Status: Le work in progress..


Against Womankind, Away From You

I leaned closer to her and took in her scent. Honeysuckle. I smiled as I planted small, sweet kisses along her neck and jaw line. She began to stir around and shove me a bit. I wrapped an arm around her and she immediately began trying to fight her way out of my hold.

“You know, you’re making this very difficult,” I chuckled and brought my lips to hers.

She moved her face, so I missed her lips. Her lips curled behind her teeth and she looked up at the ceiling, gathering up what she was about to say.

“Scott...” She sighed. “This really isn’t working out...”
“Wait, what? What do you mean? What isn’t working out?” I stuttered.
“This.” She gestured at my arm wrapped around her waist. “It’s just not there anymore... There’s no spark. I wish I could say that I had those same feelings for you, but... But, I really don’t.”
“So, what? You’re just gonna break up with me? Like that?” I scoffed.
“There’s no other way to say it,” she shrugged. “I don’t want to just keep stringing you along forever.”
“Awesome,” I said sarcastically. “Here I am thinking that we actually had something.”
“We did, Scott... But, that’s long gone,” she smirked.

She got off of my bed and pulled on her sweatshirt. She walked over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

“It was fun while it lasted... But, I just don’t think you’re enough,” she said, as she slammed my door shut.

Happy anniversary, am I right? That was Stacy, by the way. Today is September 25. Or you can say today is our six month anniversary. Or you can even say today is the day Stacy Ayala tore my heart in half with her bare hands, stomped on it, and lit it on fire. Whichever way you’d like to address September 25 is fine with me.

For those who don’t know me, I’m Scott Egerton. I’m thirteen years old. Yes, I know. Why are you getting so bent up about a girl when you’re only thirteen years old? Well, Stacy was my first love... Or at least I thought she was. I reside in lovely Los Angeles, California. And by lovely, I mean shithole. Don’t believe any good things you hear about L.A. All rumors saying that it’s a beautiful place where the streets are made of gold are mediocre lies that Los Angeles citizens have made to make everyone think that their city is Heaven, when it is actually Hell. Every now and then one might see a celebrity or two, but it’s normally a D-lister, which I couldn’t care less for. I actually happen to live in the nicer area of Los Angeles, which, may I inform you, is still a piece of shit suburb.

So, more about Stacy and I? I’m only thirteen in eighth grade and she’s a sophomore in high school. I was ecstatic to have scored with an older chick. She was my first girlfriend and everybody thought that I was a freaking legend for dating one of the hottest girls in the tenth grade. I have to admit, I was nervous. I didn’t know what it was like dating, let alone dating someone two years older than me. Everyone told me that she’s into mature guys that like to make out and have fancy dinners. So, that’s what I gave her. We made out a lot and I took her out to dinner a lot. She’s a very high-maintenance girl. She’s also very self-centered... and controlling. In the beginning of our relationship, everything seemed perfect. We shared Eskimo kisses and held hands as we skipped through fields of daisies. Well... I might’ve exaggerated that last part, but we did indeed Eskimo kiss and hold hands. So, why did she break up with me?

Apparently, we lost our spark. She’s just not interested in me anymore. Here I am, head over heels for the girl, and she just effortlessly leaves me. Do you know what? Fuck girls. If love is like this, I want no part of it. Don’t think I’m old enough to make such rash decisions and assumptions about love? Well, I don’t want to experiment with something that can turn out this bad.

I reached over to my phone and frantically dialed my friend, Milo. He answered immediately, out of breath.

“Hey, Scottie,” he exhaled.
“Hey, dude. What’s up?” I mused.
“I’d rather not talk about it,” he said, slowly.
“Oh, okay...” I said, unsurely. “Would you mind coming over?”
“Bro, I’m already outside,” he laughed. “Meet me out front.”
“Sure thing.”

I snapped my phone shut and raced downstairs through the front door to the front lawn. I wrapped an arm around Milo and patted his back.

“So, why are you already here?” I questioned, sitting down on the green, leafy grass.
“Do you promise that you won’t tease me or make fun of me?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Why the fuck would I do that?”
“Because you can be an asshole,” he scoffed.
“True...” I cackled. “But, honestly, I promise I won’t make fun of you.”
“Well, Marissa broke up with me yesterday... I just wanted to talk to you and stuff...” He paused and looked up at me. “If you call me sentimental, I swear...”
“That’s it?”
“What do you mean?”
“That’s why I called you in the first place... Stacy just broke up with me.”

I scratched my head and nervously looked up and down the street. Milo did the same thing, but eventually decided to break the silence.

“I’m sorry, bro...” He sighed.
“Girls stink. They’re all evil.”
“Backstabbers,” he added.
“Why do so many people want a boyfriend or girlfriend if most of them end up in the shitter?” I scoffed. “Why do so many people put their heart at risk just for some stupid chance they’ll meet their true love?”
“Stacy must’ve done a terrific job, huh?”

I shook my head side to side and looked away for a second.

“Do you think it’s too early to give up?” I looked over at Milo, awaiting an answer.
“Not really... I’m all for it,” he shrugged. “I don’t see what’s so great about it if people just end up being all heartbroken and emotional.”
“Exactly,” I nodded. “I don’t want anything to do with love. I just want to live my life like normal minus the dramatic relationships.”
“So, are you saying you’re done with girls?” He raised a single brow at me. “Taking your dick off the map?”

I covered my mouth to hide my sheepish grin.

“Yes, Milo, I am taking my dick off the map,” I grinned.
“You know what? Me too.” He looked over at me sincerely. “I’m in this with you.”
“So, no more girls,” I clarified.
“You and me against womankind,” he nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to repost it because something effed up >.< Anyways, feed back? My first story :)