The Venom Will Spread, but Still Walk the Dead

The chatter of machine guns

Frank's P.O.V:

. . . we've been informed that Umbrella are dispatching troops. . .

White noise and interference messed our radios up real bad. I banged mine irritably. I've never been one for showing patience and loving all this crappy modern day technology. I'll love it when it works.

"Hey, Frank, coddle it a little!" Nick exclaimed "You won't be very popular if you break it!"

"I'll coddle it and love it when it works!" I replied, trying to push the crowd back as there was a sudden surge of movement "EVERYONE BACK OFF!"

The volume of my voice seemed to intimidate them as they instantly stopped shoving and stared open-mouthed at me. I may be small but I can make one hell of a racket if necessary. And I deemed it necessary to make that level of noise at that time. Even Nick was staring at me in surprise.

"What?" I demanded.

"I didn't know you could yell that loud!"

"Yeah, well I'm a man of many talents."

I shoved a creepy looking guy backwards as he tried to slip past me. There was a lot of yelling between me and him as he tried to sneak past me again.



My head snapped up at the sound of my name being yelled. I looked all over the place until my gaze rested on the familiar car. Nick was staring too. He gave me a questioning look as I nodded to him and made my way over to the car.

Sure enough, Bob was sitting in the driver's seat of the car. I lent through the window to talk to him properly.

"What's going on, man? It's crazy here!"

"Yeah, they're all trying to get out but Umbrella gave orders not to let anyone out without some kind of medical scanning or decontamination process or something," I explained.

"What is this, a science fiction movie?"

"Seems that way!"

He glanced at the crowd curiously.

"How many of you guys are there to keep the crowd back?"

"Not enough, I think it's our guns keeping 'em back! I've just been told that Umbrella are dispatching troops!"

"Damnit, is it that serious?"

"Yeah, we've been trying to keep the crowd quiet until they show up. Then maybe we can go!"

"Get in the car," He said in his 'Don't you dare argue with me' voice.


"Get in, Frank."

"Bob I can't just-"

"Get. In. Now."

I groaned inwardly and pulled the door to the backseat open. Two guys sitting in there shuffled over to make room for me, friends of his? I slipped in beside them and pulled the car door shut behind me. The sitting next to me had his head resting on the others shoulder. I assumed they were dating or something. He had messy black hair and pale skin. All he needed was a pair of shades and a huge-ass body guard.

"We should get going!" Bob stated "Before those Umbrella guys show up! I can hardly see them helping us out."

"Where are we supposed to go? We can't go anywhere but out."

"To yours! We can use your radio to call someone," He replied, his quick brain coming up with a plan.

Bob tried to reverse the car but some idiot had crept right up behind him in their posh, slick, silver mercedes. I hissed angrily at the 'sexy' piece of metal behind us.

"I'd love to reverse, guys, really I would," Bob said in a surprisingly calm tone "But I've got a mercedes behind me being a total dumbass!"


It took ages for the Umbrella guys to show up. We'd been sitting in the car grumpily due to the stupid ass mercedes behind us. Nick had joined us when Umbrella dismissed the police force as if they were scum. I was now sitting on his lap as I was smaller than him. The funny thing was that Nick's not even gay and I'm lean both ways guy!

No one spoke in the car and I paid them little attention anyway, just staring out the window to see if we could move or not. I jumped when someone banged on the car window. She had the tell-tale glazed over eyes. Unlike the youth from earlier, however, she didn't have any wounds anywhere. The younger guy I'd shot earlier had wounds on his forearm and leg. I could tell from the blood.

"Oh my God," One of the guys in the car whimpered.

"It's fine," I insisted.

"N-no it isn't. . . she'll get in and. . . and. . ."

Nick thought quickly and shoved the car door open, forcing her backwards. I shifted my position on his lap so that my legs were dangling out the car. When she raised herself to all fours and crawled over to me, I lashed my foot out hard. There was a crack as her nose broke but it didn't affect her so I slammed my foot out again. She grabbed at my leg, trying to drag my boot closer to her mouth.

One last kick.


"Urgh. . . you just. . ." The guy next to the guy next to me and Nick squeaked "You just. . . just-"

"Broke her neck, yeah!" I agreed "You got a problem with self-defence?"



Bob laughed and beeped his car horn irritably. I pulled a smoke outta' the pack and sparked up. This would be a long wait. . .

"Erm. . . sorry to bother you Mr. Iero, sir, but could you. . . not do that? I have asthma," The little guy squeaked out fearfully.

I sighed and rolled the window down briefly to flick the cigarette out.

"Happy? And how, may I ask, do you know my name?"

"I saw you on tv."

"Oh right-"

This is a biohazard quarantine area. Due to risk of infection, you cannot be allowed to leave the city. The situation is under control. Please return to your homes. . . You have five seconds to turn around and return to the city.

I leaned over so I could see the gates.

They were closed.

Use of live ammunition has been authorized. . .

Five. . .

"I think we should leave," Bob stated.

Four. . .

"No, I think we should get out of here!" I replied, hurriedly unbuckling my belt.

Three. . .

We all scrambled to get ourselves unbuckled.

Two. . .

We wrenched the doors open and practically fell out.

One. . .

We all hit the ground just in time as the chatter of machine gun fire filled the air. The guy with black hair had fallen out beside me and Nick. I grabbed his head and forced it down as he tried to lift it and see exactly what was going on. He pushed against me in protest and shrieked 'GET OFF OF ME' over the machine gun fire.

It came to a stop and we all scrambled up, joining the screaming crowd in running for it.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is such a movie moment! Literally!

I hate this chapter so much!