The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


Mikey's P.O.V:

The fact that Ray and Gerard barely spoke a word to one another was very apparent, but I suppose it is when you're all cooped up in the same house with nothing to do. We'd managed to get the TV working after a few well-aimed kicks. Nothing on the news about our situation. How could we be rescued if no one knew we were in danger?

Under Bob's orders, Frank spent the morning sleeping; only rising to eat some toast and drink some coffee before crawling back into bed. Gerard had been hovering about uncertainly, peering out through the gaps in the boards Bob had nailed across the windows. Bob had been boarding up most of the day, ensuring all the windows were blocked. Ray had been sitting on the couch, watching TV and staring into space at intervals.

We'd had no trouble all day. It'd been quiet.

But that didn't stop the overwhelming sense of fear that surrounded us. We still tiptoed through the house, we ate in silence, we dared not breathe. Around afternoon time, Frank appeared downstairs and began making lists and maps of our options and possible escape routes with Bob. I hovered in the hallway with one ear pressed against the kitchen door, listening to the murmur of their voices.

"- looks like our best option at the moment." Bob's voice was saying.

"Yeah, but there's no guarantee Umbrella don't have their boys posted on the other side, in case someone else tries that."

"But it's the safest plan we've got-"

"Is it though?"

There was a silence between them both for the longest time. I shivered anxiously at the silence. It was making me nervous. The way they were so serious and quiet as they spoke, I mean. They knew we were running out of options and they were getting stressed as they searched for a safe option. It was frightening. I didn't want to be stuck here, waiting to die. None of us did.

"Y'know, Mikey," The voice said, making me start "It's rude to listen in on private conversations."

"Jesus, Gerard," I hissed "Give someone a heart attack why don't you?"

He smirked and leant against the door, pressing a finger to his lips. I grinned cheekily back, feeling like we were little kids trying to find out what our Christmas presents were again. Gerard listened closely, his eyebrows furrowing as the conversation on the other side went on. His expression grew stonier and stonier.

"What is it?" I whispered "What's happening?"

"Shh!" He hissed, holding a finger up to silence me.

I could hear the faint murmur of voices on the other side. Carefully, I pressed my ear against the door with Gerard to try and get a piece of the action.

". . . how do we tell the others?" Frank questioned.

"We'll just come out with it!" Bob said in a matter-of-factly tone "We don't have much choice, do we?"

"I guess not," Frank wavered "I still don't think it's a good idea!"

"It's risky, I know," Bob agreed "We don't know what's crawling around down there but it's the only realistic option!"

There was the sound of a chair scraping. I looked up at Gerard with panicked eyes. And he suddenly seized the handle and pushed the door open, revealing a very surprised Frank about to leave the room.

"Hey, guys!" Gerard said brightly "Not interrupting am I? Sorry, Mikey and I were gonna' make some coffee!"

I took this as my cue to shyly shuffle in after him, giving Frank and Bob polite smiles as I did so.

"No, we were just finished," Bob said politely "Go ahead. In fact, could I have one please?"

"Sure!" Gerard grinned, clattering about with mugs "You want one, Frank?" He questioned to the still surprised looking figure.

"I think I will, if you don't mind," Frank replied calmly.

And then off he went, giving me a small nod as he passed me. I smiled back and went to join Bob at the kitchen table. There was a map of the city spread out on the table. I looked across at it curiously.

“What's that for?” I questioned, nodding to it.

He straightened in his seat, interlocking his fingers and exhaling heavily. Gerard clattered about with mugs and a teaspoon. I watched Bob take a mug from Gerard and sip his coffee. Gerard sat down in between us, sliding a steaming mug in front of me.

“We're just looking for ways out.”

“Any luck?” I questioned.

“We have an idea but it's crazy. We're looking for the best alternate.”

I nodded uncertainly, looking up at the clock on the wall. It was getting kinda' late. Maybe I should make some use out of myself.

Gerard looked up at me as I stood up and began rummaging through the cupboards. Whoever had been here before had taken a lot of food with them. I grabbed at various cans and boxes, inspecting them. There was a bag of pasta stowed at the back of the cupboard. I pulled it out and inspected it curiously.

“Whatcha doing, Mikey?” Gerard questioned.

“I'm gonna' make myself useful and cook us some food.”

“Who's cooking?” Frank questioned, re-entering the room and taking the last mug of coffee.

“Mikey,” Gerard replied.

“Pasta,” I explained, holding the bag up “But we're running out of food. Whoever was here before us must have take most of it with them.”

Frank sipped his coffee thoughtfully and nodded. I poured a load of pasta into a saucepan and filled it up with water to boil. There were tinned tomatoes I could mix in and chickpeas and a tomato purée. Maybe it wouldn't be the most beautiful meal in the world but it would be food nonetheless.

I wasn't much good at anything else. I hadn't really helped us get to where we were. I needed to do something for the group. Show I wasn't completely useless. Maybe cooking's a girly thing to most people but I enjoyed it. And I was good at it.

“Well that's something we'll need to get,” Frank insisted.

“Supplies?” Bob questioned.

“Yeah,” Frank replied “Food, drink, batteries, torches. Maybe backpacks.”

We all nodded in agreement. I set the stove on and placed the saucepan on the hob.

“So I think two of us should go to get the supplies,” Frank continued “And the others can stay here. We'll go at night so we have a little bit of cover at least.”

Again we all nodded. I stirred the pasta, willing it to cook faster. I watched Bob stand up and pat Frank on the arm.

“I'll go with you,” He said “We can wait for Mikey to cook, eat and then go.”

Gerard walked over to me and began inspecting the cans with me.

“Mm, I love chickpeas,” He smiled.

“I don't think both of us should go,” Frank said “One of us should stay behind in case something happens. I'll stay behind if you want.”

“Nah, it's alright,” Bob commented “I'm more than happy to sit around watching free TV.”

Frank smiled knowingly at him. I sipped at my coffee, watching the pasta.

“If Ray doesn't wanna' go, I'll go with you,” Gerard offered “Mikey's not leaving this house!”

“We'll talk to him,” Frank insisted “One thing's for sure and it's that we've got to get some food if we're going to survive.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess who. Did you guys miss me?

It's been forever and this is the best I can give you. I'm sorry guys, I feel awful about it! I'm trying to get back into writing on mibba again! I've uploaded a new one-shot called "One Last Time" if you're interested.

And I have some promoting to do =)

I've been doing a degree in Journalism This is my page

And my boyfriend and his band have taken off this summer =D They're called Setting Circles and you have to like them ;) Dealing with groupies for the bf is not cool, though >=(

And here's a live video I took of them at their second gig so you can see them! Yes, I was so proud of him =D He's the handsome handsome bassist =D

And here's my interview with them! It's rubbish because I have such a shitty sound editing software but here: