Status: Active

You Are What You Are

"I swear there's something wrong with that guy."

"Nick please stop!" I sobbed trying to catch up with Nick. 

"Why? So you can fucking make out with some random? Fuck that!" I ran up to Nick and grabbed his arm. He looked back at me, shooting daggers at me. 

"Get the fuck off me, Riley. You fucking whore."

I stopped dead in my tracks, Nick has never called me something so fowl before. I dropped to the ground and began crying hysterically. Nick always knew how to make me cry. 

"Don't bother coming home tonight." 

I looked up and Nick was far from my sight.

"Need any help?" I looked up and Ronnie was standing there with his hand held out. I glared at him and pushed him away from me. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. 

"Look, I'm just trying to be nice. There's no need to get fucking angry." 

I ripped my arms away from him, "It's your fucking fault! You had to wreck my fucking relationship with Nick. Get the fuck away from me!"

I started to walk home and looked back, Ronnie, the guy I made out with, was gone. I was in so much shit right now, Nick is gonna kill me. 

"FUCK!" I yelled. This thing could have been worse, I could have fucked Ronnie. I called Nick's name a couple of times but no one would answer. 


The house got closer and closer; all the lights were out except the bedroom. I could see Nick walking around and there were loud bangs. I walked up to the door and fiddled with the door knob.

"Please open the door!"

I banged on the door a couple of times but he wouldn't answer. 

"Fuck off!" I began kicking the door until Nick opened it. "I said fuck off. Go somewhere else, anywhere but here." 

He began closing the door but I stopped him. 

"Will you let me in? I've got no where to go Nick, it's fucking 2 in the morning. I'm tired."

He scoffed. "Fine. But you're sleeping on the couch." 

I walked in and threw my bag on the couch. 

"Don't fucking talk to me." He marched upstairs and slammed the door shut. I just fucked up a great relationship. Sure Nick and I had our fights but it was never this bad. I felt so fucking bad, I wanted to shoot myself.

I sat on the couch and buried my face in my hands. "I'm so fucking stupid."

"Riley." I opened my eyes to see Nick. 


I got up and looked around the room, I was in the bedroom. It was just a dream, thank god. 

Lately I've been having this same dream a lot and it worried me. 

"It's almost time to go. You might wanna get ready now."

I got out of bed and headed for the shower. Today Nick and the guys were leaving for tour and I was going with them. I started the shower and walked back out grabbing my shower things. 

"Excited?" I smiled and nodded my head.

"I'll be as fast as I can."


"Have you got everything?" I nodded my head an hauled my bags out the door. Johnny was out there smoking and blew smoke right in my face. 

"Really, Johnny? You know I have breathing problems." I threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. "Right, sorry. Let me help you."

Johnny grabbed my bags and walked to the bus. 

"This is going to be awesome, having Riley with us. Now I won't have to bring any girls back." he smiled. 

"Fuck off." I punched his shoulder. He pretended like he was hurt bad, Johnny was such a drama queen.

When everyone was on the bus, I headed for the back and got in one of the bunks. 

"The fuck you think you're doing?" Johnny asked. "This is where I sleep miss." 

I turned to face the wall and Johnny grabbed my feet and started pulling me out. "Johnny! I'm wearing a skirt, stop!"

I looked back at Johnny and he had the creepiest smile ever. 

"Fucking creep, get away from me!" He climbed in the bunk and started tickling me. 

"Whoa, Johnny. That's my girlfriend, you know." Nick said and grabbed Johnny. 

"Yeah, get off me, ass."

When Johnny was out of the bunk Nick climbed in and shut the curtain. 

"How does it feel being on tour?" I shrugged and took off my shoes, chucking them out of the bunk. This was the first tour I'd ever been on and I was pretty pumped about it. 

"I wish this bed was bigger. It's so fucking cramped in here."

"Get used to it babe." Nick and I both shot up and Johnny was standing there, looking at us. 

"Johnny, you're a fucking creep. Can't you see Nick and I are trying to talk?" Johnny rolled his eyes and let us be. "I swear there's something wrong with that guy."
♠ ♠ ♠
New story! Riley's outfit.

Read and tell me what you think? :D