The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Tactfully changing the subject

Mikey's P.O.V:

Gerard was curled up on the couch when I got back. I rolled my eyes at the low snore he emitted due to how deeply asleep he was. I'd like to say he looked cute like the first night he arrived but lying on your front in boxers with a duvet trapped between your legs is hardly cute.

I proceeded out into the kitchen and flipped the switch on the kettle to make two cups of coffee. There was silence except for the hissing of the kettle as it boiled. Then there was a flicker and burst of noise as I switched the little tv in the kitchen on to check out the news.

And the main news this afternoon, another body was discovered in the Arklay mountains this afternoon after the police recieved reports of a man missing for three days. Tom reports to us from the Raccoon City police station. . .

"Thank you, Jamie, I'm here with S.T.A.R.S Officer Frank Iero who has been investigating these murders for the last few weeks. So, Officer Iero, tell us about this case."

"Well, this is a very serious issue and we're launching full-scale investigations in order to find the killer behind all this. We are doing everything we can to stop this and bring the murderer to justice and hope to do so before any more people are killed."

"What was the crime scene like this afternoon?"

"Horrible, absolutely horrible. The body has yet to be identified and confirmed to be Ash Jenkins due to the severity of the mutilation. I find it sickening that someone could do that to someone. It really wasn't a pleasant place to be."

"Were all crime scenes like this?"

"Yes, sadly."

"And how close do you believe you are to finding the killer?"

"As I said before, we're launching full investigations to find the killer and doing everything we can to stop them. . .

"In other words, they have no idea," I muttered to myself, sipping my coffee.

"Who has no idea about what?" Gee grunted sleepily, entering the room.

"The police, about those murders in the mountains."

"Oh right, yeah I don't think they'll ever find the guy behind it, to be honest. People are gonna' have to cease all camping trips up there, eh?"

"Yeah," I laughed, handing him his coffee.

He sipped happily, stretching one arm and holding his coffee steady with the other. I leant back against the counter, one elbow on it to steady myself. Gerard seated himself at the table, switching the tv over. He has this weird phobia of cops. Then again, I guess he has reason to due to all the crap in his past.

"So how was work?"

"It was good and I earned this thing called money!"

"I'm glad, otherwise we'd starve," He replied calmly, flipping open his cigarette box and sparking one up.

I rolled my eyes disapprovingly at the stick of tobacco floating between his chapped lips. He looked up at me as he exhaled, holding it between two fingers. For a second, the lighting caught him badly and I almost saw the old Gerard.

The Gerard no one liked, with his thin pale face and sunken in-looking eyes. His tired, withdrawn look. The worthless Gerard that I'd lost all faith and hope in. But he isn't that Gerard anymore. And he doesn't plan to be that Gerard ever again. I'm proud of him for getting back up on his feet and starting all over.

Smoking isn't something he can seem to give up. I used to smoke too but it was more to try and look tough. I stopped when I realised it wouldn't do me or my asthma any favours. Gerard refuses to quit it, though. When I asked him why, he claimed he needed some kind of poison to be addicted to. So I just let him get on with it. If he wants to give himself cancer, it's not my problem.

"You might wanna' consider getting a job yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, I will," He insisted.

"I'm serious-"

"I made a friend today," He stated, tactfully changing the subject.

"Oh, cool," I smiled back "Where to?"

"The park," He replied "He's ok, I mean, we didn't get on too great at first but now we do and we were planning on hanging out at a bar or something."

"Is this a boyfriend, Gee?"

"No. He's straight."

"Ok, ok," I protested, raising my hands in defeat "I just thought. . . from the way you were saying it and stuff."

He sighed and shook his head, inhaling more of his cigarette and sipping his coffee. I sat opposite him with my coffee, smiling awkwardly. Silent moments with Gerard around are dire. That's why I normally try to keep a conversation flowing with him. He makes them so awkward.

"I think I'm gonna' go grab a shower," I stated, getting up.

"Ok," He shrugged.

"Try not to blow anything up."

"I will."
♠ ♠ ♠
Things will get more interesting soon, I promise!

You need character background info, right?