Status: Active

You Are What You Are

"Can you just leave?"

***Riley's POV***

I opened my eyes and remembered what went on last night. It was to good to be true, why would Nick and I have sex if he ws still hurt? Wouldn't he want to stay away from me? I turned over and Nick was asleep, he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping.

I smiled and started to play with his hair which eventually woke him up.

"Morning, babe."

"Good morning."

Johnny opened the curtains and smiled at us. "You too look like you're back together."

Nick nodded his head and got out of the bunk, taking the blankets with him.

"Nick, wait!" Too late. The blankets were already on the ground and I was completely naked; Johnny was staring. "Damn it, Nick."

I reached down and grabbed the blankets, covering my naked body and Johnny grinned. Nick closed the curtain and I could hear him talking to Johnny about me. I asked Nick if he could bring me my bag of clothes; when he did I grabbed out all the things and managed to get changed in this tiny bunk. I got out and sat next to Brad, watching him play that stupid game.

"How're you, Riley?" he asked.

"Awesome. When do we stop? I'm getting fucking hungry." I whined and leaned on him.

"Hey Armin! When do we stop?"

"In fifteen minutes."

I groaned and got up. I was starving, I couldn't wait that long. I needed food now, so I dug around in the cupboard and found Johnny's secret stash of junk food. I looked around, grabbed as much as I could and took off back to the bunk, closing the curtain behind me.

"You've been holding out on me, boy." I grinned.

Bite after bite, I finished the food in no time but before I could finish the chips, Nick opened the curtain and stared at me, then the food, then back up to me. "You know Johnny's gonna kill you if he finds out you're eating his food."

"Who am I gonna kill?"

Johnny poked his head in and his mouth was wide open.


"I'm sorry but I couldn't help it, I'm so hungry." I said and put my head down.

"Fine, I'll let it go this time but if I ever catch you eating my food again, I'll do something awful." Johnny grabbed the bag of chips and walked away. Nick laughed.

"Shut up, Nick."

"Come on, Riley. You don't need to get angry, it's only food."


"Don't worry, I'll be watching."

Nick kissed me and headed for the stage, this time I was not going to screw this up. Nick still didn't know about the hook up Craig and I had while he was on stage. I was not going to tell him about that, he'd be crushed.

"Why didn't you come to the dressing room the other day?"

I looked back and Craig was walking towards me, I groaned in disgust. How could this not have any effect on him? "Leave me alone, Craig."

"What the hell? I haven't done anything to you so you don't have to be a bitch to me."

"HA! Thanks to you, Craig, you almost ruined my relationship with Nick."

"Wait, almost? So you're back with him?"

I nodded my head and looked back to the stage. They guys were jumping around and having a good time. Nick looked at me and smiled but when he saw Craig, the smile on his face disappeared. I looked at Craig and glared at him.

"Can you just leave?"

Craig smirked and walked away. I sighed and sat down on a random chair that was randomly left there. Nick looked at me again and I smiled at him, he just looked away quickly.

***Nick's POV***

The first thing I did when I got off the stage was looking for Riley. I really hoped she wasn't doing anything bad, like sleeping with Craig. I found her in coming out of the washroom with a group of girls.

"Riley!" I called.

She looked at me and smiled. "Sorry, I just went to the washroom and you guys did amazing up there."

I smiled and hugged her, taking her back to the bus with me. Escape The Fate was just entering the stage and the crowd started going crazy. When we got outside, the guys were already there with fans. I told Riley to go on the bus so I could spend some time with them. The only thing that was on my mind right now was if Riley did anything with Craig tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nick is starting to doubt Riley, ooooo!