're just. . . sorta flying off."

Frank nudged Ray to make room for himself and peered through the blinds too. He stood watching for about a minute. Then he nodded slowly.

"Right, we're moving again, guys!" He said firmly "We should find somewhere where we can get cleaned up and stop to get some sleep."

"I agree," Bob nodded "That's probably a good idea. We all need some rest. All of us," He said with a firm stare at Frank.

Frank kept eye-contact for a short while before turning away and peering out through the blinds again. He moved his head from angle to angle to try and see if there was anything outside. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him as he slowly turned back and nodded to us, moving quickly to the door and sliding the bolt open. The chain rattled and the key scraped.

There was a slow sinister creak as the door opened.

Frank held the door ajar and carefully peeked through the gap between the door and the doorframe, moving to hold his gun in between himself and the door. He slowly slipped outside, aiming his gun readily. Gerard followed, tugging my hand as an indication to follow.

Outside was totally silent. Better than being filled with the sound of running feet, screaming, gunshots and vicious snarls I guess. Despite my overwhelming fear, my eyelids were starting to feel very heavy. I wanted to sleep. All the fear and running had tired me out. I was so ready to just lie down and sleep.

"Look at you," Gerard murmered fondly "You're exhausted, aren't you?"

I nodded slowly with my heavy head. I'd fall asleep right where I was if I could. God was I tired. Gerard patted my head gently.

"I know the feeling."

I sighed heavily, resting my head on his shoulder. Gerard held onto me carefully, encouragingly pulling me along.

"It's okay, Mikey," Frank offered "I know a street not far from here. We can stop there."

Gerard nodded gratefully and I managed a smile in his direction. We needed to sleep. All of us were exhausted from the constant fear and there was no way coffee would keep us sustained. Frank needed to clean up - he was plastered in blood - and we could all use a shower. Personally, I wanted a nice comfy bed and a big double cheese burger. Doubt I'd be able to run down to McDonald's, though.

The street Frank told us about was totally silent when we got there. Ray turned the corner carefully, holding his gun up high and ready. Bob followed Ray closely, turning his head about and carefully keeping an eye out for any threats. Gerard held onto me tightly, also turning his head and scanning all around us. We slowly continued forwards, listening out. It was so quiet it was scary. I know you're probably wondering how I can say the silence was scary when there were a thousand or more dead canniballs chasing us around. Simple, the silence was scary, running from reanimated dead bodies was absolutely, hair-raisingly terrifying.

Frank hurried forwards towards one of the houses, pressing his ear against the front door, while Ray and Bob kept watch. I shivered and fought a yawn.


Frank kicked at the door hard. The door groaned and had a dent from the force but didn't move. Frank pressed his shoulder against the door, leaning into it to test the force needed. Gerard stepped forwards and leaned against the door with him. Frank smiled gratefully. The pair of them counted to three then rammed against the door with their shoulders. The door groaned again. Three, two, one. . .


The door sprang open while Frank and Gerard jumped backwards, raising their guns readily. Nothing. Silence. Frank stepped forwards through the doorway carefully, gun raised. He soon disappeared into the darkness of the house, searching. I clutched at Gerard's shirt, waiting. Frank was gone for a couple of minutes when we heard the bang. Gerard's head snapped up at the sound of the gunshot and the thud. He then clutched onto me just as tight as I clutched onto him, his eyes were fixed on the door. He swallowed hard and clutched me tighter and tighter.

Grunting and groaning. . .

Gerard clutched onto me so tight I thought I would break.

Thud, thud, thud

A body fell down the stairs and through the doorway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, guys!

I'm back! And I updated for you! Now it's the summer, I hope to update as often as I can.

Remember to comment!

Take care, guys!