Sequel: Hurts Like Heaven
Status: Complete.

Bliss and Bloodlust


“So, where are we going tonight?” I asked Daniel as we drove to my house, we were coming from his place. It was late afternoon.

“It's a surprise.” he said with a mischievous smirk. He was up to something.

“Give me a hint.”


“Well, what should I wear then?”

“Don't worry that.”

“Dan.” I said, exasperated. He grinned widely, loving my irritation. “You know I hate surprises.”

“Yeah... I know.”

We pulled into my driveway and held hands as we walked to the door. I opened the door to the dark house and went by the stairs when, “Surprise!” voice shouted all around and my family and friends had suddenly appeared and the lights came on. “Happy birthday!”

Today was my 21st birthday.

It had been over a month since that frightening May morning and I was still a bit on edge. Thing were returning to some sense of normal but I had nightmares, ones worse than I had had when Jayson had shot me the first time. Daniel was there most of the time, but he had a life of his own and I needed to deal with things on my own. My mess, my clean up. My wounds were all healed, the physically ones at least.

Stephanie had been taken to a hospital with a bad case of amnesia, the result of the car accident she had been in with her now missing boyfriend Jayson. She was found one the side of the road, half a mile from the accident sight, with a bullet in her thigh. She could barely remember her name and the things she could remember had her in a psych hold for seventy two hours. Something about seeing the devil with fang and deep black demon eyes sucking someones blood. Daniel's idea of a joke, I suppose. She hadn't know what had happened to Jayson, or how she had gotten shot, but could remember some of the accident, but thankfully not the before, the after, or me.

Dan insisted that I was safe, that she wouldn't remember much more about that night, but I still was worried. Apart of me was horrified that Daniel had messed with her mind so much but the alternative was worse. She was in the care of her parents now, shaken too badly from her experience to be on her own. I hadn't seen her, nor did I want to.

And I never figured out where he put Jayson's body. And I didn't ask. I suppose it was wherever his kind disposed of their victims bodies. His family were looking for him now, but most people just figured that he escaped the accident, shot her for some reason and skipped town, leaving his wounded lover behind. The police had asked me a few things about him but all I could do was play dumb and hope that they stuck with that theory.

Stephanie, though, would never stop searching, she truly loved that rat bastard to the point that it was sickening. I guess if you let someone beat you so badly you need to be hospitalized and still stayed by their side to plotted murder with them you because you loved them so much, you were sick as well.

Then there's Aaron. I had thanked him again for what he had done, if Stephanie hadn't sent him that text I'd be dead right now. We only vaguely talked about what happened on that morning, it was too painful for me and too weird for him. He knew Daniel was a vampire, but when I asked him about it he just changed the subject. It's not something casually talked about. He wasn't compelled or anything, just truly didn't want to talk about it.

He gave me a strange look sometimes, like he couldn't believe such things exist and I had known all along, and that I was actually dating a creature like that. Like he couldn't understand me at all. And he had been keeping his distance. I got the feeling something else happened before he and Daniel found me but both were keeping their lips sealed. They were on better terms than they had been before 'the incident' but they'd never be the best of friends.

I had jumped, in both surprise and fear. Daniel wrapped his arms quickly around my body, to calm me. He knew the reaction I had just had. I played off my fear by kissing Daniel. “It's alright.” he murmured against my mouth.

I nodded frantically, shook my self free of the fear, and turned to face my loved ones. Cassie and Aaron were the first to greet me. Bren and Phil, my parents were both here, my dad's fiance Suzanne, some other family members, some co-workers, Tina and even Carlos.

All for me.

“Guys, you know I hate surprises.” I said, trying to hide my fear behind a smile.

“We couldn't resist.” my mom said, embracing me. I hadn't seen her since last fall. I felt tears in my eyes, happy tears.

“Was this Cassie's idea?”

“Guilty.” my best friend said, raising her hand. Everyone laughed.

“Happy birthday, pumpkin.” my dad said, giving me a big kiss on my cheek.

“Hey daddy.” I said giving him a hug. “You guys didn't have to do this. Really.”

“Are you kidding. It's not everyday that my baby girl turns the big two one. It's a milestone.”

I got around to hugging everyone and then my mom, Bren and Cass unexpectedly swept me up the stairs and made me change. I only put on some skinny jeans, dressy halter top and some heels but it was better than my work clothes. And my mom quickly gave me a fishtail braid and I dabbed on a bit of makeup and looked rather pretty.

Once done they led me out back where they had set up tables, chairs, and loads of balloons. A huge stereo with speakers was near the door and they even a dance floor in the middle of the yard. The grill was going, and we had lots of food and drinks. Suzanne had gotten me a glass of red wine and someone turned up the music and people began dancing.

This was all so normal, the way life should be, fun, easy, carefree. I had almost forgot what this felt like. And it made me feel so very out of place. These people, my family and friends, had no clue what I had been going through. I felt overwhelmed. I managed to slip into the house and out the front door and made my way into the woods.

The sun was setting and the woods were growing darker. I spotted my willow and sat down, leaning my back against it. This is where it all began, I thought, where my life irrevocably changed. I could have cried, I could have screamed, but instead I just sat there, my knees to my chest, staring blindly ahead. I have been changed, I've seen and done things I never thought possible. I killed someone. Aaron knew it, he knew exactly what had happened, maybe that's why he couldn't stand to be around me anymore.

“People are looking for you.” Daniel said. I had heard him coming since he had made a point not to sneak up on me anymore

I sighed. “I know. I just needed some time alone.”

He stepped closer, and looked down at me. “I should have told you they were planning this.”

“Then you would have ruined the surprise.”

He took a seat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. We didn't speak, we didn't need to. He knew how I was feeling.

After a few minutes he said, “The first time I killed someone was as a vampire. I was in a haze, a fury, I couldn't think straight. But it felt good to me, I felt no remorse, I was a monster. You my dear are no monster.” He tilted my chin up and planted a soft kiss on my lips. “Stop feeling guilty. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you.” his eyes grew distant for a moment.

“Well you're not going to lose me now.” I whispered.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is so.”

He chuckled and stood up. I took his hand and stood, dusting dirt off of my pants. “I've got something for you.”

“You didn't have get me a thing.”

“Nonsense. Like your father said, this is a milestone.” he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small box wrapped in gold paper. I took it with a smile and opened it. Inside was a gold necklace with a small emerald stone. It was gorgeous.

“Dan. It's beautiful.”

“Here, let me put it on you.” He took it out of the box and put it around my neck, it stopped an inch below my collarbone. I touched it gently with my fingertips. “It belonged to my mother.”

I looked up at him. “I thought you said you left everything behind after you turned.”

“I had. But I went back one night, to my sisters, years later. She had it, and some other family possessions. I took it, with a few other things. I knew she would understand if I could have explained it to her.”

“Dan, I can't possible-”

“I want you to have it. Besides... it looks perfect on you.” he smirked, took my hand and we walked back to the party.

I mingled with my family, caught up on the things happening in my moms life, she said she might be moving to New Jersey for her job, she lived in Arizona now so she would be closer and we could visit each other more often. Suzanne told me the wedding was going to be this fall so I would need to start trying on bridesmaids dresses soon. Dad and Dan talked, they had met a few days ago and seemed to like one another, I breathed a sigh of relief. Mom though, wasn't as easy to please, she didn't know what to make of him yet. Cass flirted with Carlos, whom I still didn't really trust, but I knew Daniel would ring his neck if anything happened to my bestie.

Aaron I noticed avoided the vamps, otherwise he was enjoying himself. He gave me a huge hug and kiss but we didn't talk much. Bren had been worried about me since I had come home after 'the incident', I hadn't quite been myself and it had showed. But she smiled at me, I suppose I looked happier now than I had since that morning. And Dan and I were good, better than good, he was the only person I could talk to about all of this madness. I wasn't sure where things were going with us, but I liked where they were.

We got around singing Happy Birthday, I made a wish on my twenty one candles and we cut the three layer chocolate and vanilla cake that my mom had made. It was delicious. I had lots of presents, I haven't had a birthday party since I was sixteen and it had been a small, sad affair since my parents had just divorced. But now everyone I loved was here. We ate and drank and eventually I forgot about my troubles. I missed my family. I missed normality.

I was dark now and someone switched on the lanterns they had hung around, they had different coloured bulbs in them, real pretty. I looked over at Dan who was by the faux bar they had set up. Tina was mixing drinks, the two of them had a brief conversation and then he was by my side.

“Enjoying yourself?” he asked inquiringly, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Yes. This is really great.”

“I'm glad you think so. Care to dance?”

I smiled and took his hand, “Yes.”

We danced close together. “Have I told you how radiantly beautiful you look?” he said.

I blushed. “No.”

“Well you are.” He whispered in my ear seductively. “You always are.”

I placed my hand on his chest and smiled. Queen's 'You're My Best Friend.' came on. I looked over at Cass and Carlos dirty dancing together. Oh my. Mom and Bren were dancing near Aaron, all three laughing hysterically each others dance moves. Dad and Suzanne were dancing, lost in their own little world. It all made me smile, made me feel like life really was good.

Daniel's eyes followed mine. “They seem happy.”

“'Cause they are.”

He asked seriously, “Are you happy?” I bought my brown eyes to his blue ones.

“Very much so.”

“That's what I like to hear.” His lips touched mine and electricity sparked. I resisted the urge to run my hands through his hair and down his body. His eyes grew a little darker as we parted. “Is there any way I can make you even happier?”

I pressed my body closer to his, “I can think of a few ways.” I bit my bottom lip.

“Me too. But it's best if I just show you.” One of his hands was dangerously close to my backside.

I grinned wickedly. “Lead the way.”

~end of book one~
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Thank you guys so much for reading, commenting, subscribing, and recommending. I truly appreciate all the love. The prologue to the sequel Hurts Like Heaven has been posted. I hope you guys will read it.
-xoxo Zowie.