The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Frank's P.O.V:

The jet of hot water caused an immediate blast of steam which, in turn, fogged up the mirrors and the windows. The flame burst from the tips of my fingers and I flicked my lighter to light up the candles to avoid turning the light on. There was a softness created by the candles. It was like I could now take a moment to mourn the lives that had been lost tonight.

I bowed my head and took a moment of silence for them all.

God, so many people had died tonight. So many innocent and good people. And some of those deaths were all my fault. Like Eliza. . .

Slowly I peeled off my clothes, layer by bloody layer, and stepped into the shower. The hot water rained down onto me, cascading down my body. I sighed to myself and closed my eyes, letting the water do its work on the blood.

It was all my fault Eliza was dead. If only I'd gotten to her faster. If only I had reacted faster. And Nick - oh God. Nick. My partner. One of my best friends. And I'd killed him. I was responsible for his death. I caused it.

The feel of skin against mine made me jump almost violently. It was a pair of hands, slipping around my waist carefully. A warm body pressed up close against my back. I didn't need to wonder who this visitor was. A pair of lips brushed against my neck softly. I tilted my head back, my eyes closed.

"Hey, Gerard," I murmered.

"Hey," He whispered softly in response.

As he began kissing my neck softly, I reached up behind me to take hold of his hair. I curled my fists around what I could, sighing softly. Gerard's arms tightened around my waist, pulling us closer together. There was this warmth between us that I'd never felt before. It made the entire experience different to past experiences with similar positions. The feelings were new. They made it completely different.

Gerard's teeth scraped the skin of my neck, forcing me to groan softly. Something he didn't do that I was used to everyone doing was focus all of his attention on my scorpion tattoo on my neck. That was good.

"It's funny," Gerard murmered in my ear, slowly running the tip of his tongue along the shell.

"W-what is?" I groaned softly.

"A few hours ago, I absolutely hated you," He confessed "I couldn't stand you."

"I felt similar for a little while. Now look at us," I murmered.

"That's my point," He replied, smiling against the skin between my neck and collar where it was lovely and sensitive.

I groaned again, returning my hands to Gerard's hair, clutching tightly. He seemed to respond to every little move I made. If I tightened my hands a little, he'd kiss where I wanted him to kiss. One little sigh and he'd pull me closer to him. It was amazing.

He was leaning down and kissing along my shoulder blades, something he made me realise I loved. Oh, I loved it. Kiss me again, Gerard. Kiss me in ways I thought I'd never know. Almost as if he were psychic, he moved up my back to the base of my neck, kissing softly. A soft 'Ohh' barely audible, reverberated around us both, lost in the steam. His teeth scraped against the skin. I clutched tighter at his hair. His lips trailed to the side of my neck where it was sensitive. I groaned softly.

And that's how I found myself on my knees in front of Gerard Way. Well I didn't literally go from having him kissing my neck to being on my knees in front of him. Basically, his kissing my neck was driving me mad. I'd never felt such things. It wasn't just lust. If it was, I would've acted already. It was something much deeper. Something that made it worth savouring every moment. Something that made it plus one more time that anyone could ever count better than past experiences. I turned to face him and everything fell into place. It felt natural.

My arms were around his neck and I was kissing him. Our kiss was slow and deep but at the same time fast and frantic. We needed this. We needed each other. Gerard bit into my lip, tugging on it and making me groan to myself. I decided it was time to return my feelings. And I moved onto his neck, kissing softly. He sighed into my ear, his arms slipping up from my waist to clutch my shoulders and pull us closer together. I scraped my teeth against his neck, making him groan rather throatily and throw his head back. I hushed a gentle 'shh' into his ear. He nodded and buried his face into my hair. Every so often there was a muffled 'Mmmph' as he tried to keep the noise from bursting out.

I slowly slid to the front of his neck, kissing and sucking gently to emit a soft moan. Further down I slid, kissing my way down his chest, dragging my hands down behind me, my nails pressing into the skin. Gerard groaned to himself. I smiled against the skin of his torso, slowly kissing my way downwards. I stopped at his stomach, kissing hungrily at his flat stomach. That's how I was on my knees in front of him. No, I wasn't performing some kind of sex act. I was kissing his stomach. Re-exploring the side of my sexuality I'd almost forgotten. To be fair, I'd almost forgotten the entire world of relationships and love. But the last few relationships had been with women, save for the odd mistaken kiss after a few beers.

Gerard's hands were in my hair, clutching at it for dear life. I smiled against the skin of his stomach, kissing my way back up, running my hands up his arching back. There was a soft 'Uuuh' from Gerard as I ran my hands back down his chest, my nails digging in. Back up his neck. A gentle nibble. And then lips on lips. Kiss me, Gerard. Oh it was wonderful. Lips squeezing, tongues touching, bodies melting into one. His arms were around me, pulling me in as close to him as possible. I moaned softly for him to catch the sound on his lips and smother. The steam all around us was fogging my vision as I pulled back to look at him. We leant closer, resting our foreheads against each others, breathing hard. Gerard's eyes had changed from their light hazel mixed with flecks of caramel to a rich dark brown; like chocolate.

As I got my breath back, an immediate sense of panic swelled up inside of me. What the hell was I doing?

Gerard looked startled and hurt as I pulled back automatically. Oh God oh god oh god oh god ohgodohgod! What had I been thinking? I raised both hands to my hair, clutching it tight. Then I swore and lowered them again as I had the flashback.

"I'm sorry, Gerard," I said "I really am!"

His voice sounded small when he spoke.

"For what?"

"That was bad! Should not have done that! No. Should not have done that. Should. Not. Have done that!" I gabbled to myself "Bad. Very very bad."

I immediately turned around and doused myself under the steaming hot water, pushing my hair from my eyes and scrubbing at myself vigorously. I needed to get out of here. Just get showered and then out of here. Then I'd make sure Gerard and I were never left alone together again.

"Why - why was it bad?" Gerard questioned timidly.

My back stiffened.

"Don't do this, Gerard," I begged "It's already hard enough as it is."

"But I don't understand," He continued "What's wrong? It hurts, Frank. What was so bad about it?"

"Because. . . because it wasn't wrong. That's why it's wrong! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stop myself-"

"And why is that such a bad thing?"

I admit, I lost my temper slightly. He was being so. . . naive about this. I whirled around and gripped his arms tight, my face right up in his. He looked shocked, almost afraid.

"You don't get it, do you?" I hissed "I can't just lose control like that! It's unprofessional. And there are bigger things happening out there than you and me! People are dying out there! I can't just stand here in the shower, lose control and - and -"

"And what? Take a break from a fantastic job you've already done trying to save as many lives as possible?" Gerard questioned sharply with an expression cool as a cucumber "You're so uptight, Frank. You can't save the world by yourself. Why can't you learn to take a break? We're safe for now and we can do whatever we want while we wait for help!"

"Becuase I don't want to just lose it like that, Gerard!" I growled back "I don't want it-"

"You liar!" He hissed back "You do want it. You wanted it all!"

I was so glad the shower was still on and there to drown our voices. No one would be able to hear our argument. Thank God, because I didn't know when this would end and the involvement of the others would make it twice as bad.

Gerard's eyes were narrowed and his entire expression was stony. He pulled his arms from my grip and reversed it so it was him clutching hard onto me. I could've broken loose. I could've stopped him. But I didn't. Gerard's face was an inch from mine.

"You are a bare-faced liar, Frank Iero," He hissed right in my face "You wanted it just as much as me. I could feel it. I may not be very good with people but it was so obvious! You wanted more and more-"

I opened my mouth to make a weak protest but I only got to a 'N-' before he cut me off.

"I am talking and you will listen!" He said sharply "You wanted it so much! I know you did! And I think it scared you!"

Damnit, he was good. I was scared. He was right on target. I wanted it so badly that I'd frightened myself. I'd never wanted someone or what they offered me so much and it was scary. It terrified me. I just wouldn't admit it at the time.

"You are scared, aren't you?" He questioned after I didn't say anything, his tone softening "Why? Why can't you admit it? What am I gonna' do? Laugh? Please, Frank, we're both in the same situation. At our most vulnerable. Don't reject me because you can't deal with your fear, please. I - I like you, Frank. And I'm scared too! I've never liked anyone so much before."

I still didn't say anything. This is when I should have said something. I should have been a man and admitted I was scared to Gerard then I could get my boy and I'd have been a man about it. I would have risen up and conquered my fear by confessing I was terrified. Because I was. I was scared stiff. So why couldn't I admit it? Why was I being such a coward?

Gerard watched me mentally battle with myself, his face slowly crumpling. His eyes glistened and he bit his lip as if trying to swallow something. His voice was begging when he spoke to me.

"Please, Frank," He whispered "Don't hurt the both of us. I feel like I need you. I think. . . I think I'm falling in love with you. I've never loved anyone before. Do you understand how scary that is?"

Love. He loved me. Is that how I felt? Is that why I was so scared? Did I feel the same?

Gerard looked so hurt. If I could explain his face. The look on his face. His voice was a tiny crack when he spoke.

"O-okay, I understand," He began "I won't push it. . . I - I'll just go-"

He jumped as I snatched at his wrist. But he knew what was coming. He met my frantic attempt at a kiss perfectly. It was almost like he knew what was coming. I bet he did. I bet that crafty fox had planned this out and anticipated that this would be my reaction. But I didn't hate him for it. He'd been right. I was scared and I needed to hear it from someone else.

We kissed frantically and messily. But it was perfect. Gerard bit down on my lip and moved to kiss my neck, making me groan out. I'd completely forgotten there were other people in the house. I wanted Gerard. He was the only thing there. He was all that mattered right now. I just wanted more of him. He began to kiss his way down my chest as I had to him. My breathing quickened and my heart raced. I clutched onto his hair as he kissed his way down down further.

He was kissing my stomach, scraping his teeth against my skin.

I moaned audibly.

Down, down, further still.

I love Gerard Way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ta daa?

I said little treat =]

I think this is one of my best ever written frerard pieces. Personally, I think tis good considering my parents ordered me not to write any descriptive sexytimees, yes?

Anyways, I'd love to hear your opinions! If you liked it, great. If you didn't, why not? Could I improve? Lemme know!

Thank you to everyone who's still reading and commenting!