The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

A cop

Gerard's P.O.V:

The bridge was absolutely crazy when we showed up. I tried to ignore the yelling and rested my head on Mikey's shoulder. It stopped hurting a little while ago but it was still throbbing. People crowded around the car as they were herded forwards. That guy, Bob, leant over and locked the car doors cautiously. I snuggled down into the seat, keen to sleep.

The noise level prevented me from doing so, though.

Bob beeped his car horn impatiently and I guessed he wasn't a very patient person. Mikey stroked my hair as I cuddled up to him and buried my face in his t-shirt. It smelt like deodorant and fabric softener. Ray swore and flipped off all the people in the crowd that had the cheek to swear at us.

"Do you feel okay, Gee?" Mikey asked worriedly.

"Mmhm, my head's throbbing a little but I'm okay."

"Good," He nodded, patting my head.


I groaned to myself and blocked my ears irritably. Ray glanced back at me and nudged Bob on the forearm. He looked back too and apologised, claiming that he can't help himself at times. My reply was a faint 'Mmm' and a cuddle into Mikey's thin frame.

"What time is it?" I questioned curiously.

"Erm. . ." Bob glanced at the clock on his dashboard "Four thirty."



"Dude, are you serious?" Ray exclaimed.

"Yeah. Why, you have a problem with him?"

"No, no, no!"

And then there was a quick conversation between Bob and the guy who'd come over to the car. I caught little snatches of their conversation, like 'I've just been told Umbrella are dispatching troops!' and 'We've been trying to keep the crowd quiet until they show up!'. And then Bob told him firmly to get in so Mikey and I both had to shift over a seat.

Ray cast a worried glance at me. I smiled half-consciously at him and glanced at this new person beside me. And I saw the uniform.

And I freaked inside.

A cop.

I was sitting next to a cop.

Just my freaking luck to get picked up by a guy who knows a cop, isn't it? Why a cop?! Why not a grocery store owner or something? Why?!

"We should get going!" Bob said "Before those Umbrella guys show up! I can hardly see them helping us out."

"Where are we supposed to go?" The cop demanded "We can't go anywhere but out."

"To yours! We can use your radio to call someone."

I wasn't really listening anymore, I was more concerned about edging away from the guy next to me without seeming too rude.
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Just a filler to get the guys all together, so to speak! Sorry about the crappiness!