The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Since when did you own them?

Gerard's P.O.V:

Mikey and I were both sprawled out on the couch, watching god knows what on tv. Mikey had a huge bowl of cheetos and threw me some every so often. If I wanted more, it would take a punch to the gut to get some. And that's when the door banged. We both groaned, looking at each other to see who would be getting it. We're both as stubborn as each other. . . with me being the more stubborn one, hehe.

"Well, since no one else is committed to opening the front door, I'll get it!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Okay, you do that!" I replied, waving a hand lazily. . .


"What?" I cried in shock, jumping up and sprinting down the hall.

Two voices rang out high and clear, shrieking with laughter.

Mikey and Ray.

"Not funny, guys," I pouted, crossing my arms moodily.

They both giggled immaturely and followed me back into the living room. I snatched up Mikey's cheetos and munched happily on them. Ray demanded a handful too, shoving his hand in and snatching up a handful when I refused to give him any.

"Did you just come here to get us to feed you?"

"Maybe," He replied with a stupid grin.

"Get out," I said firmly with a stupid grin myself.

Ray laughed and threw himself down beside me. Mikey made himself comfortable on my lap due to the lack of room. It didn't bother me and I just slipped my arms round his waist, tickling him. He squealed like a girl and hit me feebly to try and make me stop. Yes, I cuddle and tickle my baby brother. Problem? I love him, okay? I'm allowed to display my affections. I've been doing so since he was born.

"So you got off easy?" I questioned, looking at Ray.

"A warning," He replied "I reckon the guy likes me; then again, who wouldn't?" He added cockily.

"What makes you think that?"

"He's arrested me twice."


"That guy who's always on tv now. . . Lero or something."

"Frank Iero?" Mikey questioned.

"Yeah that's him!"

I shuddered at the mention of the cop's name. Nothing personal, it's just his career. Cops will never be a good thing to me. I got mugged once and I didn't call the cops even then. That's how bad I hate cops.


"What the hell?" Mikey demanded "Rude."

The door banged again. And again. Mikey groaned and heaved himself up off the couch. I lifted my legs up comfortably and rested them on the couch. Ray mimicked me, resting his legs on my own. He even put his arms behind his head like he was on his own sofa at home. I rolled my eyes. The guys so confident it's unreal.

"OH MY GOD!" Mikey screamed "GERARD, RAY!"

We both sat up straight in shock. I was up to investigate immediately. If it was another prank, Mikey would be hurt and he knew it. Ray pursued me to see what Mikey was screaming about.


Mikey was trying to force the door shut and there was an arm closed around it, grabbing at him. The hand was deathly pale, paler than me, and blood was caked beneath the owner's nails. It was sick.

Ray immediately sped down the hall to try and help Mikey close the door, slamming his full weight into it. I just stared like an idiot for a second.

"GET HIM OFF!" Mikey screamed.

I grabbed at the guys hand, now closed around Mikey's arm, and wrenched at at it, trying to uncurl his fingers. Someone snarled angriliy from the other side and rattled the door, pushing into it insistantly.

"GET BACK!" Ray yelled to the guy on the other side of the door "GET THE HELL BACK! GET HIM OFF OF HIM, GERARD!"

"I'M TRYING!" I yelled back.

There was a lot of yelling on our behalf and snarling on our attacker's behalf. Mikey screamed over and over 'cause the guy wouldn't let go of his arm, despite the fact that all three of us were trying to pull him off. Ray kept yelling at me to call the cops but I wouldn't. I continued to wrench this guys fingers back while Ray and Mikey tried to get the door shut. There was a sickening crack and the guys finger dislocated. My stomach heaved as I continued to try and get him off of Mikey.

Eventually, I gave up. There was no way he was letting go. Both Ray and Mikey yelled after me as I sped off to my room and pulled the rug on my floor back. There's a loose floorboard there somewhere. . .

"Where are you?" I demanded, running my nails along the floorboards. . .

Ray and Mikey were still trying to force the door shut, yelling and screaming threats out to the guy on the other side. I re-entered the hall, yelling at them to move. Mikey looked horrified when he saw me.

"MOVE!" I yelled.

They both dived to the side, Mikey's arm coming free from the force of his tug. Now why couldn't he have done that before?


Mikey lifted his head to look at me in shock. I was breathing heavily, staring at the powerful object in my hand. It made me feel good. I'd bought them long before I came to live with Mikey. And I brought them with me just in case.

"Where the hell did you get that?!" Mikey demanded, shoving the front door shut.

"I've got two!" I replied "I bought them about two years ago now."

"What the hell for?" He exclaimed, his breathing starting to go funny "I mean. . . do you even-even have a license for that thing?"

"Of course I do!" I insisted "I'm not a law-breaker all the time!"

He wheezed in response, searching his pockets for his blue inhaler. When he found it, he lifted it up and took a puff on it desperately. I set my gun down on the side cabinet and walked over, placing a hand on his back and rubbing soothingly.

"It's okay, just take it easy, Mikes," I hushed.

His breathing slowly regulated and he clutched onto me fearfully. I hugged him back, kissing the top of his head. He began to sob, whimpering that I killed someone and we were all killers.

"It's okay, Mikey, it was self-defence, right?"

He nodded shakily, gripping me tight. Ray was standing by the door, still in shock and inspecting the hole I'd made. He caught my eye and gestured to the door with his head. I nodded and loosened my grip on Mikey.

"Do you wanna' go somewhere else?" I questioned "If that guy has any friends, I doubt the door's gonna' last."

"O-okay." He whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was hard to come up with an ending for this chapter, hence why it's so abrupt!

Sorry everyone!