Sequel: Hurts Like Heaven
Status: Complete.

Bliss and Bloodlust

Chapter Twenty.

My naked body was warmly wrapped up in satin sheets. I felt so good that I didn't dare move a muscle. The bed was so very comfortable and the satin felt like a second skin. And Daniel was lying beside me.

The faint light coming through the windows gave me no indication as to what time of day it was. I shut my eyes to it. I just wanted to lie here on my stomach and next the man who had given me an experience I hadn't even known existed. Last night had been so incredible. Why had I resisted him for so long? It was something I knew that both of us needed desperately.

I could feel Daniel stirring beside me. His hand slipped beneath the covers and rested on my back for a few minutes before he got out of the bed, humming some unknown tune. He sounded happy.

I felt sore as I stretched my limbs a little. We had gotten a little wild but it didn't matter now. I hoped I had been enough for him, but by the way he had reacted I don't think I had to worry about that at all. I smiled sleepily to myself.

I felt Daniel climbing back in bed with me. His hands glided up my thighs, my butt, then my back. He moved my hair to the right and kissed my left shoulder, then rested his head against it

“Darling.” he purred seductively. “Wake up.”

“Morning.” I said sleepily.

He chucked. “It's not morning.”

I opened my eyes. “What?”

“It's one, actually nearly two in the afternoon.” He kissed my neck.

“Have we really slept that long?”

“Guess so. Do you know how goddamn sexy you look right now?” I smiled. “How are you feeling?”

Dan moved so I could roll onto my back. “A bit sore but amazing.” I stretched a little more.

“Was I too rough?” He asked as his hand cupped one of my breast, there was a tiny red mark just above it.

“You could have been rougher.” I said as my fingers glided through his hair.

He looked hard at me. “Never tell a vampire that, they might take it the wrong way.” He moved so could hover over me.

His lips touched mine briefly then kissed the spot on neck were he bit me, it sent a electrifying sensation throughout my body. He then kissed a line down my body from my neck to my torso. He gave his tenderest kiss to the scar near my navel.

He looked up at me sweetly. I smiled at him.

“Want me to stop?” he asked.

“Now, why would I want you to do that?”

His blue eyes darkened with passion. I felt myself getting wet as I thought of last night, making me want him even more. And he knew it. He threw the covers over his head and went down without hesitation.


Daniel had me home by five, he had to go to do some work at the bar. When I had gotten a good look at myself I saw that I had a few small bruises on my thighs, my back and where Dan had bitten me looked like a bruise, purple and might pass for a hickey. Might. I could see the two puncture wounds more clearly the more I looked at it. I had taken a long, hot soothing shower with my vampire lover so I was feeling extra good.

“I'll be back to get you tonight around eleven no later than twelve.” he said when he dropped me off. He wanted to take me out again tonight. I told him I'd be ready and he promised to call should his plans change.

“By the way you owe me a pair of panties.” I said as I shut the car door.

He smiled a wicked little smile. “Oh, that reminds me, don't wear any.” And with that he drove away.

I threw on a t-shirt and jeans and tossed my hair into a side ponytail to cover my 'passion mark'. Aunt Bren had been out of town since Wednesday and would be back tomorrow afternoon so I had the house to myself. I took the time to do a few loads of laundry, clean the bathroom and watch a few T.V. shows I had on DVR. Human stuff. I had leftovers for dinner, talked to Cass on phone, but didn't tell her about last night, and by nine I could barely keep my eyes open.

I was lying on the bed with the intention of reading but I kept dosing off. I turned off the light and set the alarm on my cell so I wouldn't stay asleep too long.

The sound of someone downstairs woke me suddenly. It sounded as if a window had broke and something had fell over, making a loud bang. The clock read 10:23. I got from the bed and quietly grabbed the bat I keep under my bed.

The house was dark, I had turned of nearly all the lights, save for one in the bathroom. There wasn't a sound coming from downstairs but it didn't mean I was alone. I tried to tap into the vampire blood I still had in my system but it helped not. I slowly crept down the hall to the top of the stairs. I peeked around the corner but saw nothing. I was about to go down when I though better of it. I slowly backed away until I was in my room again, grabbed my phone, went back into the hall and listened closely but all I hear was the sound of a slow trickle of rain outside.

Minute passed in silence and nothing happened, maybe I had just imagined it. I put the phone on silent and crept downstairs. That's when I heard the sound of a car engine starting up and a car speeding off in the distance. I looked out the window at the front door but they were gone, whomever 'they' were. I searched the house and found broken windows in the kitchen.

Once I made sure no one else was in the house with me I called Daniel. The rain had increased by the time he arrived which was about ten minutes later.

“What happened?” Dan said, British accent coming through strongly as he stalked into the kitchen where there was broken glass from the windows on the floor. His eyes were ablaze with anger, rage. “Are you okay?”

I nodded but I was anything but. Daniel saw how I was shaking and quickly wrapped his protective arms around my body.

“I need to clean up.” I muttered absently.

“Worry about that later. You're coming with me.”



I covered up the broken windows as best as I could and Dan cleared the glass off the floor. I felt so violated, someone had broken into my home, this had never happened before and it wasn't a coincidence that all these things began after I got shot. It was Jayson and possibly Stephanie, but definitely Jayson. Daniel was pissed I could tell, he sniffed around but said he couldn't get a clear scent because of the rain that had picked up, which meant that they hadn't come inside.

He helped me fix everything back and I grabbed a few things before locking up and heading over to his house. When we got in, it was after midnight. We went to the bedroom and Daniel suddenly punched the wall, making a deep hole there.

Shit, he was angry. I made a mental note never to piss him off.

“I'm going to kill them!” I had never seen him this angry before. I was taken aback.


“No, Tourie, I'm going to kill them, both of them. They deserve to die. All they're going to do is try to make your life a living hell until they succeed in killing you!” He yelled, voice dipping into a his natural accent and his fangs clearly visible. Oh boy.

He paced the floor and then stopped and turned his eyes to me, they were dark. “Someone was there to do you harm.” He let his words sink in. He walked closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, his anger still visible but melting away slowly. “I don't know what stopped them. I told you nothing would happen to you, and if they had killed you I would have lost my mind.”

Despite being a bit frightened by him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. For the first time I noticed something. No heartbeat. He place a hand on my head.

“I'm here. I'm alive, remember that, Dan.” I moved back to look at his face. He was calming down, a bit. “I'm tired, can we talk about it in the morning?”

He hesitated then nodded his head and slowly removed my clothes. “You should sleep naked.” He said as he undressed. I climbed in between the sheets naked and joined him. I lied on my side facing him.

“What am I going to do about the window?”

“I'm already on it.”

“I should call Bren or Cass.” If they came by and saw the broken window they might think the worse.

“You can do that first thing tomorrow, and we can disgust how we're going to kill the arsehole and the bitch.”


“I plan on never leaving this bed, it's way too comfortable.” I said upon waking up and wrapped the soft satin sheets around me. “How much did they cost?”

Daniel snorted. “You don't want to know.”

“That much, huh? Well, they are worth every penny.”

“You wear them well.” I grinned. “Mind if I join you?” he asked.

“Not at all.” I unwrapped the sheets and Dan crawled in next to me and wrapped his strong arms around my body.

It was Sunday morning and surprisingly I had gotten a very good rest. Daniel had been up a while but had climbed out of bed to make a phone call. To whom I could only guess, but truly didn't care. I snugged into Daniel's body as he wrapped the sheets around us. A sigh of contentment slipped from my lips.

“Are you ready to talk about this?” he asked, nearly ruining the moment.

“No. Let me have a few more moments of peace, please.”

“Fine.” He didn't sound angry or pissed off, just understanding. I closed my eyes and breath in the scent of him, outdoors, and something sweet I couldn't place. Then suddenly he was gently shaking me awake. “You dosed off.”

“Oh.” I swear this bed made falling asleep so easy. I sat up and grabbed my cell. “I need to call Aunt Bren. She'll be home soon and she'll want to know why the windows are broken.”

“They're fixed.” Daniel said.

“Huh?” Did he say they were fixed?

“I had them replaced this morning. Brand new.”

“You had it replaced? That fast?” It had barely been twelve hours since it had been broken.

“Yes. I've got power, darling.” he smirked, “It comes in handy sometimes.”

“Thanks.” was all I could say in response.

I went to the bathroom and called her anyway and left a message telling her where I was. I wasn't sure what time she would be coming home. I called Cassie next. She had been calling and calling last night and I hadn't talked to her since she dropped me off the day before yesterday, but I had been so tired and exhausted.

“I'm sorry.” I said after she asked why I hadn't called sooner. “I just had been busy.”

“You sure you're okay? You sound down.” and before I could say anything she blurted out, “I'm coming over.”

“I'm fine. I'm... I'm at Daniel's. I'll be home this evening.”


“Yes.” Oh, no.

“Oh. My. God!” she exclaimed loudly, “Tell me you didn't.”

“Didn't what?” I asked with false stupidity.

“Details.” she said her voice rising higher in pitch.

“Not over the phone.” I whispered, “Later. I promise.”

“Okay, later then. And tell Daniel 'hi' for me. I love you, be safe, babe.”

“Will do. Love you too.” I hung up and went back to the bedroom. “Cassie says 'hi'.” I said as I took my place in bed.

“How is that little fireball?”

I raised and eyebrow. “Fireball?”

“Yeah, it suits her.”

I laughed, wait til she hears that.

“Tourie.” Daniel got serious.

“I know. I know, we need to talk.”

“First off I'm going to get you some protection, someone to watch the house.”

Here we go. “A vampire, I assume.”


“No Dan. We'll get a alarm system. I'm not going to have some random vampire outside our house.”

“A alarm won't scare them off.”

“Well whoever was there last night left before he or she had even done anything. They aren't really that big or bad.”

“They cut your brakes, and maybe they were just trying to scare you but the implications remains the same. I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you not only safe but alive. The vampire won't have to be near the house but in the woods and only at night.”

“You're not going to let this go.”

“Of course not. Every woman should know how to protect herself, that's why I'm going to teach you how to shoot.”

I frowned at him.“Daniel, seriously?”

“I know you think it's too much, but I don't.”

He got up from the bed and walked over to his closet. He went inside for a minute and came out with a black box. He brought it over to the bed and opened it. He handed me a small switchblade pocketknife and a can of pepper spray.

“Keep them with you at least, it'll give me some peace if mind.” I only nodded. Why did he have that stuff in his closet? I got the feeling he had been planning on giving them to me. “Now what to do about Tweedledee and Tweedledum?”

“I don't know.” I threw my head back onto the pillow and closed my eyes.

Daniel's head came to rest upon my shoulder. “I know you're moral conscience is clouded, but I have no problem with doing what I know is right.”

“It'll be suspicious if suddenly the two people I have a problem with suddenly wind up dead, or missing. Don't you think that I'll be the prime suspect... or you.” He looked up at me. “I know you don't want that.”

“No, I do not.”

“I'll carry the knife, and the pepper spray. We'll get an alarm system and I'll even allow the vampire babysitter. Just don't do anything rash. They're scum, yes, my mind hasn't changed about that.”

He kissed my collarbone then sat up. “Fine. We'll do that.” But he didn't sound one bit happy about it.