Reliving History


"Mother? Why do all the stories you tell me end the same way?" A little girl no more than six asked, as her mother gently ran a comb through her strawberry blonde locks. Hearing about the legends of her kingdom had become the little girl's daily tradition that she shared with her mother. Every evening at 7 o'clock, while her mother brushed out her hair before bed, a new story would be told, or, at the very least, a new variation or side story of an old favourite. "The princess is always safe, the hero always defeats the evil man, and everyone always lives happily ever after. And no one falls in love! What happened to romance? Drama? Perfect endings? Stories that my nurse tells me end in the princess falling in love with a dashing knight or a handsome prince!" she squealed, “I want to have a handsome knight or dashing prince! Or anything really!

"Darling, I know you'd be upset with me should the end be any other way,” her mother said softly, "I know exactly how you would react, my princess. Besides, the tales your nurse tells are only fairy tales. Nothing more than fictional tales passed down through generations to entertain little girls much like yourself,” the queen scoffed lightly and giggled at the thought of her daughter's childhood fantasies, “besides, fairy tale endings are a tad overrated.”

The princess ignored the last remark. "Your stories, they're all true, aren't they? You didn't just create them yourself, did you Mother?" The girl asked, staring into her mother's sparkling blue eyes, an identical colour to her own.

Shaking her head, the queen said, "Of course not darling, everyone in the entire kingdom has heard these stories, they have been told since before I was even born. Some of them before even your grandparent's life times. Most even before their grandparents life times."

The little girl slid off the stool she'd been sitting on, and made her way over to the bed. "Mother?"

"Yes my dear?"

"Why do the princesses in the stories all have the same name as me?" She asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and crawling under the fluffy, warm blankets.

"Zelda, you've asked me this every night for nearly a year, you must be tired of my response by now." her mother teased, pushing her daughters hair from her face and kissing her forehead.

"I know, I know. When I get big, I will know." Zelda yawned loudly, and pulled her blankets tightly around her. "I can't wait to get big..." She trailed off, almost instantly falling asleep.

"Good night my wise little princess."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! I'll be uploading the next chapter soon if you aren't bored already, haha. Ohh, and I apologize for the premade layout, I'll be uploading the real one tomorrow, I couldn't get it to work today.