Natural Isn't Always Right

Chapter 4

Tears slipped down the cheeks of a newly broken boy, the wall his only form of support, his heart may as well have lay scattered on the floor before him. He wouldn’t be needing it anymore.

Sean’s *pov*

It hurts so bloody much, I don’t understand why he did it, what have I possibly done to him? Am I just not good enough for him? Does he hate me that much? Was I too overpowering for him? It’s ‘cause I’m pregnant isn’t it?

I want to scream, I hate him so much, but at the same time I love him with all my being, he’s the thing that kept me strong through all of this, he’s the one that was there when I found out. I want to tear the hair from my head, I want to pull it out strand by strand and make it hurt as much as humanly possible, to mask the emotional pain with physical. But more than anything I want to curl up in a ball and let the tears spill from me forever, I want to fade away; it’s not worth it without him.

“FUCK!” That hurt, that killed, I think my stomach’s about to split. Ah fuck this isn’t what I need right now, I just wish the damn things would die, that way I’d be able to do whatever the hell I wanted and no one would give a shit. He’s just gone and fucked me up again, now I’m tied to some pathetic little child that I NEVER want to lay eyes on.
“DAD!” I’m panicking now, I don’t know what to do, he’ll know... He knows everything. Oh god please don’t tell me they went out, please just someone be here.
It might have been a mistake, but I had to get onto the floor the wall wasn’t helping me stand anymore, it wasn’t doing anything at all. “Please dad... daddy.” I whimpered, my arms instantly clutching around my stomach, my head flopping down onto the floor as the tears continued to flow openly.
I’m going to die, my stomach’s going to rip and I’m going to bleed to death. I want Ian, I don’t care what’s he’s done, he can make it all better, he can make the pain go away, he’s done it before so he can do it now.


One long hour crawled by, the blonde boy remained curled up on the floor, steadily crying for the entire time, screams echoing throughout the house every ten to fifteen minutes. Darkness crept over the house as night began to fall, but none of the day’s events washed away with it, they remained clear in the mind, throughout the excruciating pain.
“Dad...” A choked sob escaped from the fifteen year old, followed by another scream as the contractions got closer together.
Another scream entered the atmosphere, but it didn’t come from the pained, it came from the man who had discovered him. It hadn’t been intentional for Sean to be left on his own, they knew that Ian was on his way the minute they left the house, they were convinced that he would be there if anything went wrong. They hadn’t expected for the events to happen.

Sean’s *pov*

“Daddy!” I’ve never been as happy to see anyone in my entire life, he was going to save me from the pain, he was going to make it all go away. He could make it go away right? “Make it stop! It hurts too much!”
“Sssssh, darling it’s alright. Dad’s here as well, we’re going to take you to the hospital.” His voice was so soft and smooth, so unbelievably calm and it relaxed me about as much as I could be, but the word hospital panicked me again.
“I can’t! I’m not meant to be like this.” I feel like I’m suffocating, like I’m drowning. They’ll take me away for tests; they’ll prod me like an alien. I can’t go, I can’t!
“It’ll be alright. I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't you just want to hug all the pain away?