Punching in a Dream


Grayson walked me through chapters of his life, always talking about his past, & how everything led him here for a new life. I was captivated by the parts where he would explain the drug abuse, & all the parties he used to go to. It reminded me of Pieper, when she'd come over, then we would sneak out for huge bond fires at peoples' houses. It was a nice memory, I didn't have the shake of fear at those moments.

When it came to change the subject & for me to get back to work, Grayson offered me dinner at his place. "So, what do you think?"

"I think it's be legit, would it just be us?"

"If that is what you want, then yes."

"I want to know what <i>you</i> had in mind."

Grayson smiled. "Well, there is this party tonight, & I was hoping that maybe I could introduce you to some new friends, & then we head back to my place for a romantic dinner."

"I'd like that, alot." I smiled up at him. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. His lips parted with a gentle smirk & pressed agianst mine. I smiled deeply, indulging myself if this electric shock that made it's cycle up & down my spine.

"I'll see you soon." I pecked him once more & returned to Blick. I watched as Grayson crossed the street, I wondered if he I was on his mind as I trotted away from me. I turned to see Gabe behind the desk reading an AP magazine. "Hey," I said. He looked up at me & gave me a crooked smile. "How was lunch?"

"It was pretty good, we talked alot about our past lives & such. How are you? You seem to be more content as of now."

He stared at me. I think he got the hint. " 'jusa rough morning I suppose. Nothing too serious I hope."

"What do you mean?"

"I got dumped by my now exgirlfriend this morning. I thought things were going so well, I was never not good to her."

"Things happen & life moves on. I have a friend from Detroit that you'd love. She's moving down here in a couple weeks."

"What's her name?"

"Her name is Pieper."

"Cute. Do you really think she could get my attention."

"She's...eccentric. I think you two would be just find together. But we'll see once she gets here."

"Thanks, Juniper."

"You're welcome Gabe."

After our short conversation, I went throughout the day cleaning, restalking, & helping people with canvases & prices. It was a slow day, but the only thing that I had waiting for me was a nice little party, & a dinner with Grayson. I smiled at the thought of being with him in his bed, sexually & friendly.

When it was time to go home, I left Gabe by himself again. I rushed home to get dressed. I burst through the door, realizing something was off. I froze, things where I had left them weren't in the same place anymore. Papers were scattered, but seemed as thought nothing was stolen, except Ingrid. Odd. Why would anyone want an old stuffed animal. My naive mood let this problem linger. There wasn't anything I could do about it.

I shrugged everything off by the time I was at the door again. I was in a pair of shorts, a white tank top, & a dark, deep blue & green flannel with a black bandanna & chucks. I drove back to Little Italy to see Grayson standing on the corner. I honked at him, he looked up & smiled.

He raced over to my truck & hopped in. "Hey," he pecked my cheek, I blushed a deep magenta & drove to the side to park. "Are we driving seperately?"

"Just to my house, I was going to be doing the driving tonight."

I nodded. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just excited for tonight. I don't know how to express it."


I nodded again. "Don't worry, Juniper, everything will be fine," he slid closer to me & wrapped his arms around me. I smiled & drove him to where he was parked. His lips were at my neck. Oh shit.

I closed my eyes & let the flashback start.