The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

Keeping in line

Frank's P.O.V:

My radio crackled as I fiddled with the dial on it to check for any back up needed. Sure, it was my day off and I'd only just got up and had a shower but still. I like to think I'm dedicated to my work. I seated myself down on the edge of my bed and slipped some boxers on.

All off-duty law enforcement personel are required to report for assignment duties immediately. . .

I cocked my head to one side curiously. Why the hell did they need all of us on duty? It must have been something extreme, like a pedestrian riot or something. Calls for back up came through as I twisted the dial on the radio to see is there was anything anyone had to say.

I swore under my breath and rifled through my closet to find my work clothes. . .

Once dressed, I grabbed my car keys, fixed my holster around my middle and slipped my firearms in. Lock and load.


It was total pandemonium down at the station, people shrieking and yelling and people trying to bite other people. Just like that guy from yesterday. I'd barely walked through the door and someone was lunging at me. I raised my knee between us and forced it into his stomach. My next move was a knife strike across his throat, knocking him back.

Tae Kwon doe from the age of thirteen to seventeen.

Judo from the age of six to twelve.

And let's not forget the unarmed combat from training for the force.

"Iero!" The sergent called.


"We need you to get to Raven's Gate! They desperately need someone to direct traffic and make sure everything's running smoothly!"

"Got it-"


I ducked in time to hear the bang. And then the body collapsed on top of me. The guy stunk. Like he hadn't showered for the past twenty four hours. I shoved him off of me and gave the body a sly kick on my way out. Stupid ass.


I thought the station was bad! You should've seen Raven's Gate Bridge! It was like a zoo gone crazy. Why me? Why? Why couldn't I just go clear up a group of dudes hanging around outside a crackhouse? Much easier!

"MOVE IT!" I yelled to be heard above the noise "POLICE, MAKE WAY!"

"HEY, IERO!" Nick yelled from the front of the crowd "LET HIM THROUGH, PEOPLE!"

I shoved various people aside, pushing through the crowd until I was up front with Nick. He actually had to pull me through as some people tried to barr my way, not realising I was a cop. And my height didn't exactly help matters either. 5"4 in situations like this is a pain in the ass.

"Thank God they sent someone else! Is anyone else coming? It's crazy here."

"I dunno', they're pretty uh. . . busy down the station! A bunch of psychos everywhere! Sergent had to shoot one."

"You serious?"

"All honesty."

"God. I dunno' what the hell's going on round here!"

"OH MY GOD!" A voice screamed.

Nick and I both jumped to attention as someone near the front shrieked. She couldn't have been older than sixteen. A youth around her age, a boyfriend maybe, had dived on her and was trying to bite her. She screamed repeatedly and tried to push him off.

Nick dived forward and grabbed this guy, pulling him off of her. The guy instantly forgot his girlfriend or sister or whatever she was and turned hostile on Nick. He twisted around and seized Nick's arm, sinking his teeth in. Nick yelled and shoved at him until he collapsed on the ground. We both whipped our firearms out and directed them at him.

"Stay on the ground!" I barked.

He hissed angrily and snarled, getting up anyway. We held our positions, keeping our firearms directed at him.

"These are loaded and we will shoot!" Nick said firmly "Stay down."

Again we were ignored. I groaned inwardly. These guys were starting to get on my nerves.

"Just shoot the asshole!" Someone else called.

"Down. This is your last warning!"

Just like we thought he would, he ignored us. So we fired. And he fell dead to the ground. People all around us shrieked in shock as he crumpled. Nick groaned to my side, glancing at his arm. You could see the tooth marks. And blood oozed out slowly.

"Come on, let's get that cleaned up!" I said, directing him towards the nearest cop car.

He sat heavily in the front while I searched the glove box for a first aid kit. I dabbed at his wound with antiseptic on a piece of cotton wool. An angry hiss was his response and a light slap across the head. I rolled my eyes at his wimpiness. He's been stabbed in the shoulder with a dart before and not felt it due to the adrenaline in his system. Yet he can't handle a little bite. Ok, maybe not little but you get my meaning.

"Psychos," He mumbled "All of 'em."

"I know," I replied "Let's just get this done and get the hell outta' here, yeah?"

He nodded. I finished bandaging him up and helped him outta' the car. We returned to the front of the crowd, ushering people back and ordering them not to push and to keep in line.
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