The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Hard Times For All

Ray's P.O.V:

"Do you think that'll be okay?" Mikey questioned, straightening up and placing his hands on his hips.

We'd grabbed all the pillows and blankets etc. that we could find and set up sleeping areas in the master bedroom like Mikey had suggested. Bob was stretched out on an airbed we'd found in a closet and there was a double bed we'd decided we should all take it in turns sleeping on. There were two sleeping bags set up next to the airbed - one was on a camping mat to make it more comfortable.

"I should think so," I nodded "I'd give us five stars considering the circumstances."

"Hell yeah," Bob agreed "We deserve ten stars."

Mikey reached out and gave a shy high five then slapped his hand against mine too. It's amazing how being at constant risk of dying can make someone come out of their shell. I mean, hell, I liked Frank now. And I think Gerard did too. Or he was at least tolerating him. I sighed and flopped back onto the double bed. I was ready to sleep for a few hours before I had to keep watch.

Mikey stood up and stretched his arms, yawning.

"Anyone else hungry?" He questioned "I'm gonna' go get some snacks."

Bob and I both nodded our heads in agreement. I was starving. And I stank pretty bad. When Frank was done in the shower, I'd creep in after him and clean myself up. I put my arms behind my head comfortably. I needed to get some sleep before it was my turn to keep watch. But I wanted to get cleaned up.

I sat up and stretched.

"I'm gonna' go see if Frank's done in the shower," I explained to Bob.

He nodded his head and stretched out on the bed. I wandered out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom where steam was seeping out from under the door. Frank had been in there for ages. I wanted a shower.

"Frank?" I called quietly, gently rapping my knuckles on the door.

Muffled by the sound of the shower was a very faint groan. I cocked my head curiously and pressed my ear closer to the door. Was he hurt? Was he jacking off in there? Was that why he was taking so long? Seriously, Frank. There are people wanting to use the shower.

There was another groan. Louder this time. It sounded strained.

I reached out for the round doorknob and turned it slowly, opening the door ajar to stick my head around to see if he'd been hurt. Perhaps he'd been bitten and was trying to keep it hidden from us.

But, oh boy, was I wrong.

I was not prepared for what was in front of me. I knew Gerard and Frank were getting on better but I didn't realise quite how much better.

Through the steam of the shower I could see two figures. Gerard and Frank. Frank was on his knees, kissing Gerard's stomach while Gerard tossed his head back and clutched at Frank's hair. The pair of them looked like they were having a really good time. I was shocked. So shocked I was frozen. But I couldn't just stand there and watch them like some kind of pervert. I came to my senses and backed away, easing the door shut.

Great. I'd never be able to look at them both with a straight face ever again. And, to make it worse, I had the expression on Gerard's face branded onto my brain. And they were naked. Oh yeah, I'd never be able to take those two seriously ever again.

"Are you okay, Ray?" Bob whispered as I stumbled back into the bedroom.

"I will be," I replied "Just gimme a moment."

I then proceeded to thump my head into the airbed repeatedly. That image would get out of my head! I'd make it. Bob looked alarmed as I continued to try and force the images of Gerard and Frank together out of my head. Out. Out. Out out out!

Eventually, I stopped and rested back on the airbed, staring up at the ceiling. I was going to be scarred for life. A miserable groan emitted from my lips.

"What's the matter?" Bob questioned.

"N-nothing," I lied quickly "Just walked in on Frank in the shower."

"Ah," He nodded understandably "I did that when we were teenagers. We were apartment-sharing at one point."

"Not pretty," I insisted.

Bob smiled and shook his head sympathetically. I smiled back awkwardly. What were those two doing? Any other time and I probably would've been cheering Gerard on but this wasn't any other time! What a stupid time to decide to act on your feelings for someone! This wasn't the time! It just wasn't practical.

Mikey returned with a tray of chips and dip, granola bars, cookies and yoghurts. I dived on the granola bars, snatching up a maple syrup flavoured one. Both looked rather alarmed as I did so, giggling nervously.

"Sorry, guys," I commented "I like granola bars!"

"So we're gonna' have to race you to those things, huh?" Bob commented with a smile.

I smirked and nodded, taking another bite of the chewey goodness I held in my hand. Mikey giggled anxiously, parking himself down next to me on one of the sleeping bags, lying on his front and reaching for a cookie and taking a mammoth bite from it. He licked his lips apologetically as crumbs sprayed everywhere. I shook my head with a laugh, he thinks I have manners? Bob didn't seem fazed by Mikey's crumb incident either.

Oh, boy! I was tired. I sighed and shifted about to try and get comfortable, bidding Mikey and Bob goodnight. Mikey agreed that he should get some sleep too and settled down. The horror of the entire night began to catch up with me. I was exhausted. Falling asleep wasn't hard.

* * *

Rustle, rustle.

I jolted with a sharp inhale, lashing out as a reflex. A hand grabbed at my wrist and another clamped over my mouth.

"Sorry!" Gerard whispered sharply "I'm sorry!"

"Jesus, Gerard!" I hissed, pulling free "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Sorry," He insisted "I was just getting into bed! I went to get a drink."

I shook my head. Christ, he'd scared me. If he kept that up, he'd get himself shot by one of us. I ran a hand through my unruly mane of hair, exhaling slowly to try and calm my rapid heartrate.

Gerard shifted about in his sleeping bag, trying to get comfortable. I lifted my head to look around the room. Bob smiled at me from up on the double bed. I nodded to him, indicating that I'd take over. He nodded and shifted about, settling down under the covers.

"Where's Frank?" I whispered.

Gerard's eyebrows crossed and he lifted his hand to point to the double bed. That's when the huddled form next to Bob shifted about and emitted a soft snore. I sniggered softly.

"Why do you wanna' know?" Gerard asked.

I sighed to myself.

"I uh. . . I know what you guys were up to!" I confessed.

"What?" He hissed "What are you talking about?"

"I think you know, Gerard," I replied "Don't embarrass yourself by making me say it."

He swore quietly under his breath.

"Fine," He replied "I'm guessing you want to ask me about it?"

"Well, I wasn't exactly expecting it!" I replied awkwardly.

"Well, what do you wanna' know?"

"What was that?" I demanded "Are you guys, like, together?"

He shifted awkwardly. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could just make out his ghostly pallor reddening through the darkness. Gerard wasn't one to blush. It was weird seeing him with pink cheeks. I wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Unofficially," He whispered shyly "I think. . . I think I love him, Ray."

I scoffed.

"You can't love him, Gerard! You've only just met!"

His face crumpled. He couldn't love him. It just wasn't possible. They barely knew each other; people don't fall in love in a few hours,- it takes months if not years. Gerard was being dumb. It was just an infatuation- nothing more. Call me harsh but he needed to hear it.

"It's like me saying I'm in love with Bob, for Christ's sake!" I insisted "Best thing to do is make the most of what they're good for."

"But maybe I want more than messy one-night stands that lead to more trouble than they're worth!" He snapped "It's not me, Ray! That's you!"

"It should be the way for everyone!" I replied coldly "Love only leads to trouble. It's messier than 'one-night stands that are more trouble than they're worth'."

He shook his head furiously, his dark hair flying wildly as he protested. If only he could see how ridiculous he was being. Love was bad; it spelled trouble with a capital T. Why couldn't he see that? He was just going to hurt himself. I was telling him this because I didn't want him to hurt. Sometimes, you have to be cruel to be kind.

"Well, you're an idiot then," I replied harshly, turning over so that I wasn't facing him.

We said no more to each other for the rest of that night. Gerard simply sighed to himself and rustled about a bit before going quiet.

I bit my lip into the silence, clutching tightly at the material of my sleeping bag. Painful memories. Such painful memories. I bit harder into my lip. Why couldn't he understand I was trying to help him? I was only trying to prevent him from making the same mistakes as me. He didn't need that.

It was silent save for the odd snore. God, how did we ever get into this nightmare? What made it happen? Was it something to do with Umbrella? Frank had mentioned them before. Maybe they had some sort of involvement? But why would a pharmaceutical company be dabbling around in virology that turned people into cannibalistic killers? It was weird. Not to mention unnerving. Umbrella was huge. One of the largest suppliers of medical products around. It was frightening to think of what they could do.

Gerard sighed in his sleep beside me. He was an idiot, thinking he was in love with Frank after one night. I bit my lip again. I didn't want the memories. I wanted them to stay locked up away at the back of my mind. I bit my pillow and screamed silently into the darkness.
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Hey guys!

Gawwwwwwhhhhhhhh schoolworks been driving me maaaaaaad! Had hardly any time to write anything =[

On the plus side: I thought all you evanescence fans might like to see my friend's media video I helped her with! T'was good fun to film (no I'm not the actress) Just scroll down to watch (an orgasm over it's goodness ;] lol)

Take care y'all!