The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Car crash

Ray's P.O.V:

It took us ten minutes to figure out what we should do with the body. In the end, we shoved it out at the end of the hall the floor above us. Mikey promised us there was no CCTV so we wouldn't get caught. And Gerard was smart enough to produce latex gloves from Mikey's first aid kit before touching the body. We're lucky no one came outta' their apartment. I would've been back in the station before I could blink.

While Gerard was dumping the body upstairs, I ushered Mikey downstairs. He was still pretty het up over what had happened and was shaking quite bad. Gerard joined us moments later and hurried us along as if he were herding sheep. Makes you wonder what he did in his spare time back in Jersey to think about putting gloves on before handling a body.

"C'mon, Mikey," He encouraged, holding the door to Mikey's car open "Get in."

He slid in slowly, rigid like a rock. I slipped in beside him and awkwardly put an arm round his bony shoulders. Gerard seated himself in the front of the car and started it up. The car revved and roared as we set off down the street. I looked out the window uncertainly.

Mikey whined to himself, staring out the window miserably as if trying to calm himself down. Gerard cast a worried glance at him over his shoulder. He only took his eyes off the road for a second. But a second is all it takes for an idiot to dash out into the middle of the road.

"GERARD!" I screeched.

He turned back in time.

"Oh, Jesus!" He shrieked, swerving the car and heading us straight into a streetlamp.

Mikey covered his ears and kept his head down low like a little kid would. I flattened myself out against the seats as we crashed the car and practically got wrapped around it.

"You alright?" I questioned, glancing at Mikey.

He nodded shakily, trembling like the ground quakes during an earthquake.

"Gerard, are you okay?"

No reply.


I grunted and shifted forward to see him. Gerard was slumped forwards across the steering wheel, blood trickling from a cut in the side of his head. My hand rested on his back as I shook him. Mikey inhaled sharply, scrabbling around to see.

"Is he okay?"

"Um. . ."

I checked his neck quickly for that light pounding feeling.

Nothing. . .

"Ray?" Mikey whimpered.

Nothing. . .

I moved my fingers around, pressing harder to try and make his heart beat faster.

Thump. . . thump. . . thump. . . thump. . thump. . thump. . .

"It's okay," I said proudly "He has a pulse, he's breathing."

Mikey sighed in relief, letting his head fall onto the headrest in front of him. I rested a hand on his shoulder, patting. He managed a weak half-smile, turning to look at his older brother with concern.

Those two care about each other more than anything else in the world. My older brother's back home in Jersey. I'll have to call him later; tell him that I went to a police station, got attacked by a crazy guy and was in a car crash. I need to go visit him sometime. We haven't seen each other since Christmas.

"Oh my God, are you guys okay?" Someone questioned, banging on the car door and sticking their head through the open window "I saw the accident and I felt like I shouldn't leave you guys out here!"

His choice of words made me cross my eyebrows.

"C'mon, you can't stay here!" He urged, pulling the door open and practically wrenching me and Mikey out "Is he okay?" He questioned, motioning to Gerard.

"He's out," I replied, pulling the front door open and leaning in to get Gerard.

The guy helped me pull Gerard out and we supported him by slinging one arm over our shoulders. Mikey trotted along behind anxiously. He kept glancing around worriedly as if he thought people were gonna' think we were kidnappers or criminals.

"Is he alright?"

"I think he hit his head," I replied "But I think he'll be okay when he comes round!"

He nodded.

"I'm Bob, by the way," He said, his blond hair gleaming in the sunlight.


"Mikey. And that's Gerard."

"Uh huh, c'mon, let's get to my car!" He ordered, pointing out a gleaming black vehicle parked along the sidewalk.

Gerard groaned as we slipped him into the backseat. Mikey slid in beside him, a hopeful expression shining on his face. Bob gestured for me to get in the front with him, so I did. The sound of Gerard's groans and grunts of discomfort were enough to tell me that he was okay.

"My head," He groaned "I could kill that guy! Who the hell walks out in front of a car without a deathwish?"

No one bothered to reply.

"Should we get him to the hospital?" I questioned.

"No," Bob replied quickly "We're headed to Raven's Gate Bridge, okay? Just get outta' here before anything else."


"You can't tell me those psychos haven't come for you!"

I thought briefly.

"Some crazy guy tried to break into our apartment," Mikey piped up from the back.

"What happened?" Bob demanded "Did he hurt anyone? Did he try and bite you?"

"He never got in but he grabbed my arm and stuff. . ."

"He hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine. Gerard. . . got rid of him."

Bob nodded, not tearing his eyes from the road. I glanced down and noticed the holster, immediately worrying. He saw my staring and glanced at it briefly. And then patted it as if it were a puppy.

"I'm a security guard," He explained "And, at the moment, you're gonna' need one of these things. Psychos everywhere, trying to bite people to death! It's been going on since yesterday. Some guy in the museum took a chunk clean right outta' a co-worker."


Gerard continued to complain about his 'throbbing head'. Mikey cooed and shushed him until I finally turned around and told them both to shut it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bet you thought Gee was dead, then! Huh?

I was watching Resident Evil 3 so I felt the urge to write more of this lol!

I'm furious with the film-makers for killing Otto (that really cool bus driver. The guy who said 'Oooh, that was a juicy one' when he ran the zombie over!)