The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead


*A week later*

Frank's P.O.V:

"Yo, Iero!"

I ignored Nick's calls and continued to flip through the crime scene photographs and various reports. There had to be a clue in here somewhere. All crime scenes have clues. All of them. Sometimes, they're just hard to find. But they are there if you look close enough.

"Frank! Earth to Iero!"


"We've got a call, we gotta' get to the museum," He explained "Apparantly, some dude's gone psycho down there."

With a roll of my eyes, I was up and following him down the hall to the car. Time to kick some angry ex's ass. . . again, cuff him up. . . again and shove him into the car. . . again. Fun. Ok, it is cool to know you're enforcing the law and have kids look at you and think 'Wow, I wanna' be like him one day'. That's cool. And when people look at you with this pure gratitude and all you've done is your job. It feels good to know your work is appreciated.


"So what do we have?" I questioned in the car on the short drive there.

"Some guy down the museum just unexpectedly turned crazy and started attacking people in the museum."


People were yelling and running out the door when we showed up. Security guards were ushering people away quickly. Ambulance lights flashed, informing us that the guy was potentially dagerous. Nick and I got outta' the car and swept past the people in the crowd, occasionally shoving them aside and yelling 'Move, police, move'. I instantly recognised one of the guys in the security uniform and made my way over to him.

"Hey, Bob," I said "Where's the guy?"

"He's inside. In the art section." He replied.

"Any casualties?"

"He tried to bite a load of people! I swear the dude's rabid or something."

"Anyone hurt?"

"Um. . . I think he took a chunk out of a little kid and two of the guys I work with when they tried to throw him out."

"They still in there with him?"

"The kid's Mom managed to get him out with her and James made it out too but Matt's still in there with him."

"Okay, let's go," I stated, turning to Nick.

He nodded and we both made our way up the steps and entered the building quickly. A guy shrieked from one of the areas inside. Nick looked at me, concern painted across his face. I reached into my holster and pulled my firearm out, bending my elbows to direct it towards the ceiling and holding it by the side of my head. Nick mimicked me, pointing out the art room. I nodded to him and we both stood on either side of the entrance.

Nick looked at me for confirmation and I nodded to him. Inside was the sound of someone groaning and crying out.

"Listen, this is the police," Nick exclaimed loudly "We're armed and we're prepared to fire if you don't come out with your hands behind your head."

"Oh God please help me! He's insane!"

"You have five seconds." I warned.

"Five. . . four. . . three. . . two. . . one."

Nick and I both turned and kicked the doors open, bursting into the room with our firearms ready. The source of the noise came from the other end of the room, by a painting of some kind of weird horizon. The yelling was made by a guy on the floor with another guy on all fours over him. His fists were pounding into his attacker's head in attempt to get free.

"Hey!" I yelled, grabbing his attention.

He looked up at us. His appearance was repulsive. His skin was paler than anything of this world, almost blue and his hair was uncared for. His eyes were blank and glazed over, giving him a very eerie appeal. Colourless lips were curled back to reveal his glinting teeth, stained with fresh blood. Nick cursed to my right. I had to agree with him. This guy looked like a psyche ward escapee.

Slowly, he got up off of the guard on the floor, who scrabbled away and curled up in the corner. Nick aimed his firearm meaningfully. He stumbled closer to us, dragging his feet lazily.

"Put your hands behind your head!" I ordered.

He ignored me, coming closer. His breathing was ragged and sounded laboured. He even snarled at me like some kind of animal. I stepped closer, pulling a set of cuffs out.

"Hands behind your head." I repeated firmly.

We were getting closer to each other. . .

And he suddenly lunged.

I brought my arms up to protect my head as his flailing arms grabbed at me. He snarled again, snapping his teeth and pulling on my arms to try and bring them closer to his snapping jaws. Instantly, I brought my knee up between us, jammed it into his stomach and then slammed my foot hard into his stomach. He staggered backwards, stunned for a few moments.

"Jeez, Frank, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I replied, turning my attention back to the psycho in front of me "Stay back." I ordered, aiming my firearm.

He ignored me and continued advancing on me again.

"I'm warning you now! I will fire if you come any closer, I'm not messing around with you."

I recieved no reaction so I aimed and fired with a bang. He looked down at his foot where I'd shot and snarled angrily at me. I blinked, shocked by his reaction. How could that not have hurt him?

"What the. . ."

I fired again as he staggered forwards. This time I hit his kneecaps, forcing him to fall to the ground. But then he started crawling for me.

"Jesus!" Nick exclaimed behind me.

I wound up aiming for his head menacingly. But he didn't do anything. So I planted a bullet firmly in his head. And he fell motionless. Nick stepped up beside me, staring in disgust at the body on the floor. I looked up at the guy cowering in the corner.

"You Matt?"

"Uh huh," He nodded, not tearing his eyes from the body on the floor.

"Come with us," I encouraged, extending a hand "We'll get you some help. Medical attention, maybe trauma support if you need it."

"Okay," He whimpered, taking my hand and getting up.

"Did he hurt you badly?"

"He bit me, man!" He exclaimed, showing me two bite marks on his arm.

They were really bad; blood pouring from them. Huge gouges of flesh missing.

The paramedics dived on us as soon as we were outside, ushering Matt away to get him fixed up. The back-up guys advanced on me and Nick, demanding to know what had happened.

"I had to neutralize him," I stated "We're gonna' need someone to clean up in there."

"What happened?"

"He was hostile and left me no choice. He bit three people and took a good chunk or two outta' the security guard in there."


"I know, it took two shots just to get him on the ground!"

"At least it's done now."

I nodded, turning to see Bob approaching me curiously. He'd lost his stupid security guard hat that he rarely wears anyway. I don't blame him! That thing makes him look gay as a picnic basket. And the dude's not even gay so that's not a good thing.

"Hey, Frank?"


"W-what happened in there? Is Matt okay?"

"I think he's a little shaken up but he should be okay, I think."

"Good. God, that guy was insane."

"Just a little. I think I deserve a drink, tonight!"

"Too right," Bob grinned.

"Call me later, sugar," I winked, allowing Nick to usher me away and talk law with him and his associates.

It took a little while to clear everything up and send people on their way. And then a news team showed up and wanted to talk to us so it was a long and hot and boring few hours. Of course, they wanted to interview me again for being the one who'd shot that guy in the head so I had to stand in front of that camera with a mic shoved in my face for the second time that fortnight.