Status: Active

You Are What You Are

"That's not the reason I brought you to the bus."

I'd spent most of the day in the bunk, sleeping. This was not healthy, I needed to do something, get my mind off being bored. 

"JOHNNY!" No one answered. I got out of the bunk and they were all to busy playing that stupid xbox.

"Hello." I waved my hands in front of their faces. 

"Nick, take care of your girlfriend. She's gonna get me kil- Fucking hell!" I laughed as Brad threw his controller on the couch. "Thanks , Ri." 

I laughed and walked to the back. 

"I knew you'd get bored." I looked back and Nick was standing there. 

"I'm so bored. I need to get out of here." Nick sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around me. I loved when he did this. 

"Entertain me." I smiled at him. He got up and walked back to were the guys were. "Fine then, jerk."

I took out my phone and decided to text Devon. 

its so boring right now. i wish you were here.

Within minute she replied back, 

Told you it gets boring but it'll get better soon.

There was a big bang followed by Dan laughing. I got up to see what it was; Johnny was on the ground holding his knee. 

"What happened?" Johnny got up and stumbled towards me, knocking me down to the floor. Nick was up in a second.

"You alright?" he asked, helping Johnny off me. I got up and rubbed the back of my head, Johnny fell on me pretty hard. Nick looked at the back of my head but said there was nothing. 

"You ass." I punched Johnny but it had no effect.

"Holy fuck Riley, you've got the weakest punch ever." I stuck my tongue out at him and headed back to my bunk. Nick followed and sat at the end. 

"You alright?" I nodded my head and pulled the blankets over me. 

"Ri, I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean that," Johnny said. I said nothing and he pulled the blankets off me. 

"Hey!" He smiled and walked away. 

"We're gonna be stopping somewhere to eat soon. You coming?" I nodded my head and got out of the bunk.

"Nick, do you love me?" I asked out of the blue. Nick looked at me with a 'whatthehell' look.

"Of course I do, Riley. You know that." he told me. "Why do you ask?"

I let out a sigh and sat on the bunk. "What would you do if I cheated on you? Would you love me then?"

"Riley, what are you trying to say?" Nick asked and sat down next to me. 

"Nothing. I'm just wondering because lately I've been having this dream where I cheat on you and you pretty much hate my ass." I explained. 

Nick looked at me and smiled. "You know that won't happen. I'll love you no matter what. You're my everything, Riley."

I looked up at him and hugged him. Nick was my everything and I'd probably be dead if I wasn't with him.

"Sorry to break up your guy's moment but it's fine to eattttt!" Brad sang.

We both laughed at him and I put my shoes on. Johnny and Dan were still playing that damn game. I regret buying it for them, they never let me play it.

I sat down next to Johnny and watched them play. "So what's the point of this?"

"All you gotta do is- ah fuck you Johnny." I giggled at Dan.

"You've gotta have skill, like me." Johnny smiled triumphantly.

"Yeah, having skill means doing the exact same move over and over again. Yeah, you've got some pretty amazing skills, man." Dan said and turned off the game.

I got up and when the bus stopped, followed Nick outside. It was a beautiful day out. It'd just stopped raining and it smiled like heaven. 

"Where we eating?" I asked.

"We'll find somewhere."


"I can't eat anymore." I said and pushed the plate of food away from me.

We ate at a local restaurant in Arizona. I leaned my head on Nick's shoulder and closed my eyes, feeling sick to my stomach. 

"Aw, little Riley can't handle the rockstar life?" Johnny cooed.

I opened my eyes and glared at him. He really knew how to get on my nerves. But if Johnny weren't in my life, then it wouldn't be as exciting.

"Sorry we're late but Robert took his sweet ass time." 

I looked behind me and there were four guys heading for our table. We motioned for me to move over to make room for them.

"It's cool."

They sat down and I was squished between Johnny and Nick. I could barely move my arms around. I was surprised this table could even fit nine people.

"Ri, this is Craig."

"Pleasure to meet you." he smiled.

I was introduced to all of them and they all seemed friendly. We chatted for another 15 minutes before getting up to leave.

"See you on the bus!" Dan said and ran to the bus, Johnny and Brad right behind him. 

"Wait!" I called. I pulled out my wallet and handed the woman the money. 

"Tour mama." Craig laughed.

"Shut up. That makes me sound...weird." I said.

---1 Week Later---

The tour wasn't so boring anymore it was getting much better. The only down side was that Nick lost his phone and that was making things hard.

"Is your hair fake?" Robert asked.

I looked over at him and my mouth was wide open. "Excuse me?"

Max burst out laughing and I threw a pillow at him. 

"What? Your hairs fucking long and every girl I know wears those fake hair things." he explained. Max was still laughing away and Bryan joined in.

"No. I don't wear those fake hair things. I'm all natural." I said.

Nick and the guys were onstage and I was sitting backstage with the ETF guys. They were pretty chill.

"Awkwarddd." Craig sang.

"I need something to drink." 

I got up and walked out of the room in search of something to drink. When I got to the stage, I watched for a bit and Nick looked at me and smiled. 

"Enjoying the show?" I looked behind me and Craig was smiling at me.

"Yeah. I should have been out there, then I could have enjoyed it more." I said and continued watching.

"Can you help me find something on our bus? It's really important." 

I followed Craig out to their bus and it was bigger than ours. Then again, they were more bigger than Get Scared. I got on the bus first and my jaw dropped. "Holy shit you guys have a sweet set up."

I could hear Craig chuckle and he began showing me around. 

"It is pretty sweet. So we gonna look or what?" I nodded my head and asked what we were looking for. He told me it was a necklace and I looked at him.

"You brought me all the way out here just to to look for a necklace." I said and sat on the couch.

"What? I can't go onstage without it. It means the world to me 'cause my grandmother gave it to me." he said ANSI began looking.

"So how old are you?" Craig asked.

"22, you?"

"23. Nick has told me you guys have been together for a long time." 

"4 years."

I headed for the back and was amazed at how big the bus was. It sure was better than out crappy little RV.

I turned around and Craig was standing in front of me, smiling. I moved to let him through but he didn't.

"Excuse me." I said feeling very uncomfortable. I looked at his neck and there was the necklace we've been looking for.

"Oh you found your necklace. Where was it?" I asked.

"That's not the reason I brought you to the bus."

"Wha-" but I was cut off by his lips against mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is!
Thank you to crazwavez for commenting :)